Outback Adventures with Chards & Savvy B: The Hike – Today is the Day!

July 1, 2016

Oh my goodness.  Today is the day my friends.  I am off to Mrs Savvy B’s place today for our hike.  I still don’t know who the hell we are and what on earth has possessed us to do such a thing, but we are in fact doing it.

After months of planning, training and preparations we are off.  Ha ha ha ha, just kidding, there has been none of that.  We are more “fly by the seat of our pants” kind of girls.  I am pretty sure it was only a month ago that I made the outrageous suggestion of a hike to Mrs Savvy B.

As for training… hmmm well there has been none of that.  Unless you count 3 afternoons of walking around my track with the backpack on.

Oh and did I mention that my hiking boots/socks/shirt etc etc only arrived last night.  And only because Mr Chardy went to town.   So I think I might be hiking in my old faithful joggers rather than a new pair of shoes – even though I have 3 pairs to choose from.

I did take your advice Liz – I have some liner socks and nice thick hiking socks.  Boy, we are going to look a treat that’s for sure.  Thank god no one will see us.

Anyway, wish us luck – we will probably need it.  I am heading over to SB’s house this morning where we will lay the contents of our packs out and see what we do and don’t need.  Then Mr SB will drop us up the top of their property where we will camp the night and set off early in the morning.

Hiking bag

I will be back here on Monday afternoon and hope to have a run down of the whole ordeal to you by Wednesday, so stay tuned my friends.

And again I ask you – WHO THE HELL AM I?

Have a great weekend.



  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Good luck mate! Will be thinking of you two.
    It’s far too cold to considering caping out down here. Can’t wait to hear all about it.
    A xx

  2. Mish

    You’re going to have a great time Chards!
    Okay so you will definitely come home with blisters and sore feet and legs …but you will have proven to yourself that You Can Do It!!!
    I take my hat off to the both of you, because I’m still being a big old chicken and finding excuses to not get out of bed just 15 minutes earlier everyday to start up some Tai Chi practice again…..slack, slack, slack am I.
    Looking forward to your post on Wednesday 🙂
    Good Luck, good weather and may your blisters be few!

  3. Robyn

    You can do it !

  4. jac7star

    Good luck!


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