Savoury Smoko Recipe: Toasties

February 17, 2017

A favourite smoko recipe is Robyn Jenkinson’s Toasties.  Robyn was a long time cook on a station up here.  An amazing lady who usually cooked for around 25 people each day.  Many of the recipes in my trusty cookbook are from Robyn and she gave me so many tips over the years.  Sadly Robyn passed away a few years ago, but thankfully we still have her wonderful recipes to remember her by.  I think of her every time I make her trademark toastie…. so here it is.


These are so quick and easy to make, yet so delicious and satisfying to hungry ringers who have just been up in the dusty cattle yards. Enjoy.



  1. Cooking with Chards {Part 3} – Savoury Smoko - […] Now because it will only let me add one printable recipe per post here is the link to another…

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