Camooweal Campdraft 2016

June 17, 2016

As you read this I will be waking up in my truck at Brunette Downs Campdraft.   A campdraft in the middle of nowhere and certainly no mobile reception or wifi.  So I thought it only fitting that I finally publish this post that I wrote weeks ago, after Camooweal Campdraft, when our internet was down…

At the end of May we all packed up and headed into Camooweal for the annual Camooweal Campdraft. I don’t think we have missed one in 15 years. It is where Mr Chardy and I met back in 2001.

Now I am not going to lie to you, Campdrafting isn’t my thing, I would much rather camp near a lovely cool waterhole with green trees and waterfalls, but alas it is never to be, so instead this is what we are dealing with…


The weather was ridiculously HOT.  But Clancy toughed it out…


This year Mr & Mrs Savvy B and their gang camped with us as well as my friend Bec and her family from Alice Springs. All up I reckon there were about 30 in our camp. The kids love it and are at such a great age now where they can go off together…sipping on slushies all day long and eating ice creams. Occasionally saddling up a horse but mostly just asking for more money, because you know money grows on trees, right?


The Savvy B’s run the bar and I think I may have found my calling in life. I helped out on Saturday night and didn’t have one drink the whole time – too busy. So it not only gave me something to do, it also allowed me to chat to the endless flow of customers and kept me off the Chardy… bonus!

Although there is another dirty little secret I have to share. At one stage I did get down and dirty in the arena and helped Georgie out on the gate – the camp gate that is – where they cut out the beast before taking it out on the course. God who am I? I helped out for the kids drafts so it didn’t actually take very long and was fun to watch. Did I really just say campdrafting was fun to watch?? Be alert but not alarmed people, it isn’t all fun.

Anyway, I guess it was a fun weekend.  Here are some more photos…

This is where we camp.  In our truck.  The stallion travelled in here so first things first: I had to shovel the shit out.  I then put a big mat down to try and cover the rest of the muck, pop the bed down, put the bunks in and Bob’s your uncle.  It is basically the Hilton.   There is a shower with hot water, a bed and a fridge – what more does a girl need.  It is a bloody comfy bed too.


Mrs Savvy B & Co bought a heap of tents, we had a bit of a tent city happening.  Oh and they bought a little tiny generator too… check it out.  We could have powered a small town.

CC5 CC12

Oh hello … who is this great big HUNK OF SPUNK?


Georgie on fire…


More Hunk of Spunk putting one through the gate…


All the cool kids are called Dan.  Here are the cool kids…


So there you have it my friends.  Camooweal Campdraft for 2016.  Have a great weekend, I will report back with Brunette Campdraft & Races news next week.




  1. jac7star

    Love your campdraft posts! Good on you for working the gate too!
    If I ever travel through Camooweal I am gonna try my best to get arrested….. 😉

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there. Glad you enjoy reading them! Good luck with the arrest, ha ha ha ha. 🙂



  1. Missing In Action: Is anyone still out there? - […] of course we also just had Camooweal Campdraft.  It was this time 16 years ago that I met Mr…

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