
September 5, 2016

Arggghhhhh.  The end to our little Camooweal Mini School was not pretty my friends.   Not pretty at all.  I did consider just flinging a match into the muddy messy truck and burning the lot but it was probably too wet to burn anyway.

Mini School Mud 2

Friday morning was supposed to be our quick “clean up and get the hell out of there” morning.  Things didn’t go as planned (as they often don’t out here).  In the early hours of the morning the rain started.  Kids were here there and everywhere having sleep overs in various caravans/swags.  Harry was safely tucked up with his friends under the cover of the campdraft bar verandah.  Clancy was in the truck with me and Tom was in Mrs Gumnut’s caravan.

I had my industrial strength fan blaring in my truck so I didn’t really hear the rain, but then I felt a wet patch in my bed.  After double checking that I hadn’t wet the bed I jumped up to discover that our shitty truck was leaking… everywhere.  I had managed to stay in a dry part but Clancy was a little damp.  This was around 6am.  I took a little peak out he window to see what was going on out there and discovered Mrs Gumnut’s caravan was gone…. GONE!!!!  Oh geez.  She didn’t muck around did she.

Of course I left my trusty gumboots at home so I popped Tom’s boots on and sloshed my way through the mud.

Mini School Mud 1

We needed to get some breakfast happening.   We discovered the power had gone out in the kitchen… of course it had!!!   Good old Tina moved the coffee machine over to another room and fired it up there.  Sausages were also cooked and some toast made.  Thank god for that coffee machine and Tina.  We were wet and cold and there was so much bloody mud.  I was in denial that I had to pack up.

Mini School Mud 4

Oh now back to the missing Mrs Gumnut.  She had woken up at around 5am, hitched that caravan onto her car and gotten the hell out of there.  She disappeared faster than a fart in a fan factory!  There were 3 kids asleep in the back. It is too funny for words.  You see there is a few km’s of dirt between the race course and town and it all gets a bit slippery and boggy.  Smart move Sal.  Off she went.  Then the kids woke up and realised they were moving… lucky she was only going about 1km/hour.   Anyway, she made it safely to the bitumen, parked up and went back to sleep.  ha ha ha.

We all managed to pack up but going home wasn’t really on the cards for me.  We have 160km of dirt road, as you know.  I didn’t really fancy hanging out in Camooweal so the kids, Miss Bobbie and I threw all the wet shit into the car and headed to Mt Isa for the night.  We were able to get home no worries on Saturday, thank goodness.

Mini School Mud 3

We arrived home to a clean house – such a novelty!  My Mum cleaned nooks and unexplored crannies while she was here and there was no way I was going to muck that up.  But my car was a total mess.  Things were just thrown in there, stuffed in actually and then the door slammed on it all before it fell out.  I am usually in such a mess when I get home from town and I was determined not to let that happen.  There was no time for mess.  You see I am off again on Wednesday morning for a week so I just couldn’t get into a jumble.

I took one thing out at a time and unpacked it all as I went putting everything away bit by bit.  I even got all of the washing done yesterday.  The house is still DD clean and I am all unpacked, ready to repack.

You see I am going to my annual ProBlogger conference this week.  But more about that tomorrow.

Anyway…. this blog post is a bit all over the place, but that’s ok.  My mind is a bit jumbled at the moment but at least my house is clean.



  1. Emily Toxward

    Yay you are still coming – can’t wait for a hug and a stiff drink xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Sure am… didn’t think I was going to make it for a moment there… so much happening but bugger it, I can sleep when I am dead… as Baby Mac would say!!

  2. Suzanne Young

    Only 3 more sleeps till you on the Gold Coast….stay dry.

    • Miss Chardy

      Cannot wait, sorry I haven’t replied to your Facebook message. Will do that now. Can’t wait to see you!!!

  3. Jo@JoSimplyWill

    Yay, you are going to Problogger! I’ll find you and say hello.

    • Miss Chardy

      See you there Jo!!! Make sure you find me… I will keep an eye out, should be no worries given there will only be 700 odd people to sift through, no problems at all. ha ha ha.

  4. takka03

    Thanks for the laughs! Oh you make me laugh. Just love the concept of someone else packing up wet and throwing it in and slamming the door. Except we normally do it in 5deg, not 30 deg!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh god, 5 deg would be no fun at all… cold and wet, not great.


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