Weekly Meal Plan

June 26, 2017

I know, I know…. I am so behind with my blog posts and I am not sure where the weeks are going.  I still need to catch you up on our fun outback adventure to Hells Gate.  It will come, I promise.

Kids are on school holidays and my oldest boy – Tom – is home from boarding school.  Don’t really see much of him because he is out with his Dad working.  Harry has a mate over for a sleepover and Clancy is busy annoying the crap out of them whinging that no one will play with him.  Just your usual school holiday suspects.

Anyway, here is my meal plan for this week.  What’s cooking in your kitchen?  Have you done your weekly plan?

Mr Chardy & Georgie were busy yesterday breaking down a killer and making a gazillion sausages.  I am not kidding – they made 80 kg’s of sausages.  That equates to 100 odd bags each containing 18 snags.  So around 1800 sausages.  Should keep us going for a little while, what do you reckon?

How are things shaping up at your house?  I think i might just head back over to the kitchen for some peace and quiet if you don’t mind.

Oh and Mum & Dad (aka: DD & Rexy) are on their way up for their yearly visit which is very exciting.  I can’t wait to throw the purple washing up gloves DD’s way, but I’m not sure she is going to be all that thrilled.  Anyway it will be great to see them.

So there you have it, a short and snappy post.  Best get back to the kitchen.  Have a great week my friends.


  1. sylphfairy

    That is a hell of a lot of sausages!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, should keep us going for a little bit but they are so yummy, may not last long.

  2. Aquila Salta

    Chardy thank you for sharing! What a lovely article and the photos are amazing too! I love how you put together these information on “Weekly Meal Plan”. Easy to read, very relatable and great tips! Can’t wait to read more!

    • Miss Chardy

      You need to stop being so nice, you will give me a big head, ha ha ha ha ha!!! Thanks.


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