Hello There

December 11, 2017

Well, hello there stranger.  How the hell are you?  Yes, it really is the 11th of December already and I feel like we haven’t had a decent catch up in ages.  I feel like we should do what Hamish and Andy do each Friday and “catch up over Jazz”.  Seeing as though we can’t do that, lets just catch up, for once, on the blog!

I keep thinking it is the Wet Season and I am going to be stuck here forever but then I remember – 11th December.  We are heading off on holidays at the beginning of January so I really don’t have that much time to sort myself out do I?!!!

I know I have said it nearly every month this year but…. where has 2017 gone?  I reckon it has been the fastest year yet.  I still feel like we should be in March.  Goodness me.  How are you feeling about it?

My kids have now been on school holidays for what feels like a lifetime.  Their last day of school was 23rd November.  And what about my oldest boy – his first year at Boarding School is done and dusted.  Feels like we only just dropped him off.  He has had the best year.  Not homesick once!

After school ended we headed into Mt Isa for Sports For Bush Kids.  A whole week of sports and a day at school for Christmas Activity Day.  It is a fun week and we get to catch up with all of our friends.

I haven’t been on this blog in quite a while, so I clicked through this morning to see any new comments.  There was a massive one and boy did it make me laugh.  Remember that time when DD & Rexy came up for Christmas and Mum brought my old gymnastics leotard up?  Well this bloke had found this post after, oh look I will just copy the first part of his comment, here it is….

I found your leotard pic while searching for something else- it was the tag line containing the words “so much wrong with this picture.” Well, yeah… you are a GORGEOUS woman and that photo doesn’t do you justice. I’m an active photographer, a now-and-again photography instructor and an Italian-American fellow wine afficianado. If I may offer a couple thoughts?

So, I think he is from the USA or somewhere and the comment is huge.  You need to click through and have a read: https://misschardy.com/2015/12/18/big-week-a-mixed-bag-of-laughter/ – I will wait while you do so, scroll down to the last comment, and don’t forget to check out my hot photo in the leotard.

Ok, lets discuss this comment.  Oh there is so much.  Firstly can we just discuss the fact that he found me “while searching for something else – it was the tag line containing the words ‘so much wrong with this picture'”

Oh dear lord.  Yes – there is so much wrong with this picture but I wasn’t thinking about DD’s photography skills, I was thinking more about the grown woman who has had 3 babies wearing her leotard from 1993.  ha ha ha ha ha.  He goes on the critic DD’s photography skills – sorry Mum, seems you might need to go to photography school.

This makes me laugh so hard because I put that on as a joke and then made Mum take the photo – I was like “quick hurry up there is only so long I can hold my guts in for” and Mum was like “oh that is not attractive Dan”… ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.  I am laughing just typing that.

So anyway, I hope that has given you a little laugh.  And thanks Steve Daniello (if that is really your name it is quite a coincidence) for your advice, we will definitely take it on board next time I pose in my leotard and I will be sure to “pile the makeup on with a trowel” as you suggest so I do look so hideous (never mind the double chin situation).  I will also be sure to move so there isn’t a “pole growing out of my shoulder”.  Look, I am not proud of this photo but I will just put it on here in case you can’t be bothered clicking through to the other post…

In other news I made a chicken curry last night and mixed it up a little.  You can find my normal curry recipe HERE.  But last night I decided to give a Thai Chicken Panaeng Curry a go.  You see I have become a little addicted to the Thai takeaway in Mt Isa and gee they do a mean Chicken Panaeng.  So while I was in town I grabbed a couple of jars of this curry paste…

All I can say is YUM.  It was delicious.  I made a very mild batch so not much spice or kick to it but you could certainly add some with a sprinkle of chilli flakes.

And remember the Pumpkin Salad recipe I posted last week?  I just had a brainwave – next time I make it I think I will do it with Sweet Potato… wouldn’t that be yummy!!!

I also had another hair brained idea the other day that I put out on Facebook.  Holding a Miss Chardy event in Brisbane while I am down in January.  I just wanted to see if this was something people might like to attend and well, it seems it is.  And it seems I may have to pull it off.  I love a challenge so stay tuned.  I am just trying to sort out the venue and exact date/time.  The place where I really want to have it only operates between the hours of 8am – 7pm and I was hoping for an evening soiree, however I may have to have an Australia Day Luncheon.  Thoughts?

Well it has definitely been a long time between chats and there is so much more I could talk about but we will leave it there for now.

Have a great day.  And if you have any photography hints I am more than happy to hear from you, and will be sure to pass your suggestions onto DD.



  1. Narelle

    Hi Chards, love cooking Thai, but have to watch the brands due to seafood allergies in the family.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Narelle… allergies… not fun at all!! I could live on curry I think!

      • Cate Lawrence

        me too, i love all asian food, it can be hard to find decent chinese here in Berlin (it’s mostly vietnamese or food which has been germanified-taking out all the spices, heat and flavour) but we’ve been lucky to find a few.

        • Miss Chardy

          You will just have to make your own Cate!! 🙂

  2. kpfurst

    That was just too funny, made me laugh out loud!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha, i’m still laughing about it!!


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