I found my people!

December 12, 2016

I can’t even begin to tell you how much this little thing we call the internet has changed my life.  I mean, I knew I loved people but I didn’t realise just how much I loved meeting new people.  Turns out it is my crack, my drug of choice.

After spending a couple of weekends travelling all over the countryside last month it has really sunk in how much I love mixing with and meeting new people, not to mention catching up with old friends.  It really motivates me, puts a spring in my step and gets me through the week when I am back here on the station at Bum Truck Nowhere.  Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love life on the station, but I also need that human interaction to keep me going – to fill my tank if you will.

I need my tribe – as they call it – my people.   And who would have thought I would find “my people” online.  Sounds creepy doesn’t it.  ha ha ha.

I have read some great blog posts lately that have made me feel happy and filled me with joy.  Here they are… just click on each button and you will be whisked off to their websites…

woogsworld-button styling-you-button kirsten-and-co-button cooker-and-a-looker-button baby-mac-button

These posts are all about how we connect with people.  I am sure they will put a smile on your dial.

Now just because I live on a remote cattle station doesn’t mean I can’t find ways to fill my, so called, tank.  Oh there is always a way my friends.  It just means I need to find alternative ways to interact.  And that I did – hello blogging wold.  Back in 2014 when I typed the words “How do I start a blog” into Google I didn’t even think about where it would take me.  I just knew I wanted to share my unique lifestyle with anyone who would listen.  I didn’t really think there would be many interested but thought, what the heck, I will just do it anyway.

I thought people would laugh at me and think I was just so silly but I threw caution to the wind and pressed publish on a very boring first blog post.  But hey – SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING, right?!   Done is better than perfect.

But do you know what I did before I actually pressed publish?  I also typed the worlds “Blogging conference” into Google and found my way to ProBlogger.  I pressed add to cart on that conference ticket before I even mentioned it to my husband.  What the hell was I doing?  I didn’t even have a blog and here I was sitting in the dark at my computer buying a ticket to a blogging conference on the Gold Coast.  What the actual?  But I am so glad I did.  You have no idea how it changed things for me.

I didn’t know a single person at that conference.  I stalked followed many bloggers who were there but didn’t actually know them in real life.  But you know what else I have discovered… if you follow someone on their blog and interact and comment and have conversations with those bloggers then… really… you do know them.  I have found most people to be exactly how they are in real life as they are on their blog.

The internet has allowed me to interact with people all over the world.  It has really opened up a whole new world to me and I can’t even begin to tell you how beautiful these people are.

I keep telling my friend Nikki from Styling You that I can’t believe how kind people are.  She tells me that kind breeds kind.   If you are kind to others then kindness will follow you.  I think she is right.  But seriously, people really are just so lovely.

My son is starting boarding school next year and I have already met so many wonderful women who have kids at the same school, all thanks to the internet.  Thanks to my blogging friend Nikki and her introducing me to all of these wonderful new friends.

So I just wanted to tell you that I am so grateful that I did hit publish on my blog back in 2014.  Wonderful things have happened since I did.  If you are thinking of stepping out of your comfort zone and giving something different a go I say JUST DO IT.  You will be so glad you did.  Oh and if you don’t know how to do it at first just FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT and the rest will follow.

Build it and they really will come.  It certainly won’t happen over night, but if you just plug away at it little by little, day by day it will happen.  Perseverance is the key.  Just keep turning up.

Look at me getting all soppy.  But I am just so overwhelmed with all the beautiful people I have met thanks to my blog.  So thanks to all of you who read my blog – you are my people and you keep me motivated!

How about you?  What has the internet done for you?
Where has it taken you?
Have you met some amazing people too?
Want to start a blog?  Just do it!
Want to start an online business?  Take the chance!


  1. Cooker and a Looker

    Love the new look Chards. Blogging has brought a lot of wonderful things into my life too, but none more so than the people. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Amanda, I have no idea what has happened to my blog… the side bar has changed sides and I don’t know how to change it back… help!!! Yes, love that blogging has introduced me to so many wonderful people… hello you!!! Have a great day.

