The holiday bulge edition…

February 7, 2017

A sponsored post for Off The Track Training

Well look, I am not going to lie to you or sugar coat things (because quite clearly I have been consuming way too many sugar coated goods).  My current situation is not great.  I really thought I had things sorted last year.  You know – when I was all motivated and even started my own Shed it with Chards Facebook group.  It was all going so well and I was on track.  Then I feel like everything fell apart.  We did have a bit of “stuff” going on (don’t we all) and then I feel like Christmas slapped me in the face with way too many glasses of Chardy and a few too many little baby cheeses…. oh for the love of baby cheeses.  I should have listened to Kath and gone for little baby Jesus at Christmas time instead of cheeses.  Clearly he would have been the better option.

Anyway… here we are… February and I am back to square one.  We all know I am a compulsive over sharer so I thought I should share this dirty little secret with you too.  Last year I managed to turn my bad habits right around.  I was making better choices, I was exercising, I had changed my whole thinking/eating paradigm.  You know, the whole “something is better than nothing” and “done is better than perfect”.

Then it was time for holidays.  I left home feeling not to shabby and making good food choices.   But I can tell you this: after 3 weeks on holidays it all went pear shaped.  I can’t even tell you how much good champagne I consumed but it was A LOT.  Too much!  And then I thought it was open slather/all you can eat on the carbs.   I know carbs make me feel like crap and bloated so why do I do it?

You should have seen what I packed to take on holidays.  So much stuff.  Oh the clothes and shoes, I am not sure where I thought I would be going.  All I really needed was this Birdsnest dress ….

Because this was what I lived in the whole time we were away.  I kid you not, unless it was in the wash it was on my body.  Oh how I love this dress.  It is currently my favourite item for so many reasons.  It is so bloody comfortable, the length is just perfect, it hides any bulges and….. to top it all off ….. it is perfect over swimmers.  You can’t really see the wet patches.  And did I mention how comfy it is???  It is like wearing a nightie all day long.  At the moment this is one of the only items in my wardrobe that fits me ok.  Things have to change.

So when my friend Joy phoned and asked if I would like to join her Fitness Hub* I was in like Flynn.  You don’t have to ask me twice Joy.  Yes please.  I headed over to her website to check it out and was totally blown away with all that she offers.  Here have a listen to what Joy has to say…

Sound like something you might be interested in?  I think we are all in the same boat really, aren’t we?  We all have the same struggles.  We start, we stop, we do well, then we fall off the wagon.  It is time to dust yourself off and get back on.  This time I am NOT going to say “once and for all” because we all know that is a lie.  Life will get in the way, things will go wrong, we will get busy, blah blah blah.

There is so much information that Joy has available on what her HUB is all about.  I could bang on about it all you like but I think you should just click on this image and read all about it … i’ll wait here while you click over…

Soooo, what do you think?  What a package.  I think Joy has done such a brilliant job putting this together.  Isn’t the USB a brilliant idea, especially for those who have less than adequate internet connection.  And what about the MP3 player, Joy – you have outdone yourself, that means that you don’t HAVE to have all the mod cons to join in, everything is included in the package.

I know many of my readers live in rural and remote areas and I also know that many of you have already taken part in Joys programs.  This is a program for everyone.  It doesn’t matter where you live.  Be it the city or the country.  Some people just don’t have time to go to the gym and lets face it, when you have small children sometimes just leaving the house is an effort.  Joys program makes it possible for everyone to do.  In the HUB you are part of a community.  There is a private Facebook group full of likeminded people, so much support.

Joy’s programs give you access to trained professionals that you might often only find in the big cities.  I have taken part in Joy’s programs in the past and my favourite part was the weekly teleconferences.  One particular teleconf has stuck in my mind and totally changed the way I ate.  It was with Naturopath and Nutritionalist Stacy Curcio.  She teams up with Joy in the Hub too.  Here, have a listen…

Ok… I just finished my first live workout with Joys Fitness Hub.  There are 2 live workouts each week – one on Wednesday morning at 5:45am (or in my case 5:15 NT time) and then again on Thursday afternoon at 6pm (5:30 my time – much better thank you very much).  I trotted myself over to the school room and listened via the web link.  I was facing the computer like it was my own little personal trainer, which I guess it was really.

The workout was over and done with in no time but it did show me just how unfit I am.  Felt quite frumpy to tell you the truth.  So I just have to keep plodding along, one day at a time and things will improve.

Now if all of this sounds a little daunting don’t worry.  Joy has so many different programs on offer.  Perhaps you would like to start with one of her free 30 day challenges.   Click the image below to find out more…

It is so generous of Joy to do these free 30 day challenges.  The next intake commences on 1st March.  Don’t miss out.

The February intake of Joys Fitness Hub was due to close yesterday but she will keep it open until tonight (Wednesday 8th Feb 2017) just in case there is anyone out there who still wants to join right now.  Otherwise you can have a think about it and either join the March intake of the 30 day challenge or jump into the Hub.  What’s it going to be my friends?  Are you on board with us?

I am ready to close that bottle of chardy for little while and try and get back on track with things.   The holiday is over and it is time to face reality.

So tell me.  What do you think?  Sound like your cup of tea?
Perhaps you are already on board.  Do tell.

*Joy has very kindly gifted me my membership to the HUB and I can’t tell you how excited I am.  I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you all.  Thanks a million Joy!


  1. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Christmas is always a good time to fall off the wagon and then it is hard to get back on. I’ve decreed that I don’t care until after this bub arrives but in saying that I think I should get pregnant every time I want to loose weight because I certainly haven’t been putting it on, no matter how hard I try. I just have to make sure that once I finish up work I go for walks or something so I don’t turn into a potato in one of our lounge chairs.
    Joy is certainly making fitness and health accessible and it is great to watch her achieve so much with this.
    Good luck with your journey, I am sure you’ll be feeling fit and healthy in no time.

    • Miss Chardy

      When is your baby due Anne? I am sure you won’t turn into a potato! Yep, Joy is doing such a fabulous job.



  1. Operation Drop 5 Kilo’s & Find Some Discipline - […] beginning of March I joined Joys Fitness Hub and I wrote a post all about it, you can read…

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