Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking – Part 5 – Lunch

March 3, 2017

Lunch is a pretty easy gig on a station, especially if most of the crew are out and about working away from the homestead.  If they are all in then it is a pretty busy day.   That is where leftovers come in very handy and such a good way to use them up.  If you are low on leftovers you will probably need to make something for the hungry hoards.

When they are in all day you will find time just disappears, so you need to be organised from the very start of the day.  Have a plan.  Ensure there is always cold sliced meat (corned beef or roast beef) as well as salads in the fridge, ready to go, if anyone needs to pack a lunch in the morning.  Here are my suggestions on what you can serve for lunch…

Get your free printable here: Lunch Template-2

Lunch is a fabulous time to use up left overs.  It means you will also have oodles for dinner the night before if you are relying on leftovers for lunch the next day – and no one wants to run short when it comes to dinner.

When it comes to meat pies it is so simple.  My good friend Mrs Savvy B taught me this… so simple how on earth did I not know.  So what you do is cook up some mince, throw in a bit of onion if your that way inclined.  Sprinkle over some gravy powder and then add water to thicken it up – it is that simple my friends.  We have one of those electric pie machines that makes four pies at a time, we just use shortcrust pasty on the bottom and puff for the lid.  You could make one big pie using a quiche dish or perhaps muffin tins for mini pies.

Another favourite recipe that Mrs Savvy B gave me was this one…


** Just click this link to purchase Di’s Poppy Seed Salad Dressing you won’t be sorry!

A tip for leftovers is to make sure you heat it up.  This will save a long line for the microwave.  The crew will be more inclined to eat it if you have taken away the hard work.  Don’t keep re-heating things, once you have heated and served it a second time, toss out anything that is left.

Over to you.  What are your go to dishes when it comes to lunch time cooking?  
Any hot tips?


  1. Suzy L

    Egg and bacon pie is also nice cold – that is, if you have any left over, as it is always popular!

    • Miss Chardy

      So yummy!!!



  1. Guide to Station Cooking - […] Not sure what the hell I am talking about… go back and check out the rest of this series:…

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