Home from boarding school and other stuff

April 3, 2017

The gang is back together.  My good friend Di went and collected Tom from school a little earlier than expected on Thursday, as all the schools shut down while all that bad weather was happening in Brisbane.  She then took him to his flight early Friday morning and made sure he got on the plane safely.  Don’t you just love good friends, where would we be without them?

Tom arrived home, here at the station, safe and sound …. at 2am on Saturday morning! You see he was going to be flying into the station but plans changed.  In the end Mrs Savvy B collected Tom and her son, Ben (who was also travelling home from boarding school) and took him to their place.  Mr Chardy didn’t get to town until late Friday afternoon and Tom was flying in at lunch time.  So then Mr Chardy turned around, headed home via the Savvy B’s and made the collection around midnight which had them arriving home here at 2am.  Can you even believe it.  I would have just stayed in town and collected him the next morning.  Boy some people must love driving!

He is very happy to be home in his own bed.   Back in his work jeans and boots.  Has been for a horse ride and rubbed his poor little legs out already.  Must have turned soft being down in the big smoke.

Oh and yes, he has grown a bit too.  I think he will be as tall as me by the end of next term.

So, are you on school holidays too?  It snuck up didn’t it.  I can’t believe how fast term one went.  This is the current school holidays situation on the first Monday morning.  Honestly, is such a hard life my friends…

In other breaking news, I have managed to keep my plants alive…

Apart from Basil, I think it is safe to say poor old Basil has passed on…

He is in the middle, that dead stick of a thing.  The mint isn’t looking all that flash either.

I have even thrown caution to the wind and planted some seeds.   Some portulaca and lettuce, at this rate you will be seeing me on Gardening Australia with my own segment…

And that’s it my friends… it’s the blooming lot.

How was your weekend?  Do anything exciting?
Kids home from boarding school?


  1. Sandra Scott

    Glad Tom is home for a little break from school, keep going with the plants, you’ll have a green thumb in no time.

    • Miss Chardy

      It is getting greener Sandra. They are still alive!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay! He still talks about his night out with you guys and the Cowboys game. 🙂

  2. Mish

    Woo Hoo Tom is home!
    I am sure there has already been a fight/tussle between the boys, even though his younger brothers missed him 🙂
    All of my indoor plants are still alive, I have had a few dead leaves to pick up here and there but I am doing better than I thought I would and I do know that Basil can be tricky to grow … so hang in there Dani

    • Miss Chardy

      The fighting may be more between Tom and I than the brothers…. Yay for your indoor plants. I am not losing sleep over poor little Basil, but it is sad to see that dead stick. ha ha ha.

      • Mish

        He’s only fighting with his Momma because he misses you the most <3

        • Miss Chardy

          Isn’t that lovely, I feel honoured, ha ha ha.

          • Mish

            He’s a boy!

  3. Aine

    The dog looks so pleased to see him – too cute!

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, she was. 🙂

  4. Anne@GritandGiggles

    Must be nice to have all the kids home! I know, what is with the driving around at odd hrs when it could be done in the morning. Looks like you’ve been having fun with your plants. Hopefully they keep pulling through for you.


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