Heatwave & Anniversary

February 13, 2017

This heatwave that is happening in southern Australia has got me thinking and reminiscing about our wedding day almost 13 years ago.  You see the weather was probably identical to that they are experiencing at the moment…. HOT.  So bloody hot.

We were married on Valentines Day 2004, I know – corny right, but it just so happened to fall on a Saturday and that was the day we got married.  Also helps Mr Chardy remember our anniversary I suppose.

My gorgeous home town of Mudgee is where this grand event took place and usually a wedding would be glorious at this time of year.  Usually, just not in 2004 and it seems not in 2017 either.  You see there was a heatwave happening the whole time we were down there.

Now one would think that you would leave the NT and head for cooler weather… wrong. The Mudgee Guardian’s – the local newspaper – headline read: “Record – 10 days above 40” or something like that.  All we know it was hot and we had come from the NT so that was saying something.

There is one difference between the heat up here and the same heat down there: AIR-CONDITIONING.  We are set up for the heat up here which is probably evident by the 8 split systems I have in my lovely cool house.  Usually you wouldn’t really need this type of cooling down south.  Open a window and put a fan on, that is how I grew up.  It just didn’t seem to cut it back in 2004.  You know it is hot when DD (my Mum) closes most of the house off and puts the old air-conditioner (circa 1972) on because you know – power bill!

In this photo I can just tell that we are gazing into each others eyes and thinking “oh FFS it is hot, lets hurry things up before I slip over in my own pool of sweat”…

So yes, we sweated our arses off the whole time we were down south for the wedding festivities.  From the gorgeous un-airconditioned church to the resort reception where the evaporative air-conditioning just didn’t cut the mustard.  Oh the heat.  I know that anyone who attended our wedding will remember one thing: the heat.  When I think of our wedding I don’t remember a whole lot apart from THE HEAT (did I mention it was hot?)!  The reception venue just couldn’t keep the water up to us all so we were sucking back glasses of bubbly like it was walking out the door.

During the ceremony at the church my Aunty Annie and Uncle Ter handed out water to the guests to try and keep them alive…

We then headed to the Sunshine Coast for our honeymoon where the heat wave continued, everywhere we went it was hot.  We were so relieved when we returned to the NT and to some cooler weather.  It was just ridiculous.

So yes, I am thinking of you all down south at the moment and know exactly what you are going through.  I think we are used to that sort of weather (well not 43 degrees, that is just stupid).  When I say “we” I mean everyone else because I really do prefer to stick with my split systems.

And what about the terrible bushfires that are happening at the moment, just terrible.  How scary!!  We have been thinking of you all and hope that you stay safe and try to find a cool spot.  I can’t even imagine.

I really think the only thing to do in that heat is whip out the blender and mix yourself one of our famous Japanese Slippers!!!

So Happy Valentines Day to you all for tomorrow and happy 13th wedding anniversary to us.  I can’t believe it has been 13 years.

Now tell me.  Were you at our wedding?
Still have revolting memories of THAT HEAT?
Sweat dripping down your bum?



  1. Denyse Whelan

    Happy 13th Wedding Anniversary! I hate heat. And I get annoyed by it & if there’s no air con I’m a goner! Back to your wedding day.. gosh how beautiful are you & these pics belie just how horrid the conditions were! Our wedding day in Jan 1971 I recall having drops of sweat going down my back as the weather was hot & humid. Still.. glad to say it was the best day ever & my post today on my blog is about LOVE! Pop over & link this one up if you get the chance for #lifethisweek .. Denyse xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Denyse… I am right there with you when it comes to getting cranky in the heat – it isn’t pretty is it. Yes to sweat going down your back and some! ha ha ha. I am off to check out your post. x

  2. Anne@gritandgiggles

    I’m holidaying at the Sunshine Coast now and it hasn’t been too bad but I know if we were at Mum’s on the darling downs the air con would be getting a work out, 45.7 before lunch time in the shade.
    I’m fairly used to our humid tropics but am pretty sure we would all keel over with temps like that plus humidity up there. I deal better with the dry heat but anything around 40 is just disgusting.
    Enjoy your air con!

    • Miss Chardy

      You are so right… doesn’t matter what the heat 40 degrees is disgusting… but 40 plus humidity would possibly kill me! I can do dry heat but can’t cope with humidity … it turns me into a very nasty person indeed. Enjoy your holiday and glad the weather isn’t too bad.

  3. Heidi

    Happy Anniversary Chards!!! I loved the pictures. You haven’t aged a bit! Enjoy your special day. Ours is coming up on Feb 24th. Got married in California, and it was hot there as well, but not nearly as hot as it was for you!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi there Heidi, so great to hear from you. Yes, I forgot to mention that it was 43 degrees C.

  4. Emily Toxward

    Have a lovely celebration Dan, we were married in April so not too hot, our NZ relatives refused to come if it wasn’t an Autumn or winter wedding because HEAT! xx

    • Miss Chardy

      I think your relatives are smart!!! ha ha ha.

  5. Fashionista

    Loved your anecdote Miss Chardy. We got married 30 years ago (I can’t quite believe it even when I write it) in Mt Isa in Sept. 38° so considered not too bad. But I did stand in the shade with my arms out like a scarecrow trying to get some air into my 80s monstrosity of a frock. Today in Melbourne I’m in a sleeved frock, stockings, light scarf and light weight coat. I imagine you can’t even begin to fathom that!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I think I can imagine how you felt at your wedding, although I am thinking that when you say “monstrosity of a frock” that there may have been puff sleeves involved which would have been very uncomfortable in that heat. It is crazy to think that you have stockings and a coat on isn’t it.

  6. Janine

    I love seeing people’s wedding photos. You looked gorg. Love your dress and the hot (pardon the pun) pink bridesmaids. How hot were those guys in their suit jackets though?? They must have been sweltering. I live in Dubai so for 6 months of the year it is over 40 degrees but yes, air conditioning everywhere so you don’t really feel it. I hate a heat that you can’t get away from and I feel it more when back in Australia.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh the blokes were sweltering in their 3 piece suits…. would have been revolting… argghhhhh. I am hearing you about the heat and being able to escape… we are set up for it… we feel it when we go down south and there isn’t a split system in every single room, ha ha ha ha.

  7. Cate Lawrence (@Cate_Lawrence)

    i hate hot weather too (one of the reasons I was happy to move to Germany), We only get a little heat here and the locals get nude and lie around (not joking).

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh my god, that is hilarious…. ha ha ha ha


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