Town trips and other stuff

March 20, 2017

Well I tell you what it has been a busy few days of town trips.  Last Thursday Miss Pip, the kids and I packed up and headed to town at 5am.  Clancy had a Prep “get to know you” afternoon, then on Friday both Harry and Clancy went to school for an Activity Day.  The kids were excited to see their friends who they probably haven’t seen since the beginning of December and I was excited to see mine.

Now some exciting stuff has been happening on the friend front.  Two families have moved to the area and have started on Mt Isa School of the Air.  This is particularly exciting for me because I thought I would be friendless soon when all of my friends finish with School of the Air, but don’t worry a new gang has arrived.   And guess what – both families have boys in Clancy’s year.  Yay!  See… this is his new friend, Marshall.  Aren’t they just too cute for words??!!!

One of these families has even moved next door – we have new neighbours.  Clancy is beside himself with excitement (as am I).  Ruth (my new neighbour) is a laugh a minute.  I have always wanted to do a Podcast with this funny lady now we don’t really have an excuse, apart from the fact that she is in a total mess trying to unpack with a Prep kid and twin 1 year old girls. That is a whole Podcast in itself really, isn’t it!?  How that woman is getting anything done is beyond me.  I feel we need to enlist a whole army for her and move in to help her get unpacked.  A working bee if you will.  Hang in there Ruthie.

Anyway, back to the story… town.  The other friend who has moved up – Annabelle (Marshall’s Mum) came in for Activity Day.  Gosh is was great to see them.  Of course there was the usual wine and nibbles platter trotted out at the caravan park…

Just your standard white trash, trailer park fare really.

On Saturday the kids and I drove home.  I unpack, washed, cleaned, repacked and headed back to town with Mr Chardy yesterday.  We have a conference on today and tomorrow.  So there you have it.  Just a whole lot of driving and eating cheese with friends.

Oh just one question.  On the way to town yesterday we stopped at the Camooweal Roadhouse for a coffee and I was having a quick read of the Women’s Day.  Is it true – is Prince Harry and Megan really getting married.   And while we are at it is Kate and Will’s really having twins?  Have I been living under a rock, is this really happening?  I need to know because it is obviously very important.

So what’s been happening in your world? 
Are you a lover or hater of blue cheese? I have taken quite a liking to Blue Castello. 



  1. takka03

    Wishing someone who knows would post about is Prince Harry and Megan really getting married? And while we are at it is Kate and Will’s really having twins? (its a wet day here and i supposed to be doing the books, but getting distracted 😉 )

    • Miss Chardy

      It just must be wrong, we would have heard about it on Facebook for sure.

  2. Emma

    Bring on that podcast!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Gosh it would be fun!

  3. joolzmac

    Harry and Meghan have not announced their engagement, neither have Wills and Kate announced twins or any pregnancy! Such trash, those publications!

    • Miss Chardy

      Gosh Joolz, thank god for you – where would I be? I didn’t think it was true – I would have seen it in my Facebook feed if it were, and if it isn’t happening on Facebook then it just isn’t happening is it. ha ha ha.

  4. Ellie

    Blue cheese is life. I actually made a cauliflower and blue cheese soup last night.
    You also need to ditch those white pickled onions and try the Balsamic Pickled Onions – I have been eating far too many lately with slices of Edam. Very retro but Im bringing it back.

    No idea on the royals I am on a self imposed trash mag ban so only browse when at the check out.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am all for retro Ellie. I haven’t seen the balsamic onions! Will have to keep an eye out for them. Gosh Mr Chardy would love them, he could drink Balsamic.

  5. Mish

    Only 5 days behind now!

    Don’t ask me about the gossip mags, I have not bought one for nearly 10 years and I am proud of myself for that … mind you I don’t mind a sneak peak in the old ones when I am sitting waiting in the doctors office!

    I do love me some blue cheese, however the Mr is not a fan but I guess that means more for me!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, no Mr Chardy isn’t really a fan of the blue cheese either.


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