  2. Kirsten and co.

    How GOOD is blogging?! I have made so many incredible new friendships because of it – yours included xox

    Oh and hold the line caller…I’ve sent you an email that will sort out your side bar issues 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, god love you, I knew you would sort my problem out… thanks operator!! So glad I met you!!!

  3. Denyse Whelan

    I’ve been wanting to tell you this since the great blogger fest that was at Barkley Station … I am totally in love with your writing & connections! Yes, I too blog to connect (I started as a lonely newly retired person back in 2010) & went (bravely?!) to the first ever Aussie Bloggers Conf in 2011.. I really had no idea! I’m from an education background & only knew fellow teachers & principals & now I met people who blogged! I’m so fortunate to have met many over the years – Mrs Woog, Beth, Nikki, and so many and find each so encouraging of someone like me- old enough to be their mum! My blog re-generated in 2015 when we moved away from family, Sydney & I retired for the last time.. I needed a routine each day to connect me again. Denyse Whelan Blogs is my daily fun, space to write, have convos and reach our. We lived in outback rural NSW as a young teacher/principal couple in the mid 1970s and I identify quite a bit from what your stories of outback life tell. Many good wishes to you & especially for next year when one of yours is away for school! Denyse x

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Denyse…. have just been over checking out your blog. Oh I too am so glad I attended my first Blogging Conference back in 2014, opened up a whole other world for me and I have met the best people. Thank goodness for blogging. Great to hear from you!!!

  4. Chelsea

    I love posts like this. The internet and social media cops some flak for not being “real” but it IS real, and genuine if you let it be.

    I love the internet. I’ve met some of my closest friends online – one I’ve known since 1999, we met in a goth metal themed chat room and have stayed in (mostly online) contact ever since. I think we’ve only ever been in the same room together about 3 times . The other I’ve known about 5yrs and when my long term relationship broke down she was the one there every step of the way. Likewise for my recent house move – this chick, who I only know because we both happened to join a Facebook group for weight loss support a few years ago – and I just clicked and when I was moving house, it was her rubbish bins I loaded up when mine was full and while I madly chucked the last of my stuff in boxes, she was sweeping out my garage for me.

    I actually now work on the internet. I have a full time job, for a company, complete with superannuation and a monthly pay cheque but our whole company works remotely. And I tell you, talk about finding your tribe. My workmates, despite the fact that we’re spread all over the globe, are amazing.

    • Miss Chardy

      Love it Chelsea!!! There are so many wonderful people out there. It’s the best isn’t it. I would be lost without it.

  5. KezUnprepared

    So happy for you! You’ve come so far! I remember when you first started and you reached out to me with an email, complimenting me on my blog layout and asking for advice. I had NO idea what to say, because I felt like such a dumb arse but I was flattered and I have been following you ever since. Evidently, you did not need anything from me at all (thank goodness because I felt guilty I had nothing constructive to say) – you’re awesome and in such great company!!! xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kez, god love you. I feel like a dumb arse all the time with this blog…. honestly I really don’t know how I manage to publish anything, half the time I have no idea what the hell I am doing. I remember that too Kez, thanks for being a stayer!!!

  6. Phoebe

    I’m so glad you’re enjoying your blogging and all of us readers certainly love it too. The internet can be a wonderful tool when used for good not evil 🙂 Way back in the 80’s & early 90’s ….long before we’d even heard of the internet, let alone blogging I was living on the station in my own ‘Bum Truck Nowhere’, (aka Qld/NT) I used to mail a little newsletter (and I used that term loosely, possibly more correctly I should say ramblings!) to a couple of girlfriends down south. Yes people, that was snail mail…and even ‘snailier’ as our mailman came once a week. Unbeknownst to me they photocopied it and handed it out to other friends and work colleagues who were extremely interested in hearing about daily life on a large outback station. I couldn’t believe how interested people were and some of these ‘readers’ actually wrote to me and asked other questions and I included the answers in the next ‘newsletter’ So as you said there is always a way to interact, and the internet just makes that easier and more instant – it’s fabulous 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      OH my god… you basically had a mail blog – a snail mail blog and you didn’t even realise it. That is gold Phoebe, love it!!!!


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