RFDS Frequent Flyer: Another Sick Boy

September 28, 2017

Well, here we are again my friends.  Back at the Hyatt Regency Isa Base Hospital.   Oh how we seem to love this resort.

Like last time (remember when Clancy was sick – you can read about that trip here) our private jet (aka: RFDS plane) came to get us.

Captain Darryl was flying and our flight attendant was the lovely Leanne.  The in flight entertainment left a little to be desired and the snacks and baby bottles of booze were non-existant.   Not a pretzel to be seen.

Now the reason for our flight to the local resort?  Harry.  Poor little thing has been feeling like crap since Monday.  Sore tummy and that is about it.  But a really sore tummy.  So yes – this mother of the year left it 3 days until she finally phoned the doctor.   He came into me this morning in a lot of pain so I thought it best to pick up the phone.

The RFDS thought the best thing to do was to fly out and get him.  Thankfully we had some friends visiting who were leaving today for town so they are bringing my car in for us.

Of course our transfer limo was waiting for us when we touched down at Isa International and we were transported to the resort  with our private driver and concierge (aka: paramedics).

Service has been second to none, straight in and treated like a king – and so he should be.  Although the poor little bugger hasn’t eaten since last night so he is starving… and so am I, just quietly.  I have decided to go out in sympathy with him and fast – thought it might be a great way to kick start my diet.  So far so good.  I feel lighter already.  We are looking forward to hitting the restaurant and tucking into some of those yummy hospital sandwiches.

I am still looking for the swim up bar too, I just can’t for the life of me find it.

Ok, so we have been admitted to the children’s ward and had another X-Ray on the way up here.  This time it has shown what is wrong.  So that is a little embarrassing… he is just a little bunged up if you get my drift.  Perhaps I need to introduce some prunes into his diet.  Or maybe it is that pure white diet he is generally on.  That kid really needs to wean himself onto some green food.  Anyway, they are keeping us in and we have just been upgraded to the Execute Suite.  I kid you not.   I have cashed in some Frequent Flyers and we have our own private ensuited room.  I told you this resort was all sorts of amazing didn’t I?!! ha ha ha.

Well I really am relieved that there isn’t anything seriously wrong with him, so that is a huge bonus.

Living so far from home you never know if you are doing the right thing.  Should you call the Doctor or shouldn’t you?  Are you over reacting?  Is it serious?  Maybe it is his appendix.  What should I do?  So this morning I felt really guilty when he came into me in such pain.  He never complains and is usually such a healthy little boy so I thought it was time to call the doctor – after 3 days.

Feel a little silly sitting up here like lord and Lady Chardy, but hell – you know I will take any holiday when I can get it.

It also seems that the only time I get a chance to blog these days is when I am in this hospital with a sick kid.  It also just so happens that all of our crew have headed to Tennant Creek for the Campdraft so there isn’t even anyone to cook for at home.  I was really looking forward to a quiet weekend with no one to cook for.  A chance to catch up on other jobs that have been left by the wayside.  But no – here we are so I will just enjoy the resort my friends.

Um, yes I will be catching up on my new favourite show – Doctor Doctor – on 9Now.  I wonder when room service will arrive and if there will be a chardy on the tray?  I may just have to settle for half a doxy-sleep aid that I packed in my handbag to help me sleep in my cozy fold out bed.

Many of you may not realise how fantastic the RFDS really are.  I still get goosebumps when I hear that King Air fly over and watch it touch down.  Oh the dust and noise.  It is such a good feeling to know the professionals have arrived.   I phoned the RFDS at around 6:30am.  I had to go and chat to Mr Chardy to tell him that the plane was coming to get us and that we would be flying in.  I then had to call the doctor back and let him know that it was all good to come and get us.  So that was probably around 7am.   The doctor was going to get onto the pilot and organise the plane.  The pilot then phoned us around 7:30am and said they would be leaving in about 15 minutes.  Once he was ready to leave he phoned again with an arrival time of around 9am.  

I whizzed around, grabbed some clothes off the line, ironed some and packed us a bag.  It is always hard to know what to pack because anything can happen.  You might be discharged that same day and just stay in town overnight.  If it is really serious you may be taken to Townsville or Brisbane.  So it is best to pack more than less I find.  

The pilot then called on the UHF radio and asked us to drive the airstrip to make sure it was clear of kangaroos and ready for their arrival.  “All clear captain”!  We then fly to Mt Isa – 1 hour – the ambulance meets us and brings us to the hospital.  

And that, my friends, is what goes down when the RFDS come to do an evacuation.  

I guess that is it.  A full and thorough update from us.

Ok… so this post just keeps going on and on doesn’t it, I guess it is more of a diary of our day… Harry isn’t as well as we thought… perhaps gastro… he has been in quite a bit of pain.  After arriving in the Executive Suite he went down hill and was in a lot of pain. Doesn’t feel like eating (although I did tuck into the sweet’n’sour chicken – still no Chardy though).  He is going ok now so will see what the night brings.  Lets pray for some sleep.  Fingers crossed.  Ok, time to pop the little sofa bed out and get into my pj’s.  Over and out my friends.  

How has your day been?
Private Jet take you anywhere?


  1. Taryn

    I hope Harry is on the mend tonight! I’ve been on the phone to the rfds as well with a sick toddler and me with a bad back. They are angels.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Taryn, doesn’t sound like things are all that flash at your house. Nothing worse than a sick baby/toddler – so scary. How are you doing now?

  2. Trish MLDB

    I hope your little guy is on the mend. It is hard to know and you don’t have the luxury of quick trip to the local GP.
    I love Doctor Doctor. Missed most of it the first time round and I’m just finished season 1 and onto season 2.
    My friend’s new boyfriend is a Helicopter pilot and he landed it in our paddock 2 weeks ago – quite a sight.
    I wouldn’t go up in it at same time as my husband though , then the pilot was gone to beat curfew.

    • Miss Chardy

      He is on the mend Trish but we are still in hospital. Oh isn’t Doctor Doctor unreal, just love seeing the sights around Mudgee.

  3. Sandra Scott

    Gosh I hope things are better this morning, poor Harry.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sandra, still in hospital…. because we live so far away they are reluctant to let us leave until they are sure he is ok which is really good. He is feeling much better.

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    Oh Chards – you can tell he’s crook just from the photos. Poor little fellow!
    The RFDS have a special place in our hearts too. They evacuated my little brother Ant from a station in between Winton and Boulia after a mustering accident years ago. We were all so grateful for their help.
    Hope Harry is on the mend soon and you can check out shortly. (I hear swim-up bars are full of wee anyways!)
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      They are just the best Amanda. We are still in hospital… just hanging out. A bug in his tummy. The service has been second to none, they have been fantastic.

  5. Anne@gritandgiggles

    Hoping Harry is on the mend. Lucky you, all those frequent fligher points. Love that you can put humour in any situation.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Anne, if we don’t laugh we will definitely cry! 🙂

  6. Mish

    Oh Chards, sounds like all sorts of yucky-ness going on for poor Harry but I know the doctors will work it out.
    I couldn’t agree with you more about the AMAZING WORK that the RFDS do for our country family and friends – you deserve a medal to dedicate your professional life doing this work. I had a close friend who was an RFDS nurse in the NT for a while, she gave up her job and moved back to Brisbane after her husband suddenly passed away but she loved every single second of that job and spoke highly of the dedication of the doctors and pilots!

    • Miss Chardy

      They are just amazing Mish. Even after all of these years I still get goosebumps when I hear that plane landing.


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