Spooky Gates

September 7, 2016

Well here I am, coming to you live from the Mt Isa International Airport.  I was up and at it early this morning, before 4am, to put a bit of face on, have a coffee, throw my bag in the car and hit the road at 4:30am.  Just popping interstate!!!


Now can we please discuss travelling on lonesome roads when it is dark.  It is pretty eerie (is that even how you spell it – I can’t be bothered Googling it).  I chose the route with only 3 gates rather than the one with about 10 because lets face it – opening gates in the middle of nowhere all by yourself is a little spooky.   Come on admit it, I am sure I am not the only one who feels like this.  In fact, I know an old bushie who has lived out here his whole life and drives a big bad road train who apparently turns the whole truck around (3 trailers and all) at one particular gate so he can shine the lights on it when he is closing the gate… apparently there is a headless horseman who rides the fence… needless to say his truck is called the “Headless Horseman”.

Anyway, it is pretty spooky, I don’t muck around, I get out and shut that gate faster than you can say ProBlogger.  I made it to town safely and with loads of time to spare.  I have skimped on essentials to fit a couple of bottles of Chardy in my luggage, not to mention my pillow.   Yes, I am that person who doesn’t leave home without her pillow.

My blogging mate Kirsten from Kirsten & Co will be collecting me from the airport and I am looking forward to spending the night with her family tonight to celebrate her 19th Wedding Anniversary.  I was telling my boys all about it last night to which Tom commented: “That’s a bit awkward Mum, intruding like that”.    Don’t forget that we will be coming to you live tonight at 7pm over on the Kirsten & Co Facebook Page for a Facebook Live chat.  So have the wine chilled and the kids on mute.  We can’t wait to chat to you all.

FBL Blog

In other news we have a guest staying with us tomorrow night… Nikki from Styling You will be throwing her Maiocchi Swag on the floor of our room at Rooooooooyal Piiiiiiiines and having a sleep over.  What fun!!!  She is one of the speakers at the ProBlogger Conference and just an all round top chick.

So that is Chards signing off for now so I can do a spot of people watching here at Isa International.  Just at a glance I can see a person of unknown sex sporting a meatloaf type hairdo teamed with a biker style black Tee.  Of course you have your regular high vis suspects off set by the odd flannelette shirt and the good old Jogger and Jeans combo or JJ”s as I like to call it.  High end I tell you my friends, HIGH END!!!



  1. Mel

    God I am scared enough of the dark going downstairs in town let alone opening gates in the dark in the bush. hahaha, can’t you have a great laugh to yourself at airports! Have a wonderful time catching up at ProBlogger on the GC!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, very scary. Thanks Mel, we will have such fun this weekend. x

  2. Kirsten and co

    Loving the visual you created for us all with your superior people watching at the airport!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it sure was superior… and I love that I am replying to this comment from your actual dining table in your actual house while you sit upstairs on your computer… #lifeofablogger ha ha ha ha

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it sure was superior… and I love that I am replying to this comment from your actual dining table in your actual house while you sit upstairs on your computer… ha ha ha ha

  3. jac7star

    I may, or may not, have just completed a couple of months of dropping off and chasing up a national survey (apparently I am meant to stay ‘secret squirrel’ on my role, but given the fact that we all had to fill it out, it’s not that great of a secret!)…. my rural area to cover was nowhere near as isolated as your backyard, but included a lot of state forest, there were a few gates that I opened and shut pretty quickly too…. I wasn’t risking any yowie encounters on dark!
    JJ’s……. that just makes me sad. No. Just no. Not ever.
    Hopefully the quality of fashion will improve in the next couple of airports you visit!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, oh god gates in state forrests…. sounds very Ivan Milat/Belangelo State Forest – esq…. ha ha ha ha. Creepy for sure.

  4. Loz Bax

    I saw you this morning at Kmart plaza.. looking so stylish with your gorgeous jewellery.. It’s not the first time I have seen u in town but I must admit… I feel a little star struck when I see you!! Lol At least there was one classy person catching an aeroplane from mount Isa this morning!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, oh god Loz Bax that is too funny!!! You should have said Hi!!! At least someone from Mt Isa is reading my blog, ha ha ha. 🙂

  5. Jo @ Countrylifeexperiment

    I’m currently nagging/asking (depends on your point of view) my Country Boy to put a cattle grid over our main gate so that we don’t need to get out and open and shut it all the time. Drives me insane. First world problems and all that, but there is nothing I detest more than having to do the gate in winter at night.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, first world problems, but sometimes that one gate can be more annoying than 10. And yes, would be no fun at all in winter. I say yes to the grid.

  6. MissHelen

    Enjoy Miss Chardy! I’m with you with gate opening at night too. It was very spooky at Phillip Creek (a lot of scrub) but much to better at Muckaty.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Helen xx

  7. doolgunna

    Oh dear I hear you on the soooky gates! I get through as quickly as I can every time! It also reminds me of the walk between the homestead (nan and pop) and where I lived the shearer quarters as a child it was about 250-300m give or take but on a still dark night and no stars at the tender age of 4 or 5 walking across by myself was very eerie and scary! Even worse walking past the old generator shed with no lights, still, dark and no gen set to scare off the scaries! Needless to say I walked as quick as I could, but yes get out and open and close gates as quick as possible and the short drive through the gates don’t worry about the seatbelt from opening to closing the gate this allows for a “fast” get in and out to minimise scariness. I’ve also seen many other scary sights and weird things out bush! Nerve wracking doesn’t cover it, glad I had the heeler with me though!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yep, I am hearing you!!! 🙂


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