Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

July 9, 2017

Yes, it is that time of week again my friends… time to get our heads around the new week and sort out our meal plans.  Mine isn’t all that inspirational this week sorry.

We didn’t end up having Lasagne on Friday as the crew all headed to town for the night.  But – I had already made the bolognese and white sauce.  This is quite handy really because I am off to town bright an early in the morning to take Tom to the plane as he heads back to boarding school.  I will stay the night in town and do a few station jobs so this means I won’t be here to do dinner tomorrow night.  So the lasagne will be perfect – DD can sort it out and serve it all up.  On Tuesday I will bring home some BBQ chooks for dinner and on Wednesday it is State of Origin, so I thought the right thing to do is trot out a good old meat pie.

Everyone is heading to the Cloncurry Stockman’s Challenge hence the lack of meals for the rest of the week.

So tell me, what is on your menu this week?  Your meals have been amazing, I must say!  You have all been cooking up a storm. Did anyone cook Aileen’s Choc Mint Slice?  How did you go with it?

Happy cooking my friends and if you would like your own blank meal plan to fill in then you can get your free printable here: Weekly Meal Plan Template

Have a great week my fine feathered friends.


  1. Mish

    My menu plan for this week is not very inspirational either … the Mr is away from Monday to Thursday night and they will feed him on the plane, so I will just have myself and the fluffy monster aka Bentley the dog to look after.

    Bentley is easy, dry food or the wet stuff or a combination of both and he is happy to have the same flavour every night. I on the other hand can be a little more fussy, although I do have plenty of supplies in the fridge for savoury scrambled eggs and home made fried rice. So my menu will look something like:

    * Sunday – cook off rice and store in fridge – we don’t need any dinner tonight as we ate up big at my Dad’s birthday lunch today, eating for four hours will do that 🙂
    * Monday – home made fried rice
    * Tuesday – savoury scrambled eggs
    * Wednesday – home made fried rice or savoury scrambled eggs
    * Thursday – home made fried rice or savoury scrambled eggs again!
    * Friday – no idea yet and depends upon how late I work but possibly take away!
    * Saturday – home made pizza
    * Sunday – pasta

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha, too funny Mish. Love it.

      • Mish

        The Mr came home on Tuesday night, his Sydney meetings got cancelled, so we’ve just finished off the fried rice together tonight for dinner!
        I hope Clancy is starting to feel better 🙂


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