And we are off!!!

January 12, 2017

Wow, what a mammoth effort it was getting out yesterday.  You would think flying out would be simple wouldn’t you… wrong.  Nothing is simple when you want to get out for holidays during the wet season.  So here is what went down…

The plane had to go here there and everywhere yesterday, there were more than just us to get in and out.  We piled on at about 9:30am.  I tell you what, I was a little worried, to say the least, that we weren’t going to make it off the airstrip.  It was tight, and we just made it.  I had my eyes shut and was literally praying to god, chanting quietly to myself “Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name….” while Clancy screamed in the seat next to me “we are going to die” …. bull shit, I thought – we are not missing this holiday and we are sure as shit not going to die.  No siree!

Obviously we made it up ok, weather conditions weren’t ideal and it was a little bumpy.  The spew bags came out and before long Tom, Clancy and I were having a little Danny Laroo.

There was quite a bit of water lying around on the way in… you can see why we couldn’t drive out of here!

I can’t even tell you how happy I was when I spotted Camooweal.  2 minutes to go!

Now, we had to land at Camooweal because then Captain Chris had to go back to another station and get another family out and bring them back into Camooweal and was then supposed to collect us again and take us to Mt Isa.

Well there was no way you could have dragged us back in that plane.  Thankfully Danno’s ute (our Bore Runner) was at the airstrip.  We had the key, so asked if we could just drive that to Mt Isa.  This would have been simple if the key actually unlocked the door – which it didn’t.  So Captain Chris went on back to Chardy Central and got the correct key.  What a bloody circus.

Now seeing as though I couldn’t for the life of me find the Qantas Club we hot footed it (literally – it was so bloody hot and we were on foot) into town to the Crab Pot (our local Pub) for a counter meal and a lovely cool lemon lime and bitters, which went down a treat after the little vomie I had.

Anyway, after a couple of hours the plain returned with the key and we were on our way to the Isa.  We finally arrived in town at about 4pm and I raced around to the hairdressers (only 2 hours late) for a much needed cut.  There was a lot of racing around because we also had to buy a couple of big suitcases to consolidate all of our luggage.  We managed to squeeze everything in and have about 25,000 carry on bags.  Had a night at Mt Isa and now here we are about to board the flight, so I had best go.  Over and out.  See you on the flip side.


    • Miss Chardy

      Had a great trip Sandra.

  1. Barbie

    Entertaining read, yes you will make an excellent journo. I love your blogs I know you will always keep smiling. Off Off and away enjoy enjoy xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Had a great holiday Barbie.

  2. Cat@Life through the haze

    Oh God any flight I can still see the wheels inflight is faaaaarrrrr too small for me! Have a great holiday xoxo

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am hearing you Cat – I would have much preferred to be in a car.

  3. Bridget

    Well done. Have a lovely relaxing break!

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Bridget, we had a lovely time.

  4. Stui & Joan Campbell

    Well done Dan, we are keeping up with all your blogs,so pleased you could get out for your vacation.All our love Stu & Joan.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Joanie, so lovely to hear from you!!!! When are you coming back for a visit? xxx

  5. Vicki

    Enjoy your break and travel safe. V x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Vicki, had a lovely time. 🙂

  6. Miss Twinings

    Hi Chards, great to catchup on your holiday details & hear you managed to finally get away!! Been away myself so it’s good to hear all your updates. I think i would’ve felt peaky too on that wee flight!!!!!! I hope all goes well with boarding school settling in too. 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Miss Twinings, so lovely to hear from you. We had a great break. Hope you did too. All going well so far with boarding school.

  7. Kaz

    Hope you enjoy your break. Just read your story about son going to boarding school. It never gets easy dropping them off but we did our final run last year with our son finishing year 12. All good I thought, HSC results through and now he is embarking on his next big adventure….to study in the US. Sat the final exam yesterday in Canberra and then will find out next week which Uni he will commence his studies at in September. . Boarding school taught him to be independent, resiliant and ready to take on the world…..I wouldn’t change a thing except to win a million frequent flyer points so I can go and visit him every other weekend.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kaz, Oh wow! All done. And how exciting for your son to be heading to the US to study. Where is he going?? I am hearing you on the frequent flyer points sister.


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