I’m not a celebrity: Get me out of here!

January 9, 2017

Now call us silly, but we still haven’t given up hope of driving out of here.  The verdict wasn’t great upon Mr Chardy’s return from checking the road yesterday but I just know he will find us a way out of here.  He is an ENFP (for all of you who are up with Myers Briggs, for those who aren’t …. how are we even friends???).

Anyway, this means he thinks outside the square.  He never says “Well, this is the way it has always been done so this is the way we will do it”.  Oh no, he just makes up his own way, usually a more productive way.  So if he hasn’t given up hope then neither have I.  When he says, “nope, we are definitely not driving out” well that is when I will book the airfares.  They will have probably gone up by about $100 each by then but hey, it’s only money right?!

So what was the verdict?  There was a bit of water on the road, and when I say a bit I mean this…

I asked them to take lots of photos but this was the best they could do.

So the plan at the moment is: we have no plan.  ha ha ha.  Well we have a bit of a plan but it isn’t very solid.  At this stage our only hope is getting out through to the east.  Over towards the Savvy B’s, and down the QLD border.  It is a long shot, but we will look into it further today.  It also relies on the Georgina River being low enough to cross at the Camooweal end (hello Vicki, if you are reading this…. HELP!!!).

Ike from over at Savvy B Land was out checking roads in all different directions yesterday to find a way out.  WHAT A CIRCUS!!!  Where the hell is the tent?  Surely we can do this. DON’T MAKE ME FLY!  Did I really just say that???

I wonder if the old Pradi Dard would turn into Chitty Chitty Bang Bang for us.

Anyway, it isn’t very exciting but that is where we are at my friends, not much different to where we were at yesterday.

In other exciting news I have been asked to write a weekly column for the Rural Weekly Newspaper!!!  Can you even believe it?  Turns out that I might have to change my name to: The Accidental Journalist.  ha ha ha ha.  A Journalist, who’d have thought.  With my Apple laptop and cosmopolitan lifestyle I am basically Carrie Bradshaw.

Because life here at Bum Truck Nowhere is just like what I imagine Manhattan to be, isn’t it?  Oh look, there’s Mr Chardy carrying my luggage… I told you I was all packed ready for holidays…

Well now I am just dribbling shit.  So, lets chat again when all my hopes and dreams of driving out of here have been shattered and I am crying ugly tears into my keyboard and electrocuting my fingers thinking about the thousands of wine dollars I am going to have to waste on airfares.

Oh god…. no…. I can hear rain on the roof.  Just looked outside and this is the situation we are facing…

This is the direction we have to travel.  This is not looking promising at all.  I may well start crying now.  Oh well, it is our own fault for not getting the car out isn’t it.  Can’t complain about the lovely rain (but please let me!).  Maybe it is time to start booking those airfares.   Oh god I feel sick, someone hand me a bucket, the rain is getting heavier!!

Now, if you are going back to work today: stay strong my friends, you can do this.  Have a great day everyone.


  1. Sue Wheaton

    I am from Warwick, QLD and we have a Shed on the Clarence River at Grafton , NSW. This is where when possible we go water skiing. While here we drove to Dubbo for two days to celebrate Stuart’s Aunt Una’s 90 th Birthday. Una grew up at Cherrybrook, Armatrye.
    She had 2 brothers and 3 sisters.
    They all had farms in and around the Gilgandra Curban districts. I hope you are able to finally get out for your holiday and settle your son into boarding. Make sure you tell all your friends send him small parcels and letters during the first term and than they can be less as he settles.
    Having worked in boarding for 21 yrs this is a great way to ease homesickness and let the child know he is been thought of.
    Sue Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sue, lovely to hear from you. Your holiday sounded lovely! And happy birthday to Aunt Una, what a champ! Great tips about Tom starting boarding school. Thanks!!!

  2. MicheleDavis

    Feeling sick about your car in the shed! And the airfares, but at least there is Plan B, imagine if you couldn’t get there and had to stay home! 😩
    Brilliant news about your Rural Weekly column; you are becoming quite the celebrity; plus that sounds like some pin money 😊💰
    Fingers crossed 🚙✈️🏖🍸🍍🌞🌴

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, that’s right Michele, it could be worse. Right, perhaps I should get on QANTAS and see what I can get… 🙂

  3. Kirsten and co

    A weekly column in a newspaper!! That is so exciting. CONGRATULATIONS. What a great way to kick of the year. Book those tickets Chards, the captain will have you sitting at the pointy end of the plane in no time. That’s where all the Big Names sit! (please note, I usually get to sit right down the back, wedged between the toilets #goodtimes)

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, will the captain pay too??? Our fancy planes from Mt Isa don’t have a pointy end, ha ha ha. I have no doubt that to top everything off we too will be down by the dunnys!!!

  4. Vikki

    Hhhhmmmm not sure how you are going to go… we are away at the Sunshine Coast. This is an update of the Georgina crossing at our place 😬
    (Wont let me post the photo, ill pm it to you!!)

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks so much for the photo… gee – at the Sunny Coast… where we will be soon…. we have made the decision… flying out it is!!!!

      • Denyse Whelan

        Oh I am pleased!! Been thinking of you & so want this holiday to happen! Flying out! Yes!

        • Miss Chardy

          Hopefully we will fly out of here tomorrow and then onto Brisbane on Thursday… at least we won’t have to spend 3 days in the car with fighting boys!! Can’t wait to go on holidays. 🙂

  5. Chookyblue

    now thats going to be an interesting column…………goodluck……..happy holidays……..

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, I guess I won’t be able to swear.

  6. Helena

    Loved your son’s interview (got to love bush kids)! No wet season here for us,just the heat and the thought that in two weeks I will have two in high school, one in the last year and teaching one year 7 (what was I thinking but I think he will enjoy having kids from Mt ISA and Longreach).

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Helena, where do you live? Hope the rain finds you!! Good luck with that teaching gig!!!

  7. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Ahhh no matter how you get out I hope you enjoy your holiday. I recall have to cancel some trips due to no way out … even if I could get to a plane so at least you have options.
    It seems the wet has settled in, it certainly has here in Cairns. Rain, rain and more rain.
    That reminds me, I really do need to put in a holiday form for work so I can hopefully head to the sunny coast for a family holiday. How could they deny the preggo lady anyway.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I am not sure why we ever thought there may be a chance of driving out of here, it is the wet season after all, ha ha ha. Now, you go and put in for that holiday to the Sunny Coast, I can’t wait to get down there… one more sleep and we will be there. How many weeks pregnant are you?


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