Outback Sleepover

April 7, 2017

Well it is the school holidays which means time for another sleepover.  Harry has been hatching a plan with his little friend next door for about 2 weeks.  They had it all sorted.  Now you know that when I say neighbour it isn’t as simple as walking out the front door and 20 metres across the grass, don’t you?!  Of course it wasn’t that simple.  So on Wednesday we packed some snacks for the car, filled up the water bottles and headed off for the sleepover drop off.

Thankfully Amanda headed off and met us along the road so I only had to drive 170km (that was just to get to her…).  This is all on dirt tracks, of course, that haven’t been graded yet this season.

We did a kid swap in the middle of, yep – you guessed it – Bum Truck Nowhere and we were off again.  Home via our southern neighbours house for a quick cup of tea and a bit of a chat.  Then it was back into the car for another hour home.

We had a couple of hours at home and then headed off again, this time interstate.  To Mrs Savvy B’s place for a BBQ that night. From the western neighbour to the eastern neighbour, all in a days work.  Clancy wasn’t very impressed that he had to get back into the car for another 2 hours, i’m not sure why he was complaining, I had packed a first class sandwich for him.

Here is Tom, dropping the fence into QLD.  It just wouldn’t be the same if we put a gate in would it?!  Time to wind the clocks forward half an hour.

Mrs Savvy B and Goldie Lachs had outdone themselves on the table decorating for the backyard bbq.  But then again, they always do, they can and will throw a party.

Remember GL from our Blomad’s on Tour Kununurra trip?  Well she got engaged so it was very exciting to have a glass of bubbly with her.

As we were sipping our bubbly watching the sun set the crew were bringing some cattle into the yards.  What a view.

Then Shelly had to go and feed her dogs.  They are her little stock camp.  So off I went, champagne glass in hand (and quite empty, how did that happen?)  I thought we would be going in the buggy but we walked.  I wasn’t really dressed for a walk to the dog pens but off we went (those poor little Nine West Flats didn’t know what had hit them, I could hear them saying “we are not in Queen Street Mall anymore”).

You can imagine how impressed I am every time we do the dogs and they jump all over me.  I was probably more annoyed that I had run out of bubbly, truth be known.

All in all it was a busy day of driving but that is just how it goes out here.  I quite enjoyed cruising around the countryside visiting 3 of my neighbours.  By the time we arrived home we had clocked up 500km’s – all on paddock tracks.

How are your school holidays looking?  Going bonkers already?  Hang in there my friends.  Hang in there.  I had best go, time to get set for another day on the mower.  At least the weather has cooled down this week, THANK THE LORD!!!

Over and out my fine feathered friends.


  1. Chookyblue

    The things you do to see the neighbours……. Lol…. Mine are a lot closer then yours and people find that amazing……

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, yep, the things we will do.

  2. krystiebremer

    We had a sleepover planned for the holidays but given it is 5 hours one way, we are all heading over for the night. Not quiet what the two boys had in mind but mine said he would take it if it meant they got to hangout for a while {rather than just at ‘school’}

    • Miss Chardy

      Yay, a sleepover for everyone, love it!!!

  3. Maja

    Miss Chardy, I recently discovered your blog and I love every single of your posts. You give us such a wonderful insight into challenges of living in the outback, all with a great dose of humour.
    Love it!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello Maja, so glad you found us, thanks for reading and I am so pleased you enjoy it. Where are you from?

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, it has dried out very quickly. We get a pretty strong wind here – called the Barkly Breeze – and it lasts for about the next 5 months, dries everything out pretty quickly (including the washing).

  4. Mish

    Look at that I am only 5 days behind today!
    I read this post out loud to the Mr and he said you should definitely put a gate in on the border with Queensland but I suspect he is offering to help, so that he can come out and see that part of the country and see if anyone needs his pest management skills … boys always have an angle 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, too funny. We have just had our place sprayed.

      • Mish

        Haha I shall tell him that’s a no then!


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