School of the Air: Savvy B Group Day

June 15, 2016

Last week Miss Bobbie, the kids and I all headed over to Mrs Savvy B’s place for a School of the Air Group Day.  For those of you who are new around here Mrs Savvy B is my bestie and she lives next door.  We use the term “next door” loosely because she is actually 120km away, through about 5 paddocks, 6 gates and about a 1 hour and 45 minute drive away.  Oh and she is in a different state and time zone.  But she is in fact my neighbour and I am so lucky that she is.


So off we went, up and at it very early and out of here by 6:30am because we lose 30 minutes going over to Mrs Savvy B’s house as she is in Queensland.

The kids were super excited to see their friends.  I think there were about 12 kids and even more adults.  A Group Day is a chance for the kids to get together and work with 2 teachers for the day.  The teachers are called a “Field Team” and it is their job to travel from station to station conducting Group Days.   They cover a lot of km’s, from the Gulf in QLD to Tennant Creek in the NT.  The kids had a wonderful day.  They read books, played music, did science experiments and much more.


For the adults it is a chance to catch up with other women.  Mrs Savvy B didn’t disappoint.  I tell you, I always underestimate that woman but she always comes through with the goods.  We had a lovely ladies luncheon, of sorts.



There may have been a cheeky punch involved.  No one goes hungry at Group Days.  Everyone brings a plate to share – a box of Clix count …. right? (because that is what I took – Mother of the Year).  Anyway there was more food than you could poke a stick at so it was ok that this slack Mumma only took biscuits, cheese and tomato.

Punch Pumpkin Salad Group Day Lunch

Mrs Savvy B has her garden looking so lovely…

IMG_2225 Shelly's Garden

It also gave Mrs Savvy B and I a chance for a quick chat about our up and coming hike.  Yes my friends, we are really doing this. If you missed it go and have a read of THIS post.  The one where I chat about Wild – the book I listened too and found myself obsessing about hiking.  Who the hell am I???  I have now listened to that book twice and watched the movie twice, not to mention listened to 2 other books about hikes.

No one actually believed that we would do it, but we have set a date and bought a heap of gear – hiking back packs, sleeping bags, water bladders, dehydrated food etc etc.  So we are all set – well we will be once the gear arrives.  We haven’t left much time to think about it or prepare because we head off in just over 2 weeks.  It is only a 3 day (2 night) hike from the top of Mrs Savvy B’s station down to her house.  I think it is about 70km.

Ok, enough blabbing.  Have a great day my friends.

Any hot hiking tips?
What food should we take?
What should we wear?


  1. Kit@Life through the haze

    Who even are you? Since you went off the air you are now hiking and gardening! I think we need to have a chat about this!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am hearing you, I am even scaring myself. Who am I indeed. We’ll see how long it lasts, but the plants are still alive, so that is a positive.

  2. Cate Lawrence (@Cate_Lawrence)

    ooh lovely post, the lunch looks amazing! And the grass is green! I always expect it to be dry and brown where you live…

    • Miss Chardy

      I know what you mean, before I came up here I just thought it was red dust everywhere and not much else, turns out I was wrong. Green grass around the stations makes such a difference.

  3. Emily Toxward

    Gosh I can’t wait to follow your hike! Maybe you can listen to our podcast on those cold lonely nights under the stars – with a Japanese slipper in hand of course xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Em, with all my internet trouble I now have a few of your podcasts to catch up on which it nice.

  4. Sally

    Once again a great read Miss Chardy! I have missed you and have just finished catching up on your last few post today……..
    And don’t worry you are not the only one who has not ‘take a plate to share’ haha we had a day at our local toy library last week and i didn’t have time to bake anything to share so I quickly packed a ‘random’ lunch for my kids to have!!! I wish at times i had a cooking fairy 😉
    look forward to your post about your hike…..HAVE FUN

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sally – I am sure you definitely DON’T have time for baking. You should have just bought a packet of lamingtons from the supermarket! ha ha ha.

  5. Mrs Rumbo

    HIKING!!! Oh My Goodness Chards, you never cease to amaze me. Hahaha, Have you organised with Mr Chards and Mr Savvy to set up night time Glamping. It will be chilly, we’ll all look forward to that Blog.

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, I have even shocked myself with this one Mrs Rumbo…. we’ll see how it goes but I do like a challenge.


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