The Met, Mother’s Day & Worlds Toughest Job

May 6, 2016

I was out for my morning walk yesterday, listening to one of my favourite Podcasts: Mamamia Outloud.  Anyway, they were chatting about the Met Gala in New York City.  They were talking about the fashion on the red carpet and banging on about H&M.  Someone was wearing H&M.  H&M H&M H&M…. I was waiting for one of them to chime in and say “What the hell is H&M” because in my head, out there on my solitary walk, I was thinking to myself WTF (Mum: that stands for Why The Face) is H&M!?!?

I ask you this my friends…  could it be any better than the Canturbury/RB Sellars/Asics ensemble I was featured in on my red carpet brown dusty track?  The paparazzi were hiding amongst the trees and managed to snap this shot…



So please tell me – what the hell is H&M and why don’t I know about it (don’t answer the last part of that question – I know the answer – we all know it is because I live under a rock).

I have been trying very hard this week to stay organised, on top of the washing and just generally keeping the lego on the sheet (bit like keeping the cheese on the cracker).  I have been dishing out orders for children to pick up their crap, put their lego away and just generally help out, and they have actually been pretty good.  You see we are heading off this afternoon and won’t be back for over a week.  When I say “we” I mean myself, the kids and Miss Bobbie.

First things first we are off to The Barkly Homestead today as we have Barkly Women’s Day tomorrow.  This is a bi-annual event that I organise for the women of the Barkly Tableland.  A chance for women who live on remote cattle stations or in Tennant Creek to get together for a day of fun and laughter, guest speakers, a bit of retail therapy and a champagne luncheon.  You can read about past events HERE and HERE.   I will be missing some friends this weekend who can’t make the day – I am looking at you Sue and Cindy Lou – we will have a cheers to you and a bucket full sip of bubbles for you!

The Barkly Homestead is a roadhouse in the middle of nowhere (ha – it seems most things are in the middle of nowhere up here), the roadhouse of all roadhouses, like nothing you have ever seen before.  We will be there for 2 nights and then we head into Mt Isa for the week for School of the Air Home Tutor Seminar and Sports Day.

I have been madly making jewellery in my spare time to sell at Barkly Women’s Day and also Home Tutor Seminar and may have gone a little over board with my new dotty beads.  I have dotty necklaces coming out my ears, but god I love every single one.  Have made myself a few to keep.

On the Mamamia Outloud podcast they were chatting about this video…

I am sure many of you have seen it before.  I love it and it seems 25,679,709 other people also love it.  So with that I would like to wish all the Mum’s out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.  I will be spending my day driving into Mt Isa with the kidlets but don’t worry it is an easy drive from the Barkly Homestead – all on bitumen and only 4.5 hours.  We might treat ourselves to a bit of take away for dinner.  Although I think this is my real mothers day present…


Tom can use the whipper snipper!!!!!   I am beyond excited.  I finished a solid days mowing on Tuesday and wasn’t looking forward to strapping that machine onto my body and then this little 11 year old appears before me.  I asked him if he could “go and ask Dad where the wipper snipper is”.   “Oh Mum, it’s ok I know where it is, i’ll get it, I can do it for you if you like”.  It took me about 2 seconds to decide this was a very good idea indeed.  I let the control freak in me slip away for a while and he actually did a really great job.  I couldn’t believe it.  That thing can get heavy even for me, but I suppose he is nearly as big as me.

He ended up doing the whole station – which is a HUGE job.  Now Harry wants in on the action and they have both been going around at smoko and lunch trimming anything they can get their little snipper on.   It tell you what – it saved me so much time.  He sure is a hard little worker.  Give him a real job and he is as happy as a pig in mud.

Sending a big hug to you DD, Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Right, time to hit that dusty track again for my gorgeous morning walk and then get my skates on to get the hell out of here!!  Stay tuned over the weekend and follow along on Insagram and Facebook as we attend/co-ordinate Barkly Women’s Day.  You can attend virtually – it’s fun!

So tell me, what have you got planned for the weekend?  
Or will you just be working tirelessly for “The Associates”?


