Easter 2017

April 24, 2017

Hello there strangers.  How are you all?  It’s been a while between posts and I have been meaning to publish an Easter update for ages, so – as I always say – better late than never.

I hope you all had a fabulous Easter.  We had one night camping with our neighbours – the Savvy B’s – over at one of their waterholes.  It was quite the hike, let me tell you.  Back when I was a kid we used to think the 5 hour drive to get to our yearly holiday was the longest drive ever.  These days we trot out a 5 hour drive for just 1 night away.  The things you do.

So yes, it took us around 4-5 hours to actually get to the camp.  Did I mention they are only next door?  So that was just banging though paddocks and a whole lot of rough windy road.

Anyway, the scenery was beautiful so I guess it was worth it… right?  Or perhaps we really are crazy.

I don’t think Mr Chardy was convinced, with remarks the next morning such as “we are never camping again” to which I replied “oh so I guess a camping holiday is out of the question?” … his response “only if we can take a hotel”… I guess that is a no then.  Maybe he is the indoor cat, not me!  I actually love camping.

Anyway, where was I.  We finally arrived at lunch time and then had to do a small hike to get from camp to the big gorge/waterhole.  We packed the bottles of bubbly and off we went.  Nobody told me there would be abseiling (without the ropes) involved…

The kids had a lovely time jumping into the water and Clancy is quite the little kayaker!!!

Gosh it was peaceful up there, so far from anywhere, so private.

This small waterhole back at camp was the perfect spot for a cheeky wine and a cheese platter…

The Easter Bunny found the boys so it was an easy breakfast: Chocolate.  Then all the boys went off fishing and then we had a sausage sizzle.  It was then time to pack up and start the long trek home.  A very short but sweet little trip.

In other news I am back in the kitchen cooking so watch this space for some recipes and hints and tips.  With Clancy in school now and Tom away at boarding school I think I can do this.  Thankfully they are out all week working away from the station which means they won’t be in for smoko and lunches.   That will give me a chance to mow the lawns today and tomorrow… it never ends.  Feels like I just finished mowing.  We are a slave to that lawn but it is worth it.

So tell me, what have you been up to?
How was your Easter?  Did you go away?
Perhaps your children are still on school holidays… how’s that going?


  1. JDecay

    I see someone cheated and avoided the 5 hr drive and used the chopper.

    • Miss Chardy

      The joys of being a chopper pilot or the girlfriend of a chopper pilot!

  2. Mish

    Love the cheese platter – that’s what I call camping in style!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh it was the best Mish (I know, only slightly late replying to this comment… better late than never hey!)

  3. Chookyblue

    gorgeous country so worth the effort……….and drinks and cheese platter to top it all off…………

    • Miss Chardy

      It really was!


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