Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

July 31, 2017

How was your weekend?  I forgot all about posting this plan yesterday, I had it ready to go and everything.

We are getting quite low on beef at the moment and Mr Chardy just can’t seem to find time to get a killer (if you would like to know how we get our beef just read THIS post about the Outback Butcher), fingers crossed he will get one this morning.  When the beef supply is getting low that is when this meal plan comes in very handy.  Just when you think you don’t have anything you manage to find seven days worth of meals in the freezer.  We do have a few big roasts so it will be roast beef twice this week, nothing wrong with that!  So here is what we are having…

And if you would like a blank printable to do your plan you can get it here: Weekly Meal Plan Template



I haven’t got the recipe for Devilled Sausages up on the blog yet but boy are they easy.  I used to buy the Maggi Devilled Sausage sachets but now I just make it up myself.  I whack everything into a slow cooker as follows… cut up the raw sausages into little pieces, slice up the amount of onion you wish to add and throw it in.  Then you are going to want to add a fair bit of gavy mix.  Depends how big your batch is.  The gravy mix is going to make it all nice and thick.  Sprinkle it over and the stir it in.  Then you need to add a couple of cans (give or take depending on your batch) of tinned diced tomatoes.  You might need water too.  Stir it all around and turn the slow cooker on.  It should only take about 4 hours, when the sausages are cooked then the dish is ready. It is better if the mix it too thick as you can always add more tomatoes or water.  You can serve with spiral pasta or mash and veg.  The blokes seem to love it and it is so bloody easy.

Happy cooking my friends.



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