#CHARDSONTOUR – An Outback Adventure

June 16, 2017

Remember when I said that this whole #chardsontour thing may actually be a thing?  Well today I head off on a real outback adventure.  I have been invited to be a guest speaker at the Hells Gate Roadhouse Ladies Luncheon and I can’t wait.

Where on earth is Hell’s Gate I hear you ask.  It is truly at Bum F#@k Truck Nowhere.  Way up in the gulf (oh did I mention I would be travelling interstate, I know: lifestyle of the rich and the famous, so Cosmopolitan).  Here is a visual…

It is a Roadhouse on The Savannah Way.

I will be taking my whole team with me: my manager – Miss Pip, and my 2 body guards – Clancy & Harry.  Annual Leave has been approved and I will be leaving my purple washing up gloves by the sink and won’t let the door hit me on the way out.  I have, mind you, left a huge lasagne for dinner tonight and with Miss Pips help there should be enough cake, slice and brownies to see them through to Sunday.

Today we are heading to my friends place.  FF lives on a station about 60km’s from Hell’s Gate.  She is directly north of us and also goes across to the QLD boarder.  Although she isn’t all that far “as the crow fly’s” it is quite the hike via roads.  So, it is about 550km’s.  All dirt apart from about 60km’s of single lane bitumen – which is nearly rougher than the dirt.  Now I have never been to visit this particular station that FF lives on so it will be quite the adventure.  We will not pass through a single town or roadhouse the whole way and I am guessing that it will take about 7 hours, possibly a bit longer.  To be honest we may not even pass a single vehicle but you never do know your luck.  We might pop in for a quick Driver Reviver at my friend Ruth’s house on the way past.

Here is our journey on a map…

This is all ok because I know there will be a warm welcome waiting for us when we arrive at FF’s house.  I am hoping for the same welcome that my blogging friends got last year when they came up for Barkly Women’s Day

Oh and we will get to have a little picnic lunch along the way on the side of the road, best go and make some sandwiches.  Tomorrow it is only about 60km’s to Hell’s Gate, easy!

Right, there you have it.  Now you are all up to date with what is going on I had best get my act together.  I haven’t even packed yet so I best hop to it.

I will fill you in on the road trip and ladies day when I return.  Stay tuned.

Are you going to Hell’s Gate Ladies Day (no doubt you are!!!!!).
Have you travelled along the Savannah Way?



    • Miss Chardy

      Belated thanks. Was great to see Ruth and FF.

  1. Shaun

    Maybe you could sell some Animal Health Product along the way!! I’m sure the Health companies need a rep in Outback NT. Cheers 🍻Miss Chardy…….Shaun

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mr Coutts, I am such an expert in that field I am sure I would have no trouble, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

  2. Barbie Walker

    Travel safe Chards, i just love all your adventures, and I suppose because I have been to most of the places you talk about … except Chardy HQ, you never know may land up there one day and SURPRISE it may be a time for a chardy, take care travel safe love to you all. xxoo

    • Miss Chardy

      Would love to have a chardy with you Barbie!!!Glad you are enjoying the adventures.

  3. Aquila Salta

    Another great read thanks to you Chardy! I am always amazed at how you are able to write and make your readers feel that they are just talking to a friend. Keep writing please!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I am so glad you feel that way, thanks so much. Mission complete!!!

  4. Louise Golden

    Hells Gate Roadhouse sounds like a thriving and friendly place. When I visited nearly 25 years years ago, one of the local indigenous communities (80 km away in QLD) had been declared ‘dry’ as part of a well-meaning, albeit failed government policy. So, in the absence of buying alcohol within their own community, residents regularly chartered a bus to Hells Gate where they could buy grog at exorbitant prices and drink their fill on the bus before returning to the community, poorer financially and physically for the experience. Such a beautiful part of the world…let’s hope times have changed and that type of exploitation is a thing of the past, opening the doors to opportunities, inclusiveness, employment and health for all that live there.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Louise, it is such a gorgeous part of the world, nothing like I had pictured in my head.


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