Road Trip to The Kimberley: No Borders Rural Ladies Day 2016 {Part One}

November 16, 2016

As you know I have had a fabulous couple of weekends attending rural ladies days across the country.  Literally.  Here is the next instalment of our “Blomads on Tour” road trip across to Kununurra.  Grab a coffee and enjoy.

If you missed the first part of our trip you can catch up HERE and HERE.

I have so much I want to tell you about our trip to the Kimberley, Western Australia and I will try and keep it as short as I can.  I am going to have to do it in a 2 part series.  Which is probably understandable given that we were away for 5 days – 2 days to get there, 1 day there and 2 days to get home.  Crazy!

In the post I wrote on my way to Kununurra I didn’t get a chance to put many photos in, so here is a quick visual of our road trip to Katherine…


Getting to Kununurra from Chardy Central is a pretty straight forward exercise.  We only made a few turns… we went right, right, left, right and then left and we were there.  1,480km.  And not much traffic, the Grey Nomads are pretty much tucked up in the cooler climates so it was only the odd road train really.

After leaving Katherine the landscape changes dramatically as we head into Kimberley Country and I will tell you something for nothing: it truly is SPECTACULAR.  The photos don’t do it justice.  It really is a sight to behold.  Stunning.  We were just gobsmacked and snapping photos left right and centre.  The Victoria River District is absolutely beautiful.

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And don’t even get me started on the actual Victoria River.  Wow.  It is huge…

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After a few stops for tourist snaps we made it to the NT/WA border.  There is a heap of stuff you are not allowed to take into WA so you have to pull up at the check point and they search your car.  It was all pretty low fuss and only took a few minutes.


Once in WA it wasn’t long before we were at the turn off to Lake Argyle.  Now since we had gained one and a half hours we weren’t in any rush to be anywhere so we pulled in for lunch and sight seeing.  Did I mention it was also Mrs Savvy B’s Birthday?  Perfect, we ordered lunch and enjoyed a lovely cold Corona with lime.  This isn’t Mrs SB (she is a big camera shy) this is Bec – our Blomad Tour Mascot.


Lake Argyle is amazing.  So huge.  All that water makes you feel so much cooler.  I could have kicked back there for a good few days.  It took everything we had not to jump into this gorgeous cool infinity pool and check out that view!  WOW!!!


I didn’t know what to expect when we arrived in Kununurra.  There was so much water and green grass.  The Ord River is once again huge and stunning.  We were booked into the Freshwater Apartments (who kindly sponsored the No Borders Rural Ladies Day and we were very grateful that our accommodation was provided).


Such a beautiful complex – we were speechless.  I wish they could pick Kununurra up and drop it on Mt Isa – especially the Freshwater Apartments.


You know even though we travelled somewhere we have never been before we still knew stacks of lovely ladies who were also staying at Freshwater for the Ladies Day – the North really is quite a small place where everyone knows everyone, even if they do live a 2 day road trip away.  It was so great to have a catch up and a few wines that night.


The next morning it was time to primp and prime for the No Borders Rural Ladies Day.  I was invited as a guest speaker along with Sally Town from Gumnut Designz and Helen Groves from Territory Drafter Magazine.  A bus collected us and took everyone to our first stop for the day – a champagne breakfast at The Pump House on the Ord River.

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The bus then took us to Artopia Art Gallery where we enjoyed lunch, guest speakers, a spot of shopping and some lovely cool bubbles.  What a fabulous day.

Here is Bab’s (on the left) – this lovely lady the brains and beauty behind the No Borders Rural Ladies Day and also a fellow School of the Air friend.  She is in this picture with Elise from The Bangle Business.  It was so great to meet you Elise!

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Thank you so much for inviting me Bab’s, it really was such a wonderful opportunity.  Thanks for tagging along Mrs Savvy B & Goldilachs – you were the best road tripping mates a girl could ask for.

Part Two of this post will be up tomorrow…. all about our trip home which was a little bit interesting and muddy.

Have you been to Kununurra?
How about The Victoria River Region?
Did you just love it?
Were you at the No Borders Rural Ladies Day?




1 Comment

  1. Barbie Walker

    Just loved ready about your journey to Kununurra, Years ago I did safari cooking for 6 years straight and have to Kununura and surrounds many times, a beautiful part of Aussie, look forward to part 2



  1. Road Trip to The Kimberley: No Borders Rural Ladies Day {Part 2} - […] Ok, where did we leave off?  That’s right, 1 day spent in Kununurra, Ladies Day done and dusted and…

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