
July 22, 2016

We have had some sad news.  I have been missing in action for a while and not really sure what to say or do.  Mr Chardy doesn’t really want me to talk about it on here, so out of respect to him I am not going to bang on about it too much.

I just wanted to let you know that my husbands identical twin brother died suddenly last Wednesday so things might be a little quiet on here.  Or I might just need to have a laugh with you all, who knows.

Life is Short

Thankfully they were actually together at the time, had even been for a horse ride together that day.  Today is their Birthday.

My heart goes out to his whole family.


Anyway… sounds like I am starting to bang on so I had best finish there or I may be in trouble.

Give your family a big hug and kiss tonight.  Life is short.

And now something to make us laugh, because god knows if we don’t laugh we will definitely cry…


Oh and the children and I watched Inside Out last Thursday and wasn’t that just quite the fitting movie to watch with the boys after all of this.  Isn’t that little blue ball of Sadness just something else.. you just want to choke her don’t you!


And she keeps touching all of the happy memories… argghhhh I just wanted to throttle her.


But she was funny… turns out we do need her, wish we didn’t.

Love Chards Logo



  1. Vanesss

    Much love to you & your family as you all go through this.

  2. Andrea Lesmond

    So very sorry to hear about your brother in law. Please except my condolences.

  3. Kirsten and co.

    Oh that is such sad news. Sending you and your beautiful family so much love x

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    Oh Chards. I went to message you yesterday to check on you then thought, ‘it’s only been a week – calm the farm’.
    I’m so sorry to read this mate. Give Mr Chardy and your whole family our love.
    A xx

  5. Deryn

    You don’t know me but I read your blog in NZ, just wanted to say how sorry I was to read this and so soon after the awful tragedy you endured last year, thoughts are with you all xx

  6. Em @ Have A Laugh On Me

    Oh my goodness I’m deeply saddened to read this, what a tragic loss for you all. Love from our family to yours and big hugs xxxx

  7. Betti

    Thinking of you all and sending love and strength xxxx

  8. Annabelle Woods

    You are such a stand up chick. You handled this blog post with such decorum and I love you to bits. Thinking of you all daily xx

  9. Christine

    So sorry for your sad sad news. Wishing you and your family especially your husband peace and comfort in this life changing moment in time.

  10. Cindy Lou

    Love you Miss Chardy and know that you are all loved. Love Cindy Lou , Craig, Willy, Jimmy and Tommy. Xx

  11. Nikki @ Styling You

    Oh Miss Chardy, my heart is breaking for your family. Sending you big, big hugs xx

  12. Toni Jenkinson

    Thoughts are with you all, Its nice to hear the respect between yourself and your husband. I know I am the talker of the family and hubby is the silent one, holds it on and deals with it all alone. So sometimes you have to just sit back and take it in the chin so to speak. Look after each other and cuddle those boys of yorks as much as they will allow you too.

  13. Heidi

    I am so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  14. jac7star

    Oh Miss Chards, much love to you and yours! There are no words…. xoxo
    (PS. I haven’t watched that movie, but what is it about kids movies being so damn sad??!! Big Hero 6?! Absolute blubbering mess!! Bambi?! Bloody hell…. all the feels!)

  15. Fashionista

    F#*k. F#*kity f#*k f#*k f#*k. So sad for your loss. Much love xxx

  16. proseccoprincess

    I wondered where you were. Such sad news. Sending thoughts and hugs to all.

  17. kirsty

    Big love to all of you.

  18. Susan Foy

    I am shocked to the core. Cannot comprehend the loss you must be feeling. I remember the laughs around the dinner table with his wit and warped sense of humour. He will be missed by many. Love to you all xxx

  19. KezUnprepared

    So so sorry for your loss – sending love to your husband and family xxxx

  20. pippi52

    My sympathy to all the family, sad times.x

  21. deebebbingtond

    So sad for you all. Love and sympathy to you all in such a heart-rending time. Stay Strong, we will all be here waiting for you when you get back.xx

  22. Mel

    Our condolences to Mr Chardy and all his family. Sending love and hugs from my family to yours xxx “A life taken to early”.

  23. Amie

    God bless you and your family. Your family will be in our prayers here halfway across the world.
    You have shared your wonderful life with us, helped me smile and have given me a bigger understanding of the world we live in, thank you.

    Take care.

  24. MicheleDavis

    Sending our love to your husband, and all of you . Tragic news.

  25. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Thinking of you and your family. Definitely a fitting movie … The sad parts of life make the happy parts that much brighter.

  26. Mrs Woog

    I am so so sorry. Let me know if there is anything I can do xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for your help Mrs Woog, I emailed your man and he was really good but unfortunately the bottom line is that there are not enough technicians out there so they are still without phone and the technician will be there tomorrow. From what I can gather there are 2 techs covering an area around the size of NSW.

  27. Miss Twinings

    So sorry to hear your tragic news, sending hugs and sympathy to you and your hubby’s family xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Miss Twinings 🙂

  28. Belinda

    I’m so so sorry to hear of your family’s very sad time. I wish I knew what to say or how to help, please know you are in my thoughts. Love Catt.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much Catt.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Jo x


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