  1. Michele Davis

    Hi Miss Chardy,
    The Met Ball, glad you are talking about that, I saw some snippets on the news about what they were wearing and I must buy a trash mag to see some pics. H & M is a Swedish fashion chain for all the family , (Hennes and Mauritz) ( I looked that up!) it made big news when they opened in Melbourne in the big Melbourne GPO building. You were 100 metres from it when you had that photo taken in Bourke St!
    It’s cheap and sometimes nasty ; so if she was wearing H & M while the rest were wearing couture $10,000 gowns it was a scandal ! Hers probably cost $100 oh the shame of it!
    Mothers Day is always low key but this year will be pretty special, dinner at my daughters, they have 4 month old Charlotte, ( our first grandchild), we’ll bring mum along , she’s 91 so 4 generations, we are lucky. It’s my youngest ‘s birthday on Mothers Day, Timmy will be 26,
    Love your present, tell Tom he’ll get big guns using the wipper snipper, what a star!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Michele, I don’t think i replied to this… I did read it though…. loved your comment. Hope you had a lovely Mothers day with your new grand daughter and your Mum (what a trooper – 91, wow). I sure will have to tell Tom that he will get big guns using the WS! He wasn’t so keen to help out this week, think he tired himself out the first time he used it.

  2. Sandra Scott

    I loooooved the video as well as your story.

    • Miss Chardy

      Great video isn’t it. So true.

  3. jac7star

    Yay Tom!! I can’t even get my whipper snipper started at the moment – and when I do use it, I can’t seem to do a good job anyway!
    Markets on tomorrow and then staying out at the farm to spend Sunday with the Mumma Bear…..
    Have fun at your catch up, I always love your updates from there! I think your sense of community, in the middle of nowhere, is better than most metro areas! 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there… sorry for my slow response. Hope you had a lovely weekend at the farm. Best you stay away from the whipper snipper I reckon, ha ha ha ha.

  4. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Don’t hate me because I know what H&M is – I used to shop there when I lived in the states back in 2000! What a trendsetter I know. Oh and Kirsten and I just recorded our first podcast, can’t wait for you to hear it! I have been SO busy with work and helping at the kid’s school so this weekend all I want to do is NOTHING! Happy Mother’s Day lovely x

    • Miss Chardy

      Listened to the Poddie this morning and loved it!!!!!! well done. x

  5. Cindy Lou

    Thank you Miss Chardy. I will have a glass of bubbles tonight with you in spirit as I celebrate seeing my boys for the first time since end of Feb. Enjoy my friend. Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      We missed you at Women’s Day…. definitely made sure everyone knew who you were though. xx

  6. caitlinshappyheart

    Oh, good on Tom! What a little champion.

    Hey what? Just skimmed through through the comments! Em and Kirsten have a podcast???

    ‘Scuse me. Going to check that out stat.

    PS. Happy Mothers Day Chardy! Champion sons normally are because of champion mums. Would be definitely be the case in your family.

    • Miss Chardy

      HI Caitlin, bit slow replying sorry…. Yes – hope you have checked out Em and Kirsten’s podcast by now, I listened this morning, it was great. Hope you had a lovely Mothers Day!!!!

  7. FBH

    Careful what you wish for…… Fearless leader will just find some other laborious job that he will guilt you into. You will go from yardy to bore runner in no time. I tell ya smother in his sleep!!! On a lighter note have a good mums day. I should be out soon to clean out your pipes.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha. Hurry up and get out here!!

  8. Mish

    I’m only just reading this post this morning; it’s been a rather busy week!
    The Barkly day sounds like a whole lot of fun and 4.5 hours drive on bitumen sounds rather comfortable too. We were actually supposed to go camping on the Barkly Tableland last July but decided upon a spot along the coast north of Yeppoon instead and it rained the whole time; I guess that means we will have to come out there next time!
    Mother’s Day was great fun; lunch with the family and my gorgeous kids got me a vintage resin elephant brooch : he’s cream and black and has a happy face. I had tears in my eyes when I realised 🙂 blessed indeed!
    Happy Monday Chards and have a great week!
    Mish 🙂 x


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