Where does time go?

July 8, 2016

My baby turns 5 today.  I can’t believe it.  He’s a real boy.  Just like Pinocchio, perhaps Pinocchio’s evil twin brother.  That kid is too funny for words.  He makes us laugh everyday.  I really don’t know where he comes up with half the things he comes out with on a daily basis.  And now that he can ride his bike he is a free man.  Peddling around the station whenever he likes, where ever he likes.  “Mum, i’m just going over to the kitchen to get something to eat”.  Off he peddles.


Clancy 2


Anyway, I am very glad to see 5.  You all know I don’t do babies very well so saying goodbye to toddlerville means we are in a very happy place.

And what did we get him for his Birthday I hear you ask?  Well… because we don’t have quite enough Lego to build an entire City I thought for shits and giggles I would get him MORE LEGO!  Yep.  He is going to be beside himself when he sees the big box of Lego just for him.  We also iced his Number 5 chocolate cake yesterday.  I gave into his begging and just did it.  We have 2,037 lollies to put on top too.

Today we are heading out for a picnic lunch for Sir Clancy’s Birthday, perhaps a bit of hiking – now that I am an outdoors chick and all.  I even found my very own quart pot in a drawer the other day while cleaning up.  Oh and we will finish off the day by the campfire and cook some sausages for his birthday dinner.  Gee we spoil him don’t we!  I think they are having hot chips and pies over at the station kitchen so we might even get some take-away chips to go with the sausages.  Doesn’t get much better than that my friends!

Since returning from my hiking adventures the kids and I have been enjoying a campfire each evening.  I love nothing more than sitting by a campfire.  It is so relaxing.  Well it would be if there weren’t 3 boys poking sticks into it and lighting things up, ha ha ha.  There really must be a special spot in heaven for Mum’s of boys, surely!!!


Yesterday we gave Clancy & Harry’s room the biggest clean up known to mankind.  Nothing was safe.  Nothing!  We chucked it all out.  Clothes, toys, bits of crap.  They are quite the hoarders aren’t they!  The only thing they really play with is the Lego.  So basically that is all that is left.  Clancy’s Paw Patroller is still there and Mack from Cars.  But apart from that it is all gone.  I can’t even begin to tell you how good it feels.  Oh and they are loving it too – a clean and tidy room… who’d have thought.

Tomorrow we will be up and at it and out of here by 4am to take Tom into Mount Isa.  He is going to Canberra for his year 6 excursion.  So we have to be at the airport by 10:30am I think.  We lose 1/2 an hour crossing the border so we need to get our skates on.  I am taking Harry with me so we can have another night, just the two of us, in town together.

What’s been happening in your part of the world?  



  1. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Wishing him a fabulous birthday – we’re there in a few months too – I can’t believe it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Em. Once they turn 5 the years really do zoom by don’t they.

  2. KezUnprepared

    Oh, I hear you on the clean out thing! We just got back from a trip to Melbourne. Mr Unprepared stayed behind and cleaned out the playroom! YAY! My son is a hoarder too. It’s crazy! Hope your little man has the best birthday – sounds like he will! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kez. He had a great day. That is so exciting about your playroom, how fabulous!!!

  3. Mrs Rumbo

    Give Clancy a big birthday hug for me. I can’t believe he is already 5!

  4. jac7star

    Happy birthday Clancy!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks, he had a lovely day. 🙂


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