Boarder Free Weekend February 2017

February 27, 2017

I snuck down to Brisbane last week.  Yes, I completely lied my backside off to my oldest boy who is at Boarding School but I figured it was all for a good cause.  You see I was planning on surprising him for his Boarder Free Weekend.  He thought my good friend Di was taking him out for the weekend.  Which I suppose she was because we are staying with them, but I was the one who showed up to collect him.

I left the station last Tuesday while the going was good.  I was able to drive out which was a bonus.

Got to have a sleepover in Mt Isa with this spunk…

You’re never too old for a sleepover right??? On Wednesday I was off flying to BrisVegas.  There is nothing better than getting on that plane and getting on that plane Brisbane bound.  Of course there was a cheeky little white wine as my “in flight refreshment” …. i’m only human people.

When I arrived I collected my little hoon mobile – aka my Corolla hire car – and headed for my friend Kirsten’s house – Kirsten &  Co.  Managed to fit in a quick visit with an old school friend on my way – hi Prue.  Had a lovely night with Kirsten and her gorgeous family.  The next day we had a Blogging Breakfast Meeting with Nicole The Builders Wife.  It was unreal, Kirsten is a wealth of knowledge and we learnt so much.  I was in my element.

Then it was off to my next destination…. a night with another blogging friend and her family – Nikki from Styling You.  This is what greeted me, a lovely little gift on my bed – Sipvino wine glasses.  I can’t wait to use them, thanks so much Nikki & Rachael.


I had such a lovely night with this family…

They took me out to dinner.  Does it get any better?  We even did a spot of blogging side by side when we got home.  I learn something new every single time.

Next morning Nikki had a hair appointment while I had a sleep in.  I did manage to drag myself out of bed to go and visit her at the salon.  I found my people here…

I will definitely be booking in for a hair cut and colour when I am down next.  I had so much fun chatting with everyone in the salon – Chevoux Design & Espresso.  Nikki, the owners – these two spunks – Nadine & Carla…

Even the other clients.  Gosh it was fun.  The cappuccino was second to none and I even spotted a gorgeous Ruby Olive necklace and earrings to purchase.  They insisted I take them as a gift.  So naughty but I am very grateful and will definitely be returning.  Can’t wait girls.

Nikki then thought the right thing to do was partake in a ladies lunch and who was I to argue.  Yes please.  I preferred to call it a “business meeting”.  This lovely lady is also a wealth of knowledge and is so generous with her time and the help she provides me with my blog.  I would be nothing without Nikki.

Then it was time to surprise this little man…  He was playing cricket when I arrived and to say his reaction was underwhelming would be a complete understatement.  I am pretty sure he was bursting with excitement on the inside.   He was excited though, surely!!!

It was so great to see him, it has been 5 weeks since we dropped him off, can you believe it?!  Then it was off to the dorm to get his gear and time to head out to Brookfield for the weekend.

Spot of shopping and a haircut at Indooroopilly on Saturday so he could bleed me dry.

And back to Brookfield.  Gosh I love Brookie.  It is like a little country town yet only 20 minutes from the City.  It has a real sense of community and a gorgeous General Store.

Tom even managed to squeeze a motorbike ride in.  So he was also in his element.

On  Sunday we even got to spend the afternoon with another good friend at Brookie… Eddie.  It was her Birthday so the right thing do to was have a celebratory glass of bubbly with her.  I do love spending time at Eddie & Robs…

Today it is off to the City for a dentist appointment – lucky him and then back to school tonight.  It has been such a wonderful week and so great to see my main man Tom.

What did you get up to on the weekend?  



  1. Sandra Scott

    It looks like you had an amazing busy few days, so glad to see Tom looks so happy. Has he talked about the food, tv time, bedtime, teachers and stuff? Does he have a ‘den’ mum or similar?

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes he is Sandra. Says the food is terrible (of course he does), don’t think he really watches much TV although there is that big one in the dorm – lucky thing, bedtime is around 9pm I think and he seems to like his teachers. Yes, they have house parents – loves his house Mum (they live underneath with their 2 kids) and Lauren is just lovely.

  2. takka03

    WOW! Do boarders get their own room in yr7? In yr 10 we still had 10 to a dorm!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Well their own little cubicle – yes – very spoilt. But don’t worry there are heaps of them all lined up.

  3. Kirsten and co.

    It was so lovely to see you – hooray for boarder free weekends! x

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks for having me, it was so much fun. xx

  4. Jude

    What a lovely weekend you had! What a fun morning in the salon we enjoyed – definitely the place to go on a Friday morning – blondes unite! Jude x

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Jude, hello there, so lovely to hear from you. How is that fabulous hair going? I can’t wait to book in on my next visit!!! That was so much fun. Lovely to meet you!!!

  5. Mish

    I adore the Brookfield General Store and have a friend who lives out there, so your post is the perfect reminder that we need a catch up!

    Looks like Tom was happy to see his Mumma and you did well to sneak into town to surprise him 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I just love Brookie. That store is so cute. Can’t wait to go back.

  6. Karen

    Love your blog Dan, you’re doing so well, good on you! Xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Karen xxx



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