Chasing my tail & over priced airfares

March 31, 2017

Life gets so busy doesn’t it.  A new year arrives and you think you’ve got this – you are all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake and then BAM… before you know it April is knocking on our door!  How in the hell did that happen?  What is going on?  April for goodness sake.  We have had 3 whole months and I feel like the year has just begun.  Now I feel really behind and that I need to give myself an upper cut and get with the program.

So much to do.  Before we know it Christmas will be here and the year will be gone, just like that.  Do you feel the same?

Things have really kicked off here at Chardy Central.  Work is in full swing.  Term one is over today, how on earth can that be?  Last day of term.

How are you going with 2017?  Are you down in the Great South East and copping a heap of rain?  So much rain.  We were just looking at all the rain that fell yesterday.  Crazy.  Not to mention the closing of the schools.  Bet that was a treat for all the busy Mum’s.

Tom is heading to the airport this morning, about to board the plane as we speak.  Will be so great to see him.

Because I am chasing my tail and have just been so busy here on the station my regular “Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking” is on hold for a moment.  Don’t worry, I will get my act together and get back onto it but for now I have decided to go easy on myself and take a chill pill.

So tell me, how do you feel about it being April tomorrow?  I am feeling quite anxious about it and thinking of all the things I need to get done.

Oh and the little rant to Qantas that I posted on Facebook yesterday went viral… there are so many comments, I am so grateful.  If  you didn’t see it here it is…

Thank you so much to everyone who shared, commented or liked this post.  It has had an amazing reach…

I have wanted to try and do something about regional airline costs for so long and I know it is an issue for so many of us.  There just must be a solution and I am determined to try and work with the airlines to come up with the answer.  I am just waiting for Sir Richard Branson to call and invite me to Necker Island so we can talk logistics, sip Chardy and sort this out.  In his words “screw it lets do it”.

ICPA (Isolated Children’s Parents Association) have been lobbying for a long time now with the airlines but have hit a dead end.  But that won’t do my friends, it won’t do at all.  There must be a way, there is always a way.  So if you could just get Sir Richard on the line for me, that would be wonderful, thanks a million.  Actually, bugger Necker Island, perhaps I could just invite him out here to Chardy Central, he would love a trip to the outback – I have no doubt!

Anyway, I had best get to it.  Happy Friday to you all.  Do school holidays start for you today?  Have a  wonderful weekend and stay tuned, I will let you know when I have booked Sir Richard into Chateau Chardy.  I’m not kidding!  Build it and he WILL come!

Do you have his number?  Be a darling and pass it onto me please.  Thanks!



  1. Kirsten and co

    obviously you’re going to need an extra pair of hands to whip up the Japanese Slippers when Sir Richard is staying. Please get your people to call my people when dates are confirmed so I can clear my schedule…and start saving for my ticket!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hold the line please caller… I will get it sorted!

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    I hope you’re more successful with Sir Richard than I was when I invited Oprah to the farm! She doesn’t know what she missed! 😉

    Seriously though, I hope you have some joy on this issue. (And I think you’ve made a wise choice inviting Sir Richard and not Barnaby Joyce! 😉 )

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh absolutely, Oprah’s loss. Oh imagine having Oprah come to stay, that would be such fun as would Sir Richard! Such inspirations the pair of them.

  3. KezUnprepared

    Good luck with it all! Flight costs are outrageous for some domestic flights!! I don’t know how you manage! I hope someone with some power listens to you x

    • Miss Chardy

      Outrageous is the right word Kez. 🙂

  4. Mish

    Good Luck Chards!
    I really hope that someone listens to you and that change starts to happen.

  5. Miss Kitty

    Here in NZ, domestic flights are mostly pretty reasonable, and I think it’s because our main airline, Air NZ, has had a bit of competition over the years from other airlines, like Jetstar, coming in and dropping their prices to try to get business, which has meant Air NZ have also had to keep their prices fairly low. Perhaps you could start your own airline for a bit of competition 😄. The other option I have used before is charter flights. I don’t know whether they are available for where you need them, but here I pay approx. NZD$120 to fly from our grass strip air field in our small town, to the Big Smoke, which is normally about 1 1/2 hour drive (through horrendous traffic). Perhaps you could find someone who is flying supplies to your area who might be happy to take a passenger for a small fee?

    • Miss Chardy

      Gosh, if i could do a charter flight for $120 I would never drive again. That is amazing. Yes, think perhaps I should start my own airline…. the flights would probably be 5 times the cost they are now though, ha ha ha.


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