Lets catch up over coffee – what’s been happening in my world…

April 23, 2018

Gosh it has been a long time between posts hasn’t it.  I can’t even remember the last time I logged into this blog.  Things always start off super quiet here at Chardy Central.   We arrive home from holidays and then we are here for weeks, months on end without going or seeing anyone and then BAM… it all starts and the year seems to slip away.

This year it all started when Mr Chardy and I headed down to the Sunshine Coast to attend the wedding of a gorgeous couple.  And boy was it a fun wedding.  We were only away for 3 nights (god help me… that was a whirlwind) but it was worth it.  We had so much fun at the wedding and we were on the best table ever, full of great friends.

We managed to see Tom and take him out for the night but didn’t even get to spend 24 hours with him.  Doesn’t that just make you feel like Mother of the Year.  Our flight left Brisbane at 9am so we had to dump him back at the dorm at 7am.  He said “I don’t think the dorm will be unlocked Mum” and I was like “well what, do we just dump you in the gutter and drive away?”  He was so good about it and said “don’t worry Mum, I will be fine, I will get in, it’s ok”.  He is 13!

It was back home after that to unpack, catch up on some work, re-pack and head to Alice Springs for the NTCA (Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association) Conference.  Just a quick 10 hour drive.  We stayed with our friends Bec & Steve.  I am going to NYC with Bec next month.  There’s Bec, in the picture below – the blonde wearing the pale pink.  Don’t worry – I will promise to blog my way around NYC and take you all with us on our adventure.

Oh yes we are… if you missed it we are going to NEW YORK CITY.  Can you even believe it?  Only 24 sleeps until we fly out.  Holy mother of monkey milk that will be here before I have time to blink, or – you know – lose 5kg.

Ever since we arrived home from Alice Springs I have been trying to get back into some sort of routine with exercise and eating properly but it has been a month now and I am still not there.  But today is the day – I was determined to be up and at it to pump out a blog post and go for a jog .  Ok – sure – my alarm did go off at 4:30am and I thought  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT and why is it going off at 4:30am.  I thought I must have accidentally set it and then I remembered: BLOG POST!  So I hit snooze about 5 times and ended up rising at 5am.  Better than nothing I suppose.  So here I am giving you a full report on what’s been going down in Chardy Town.

Now, the reason we were able to go away twice in March was because a lovely lady by the name of Linda came to cook for us for a few weeks.  She was such a champ too.  Linda had accepted the job at the end of last year and was all set to start this year but due to some very sad news in her family she felt unable to accept.  So we ever so grateful when she said she would come up and save us for a few weeks.  We really enjoyed having her here (even if I did only get so see here a few times).  Thanks Linda – you are welcome anytime.

And now… drum roll please… we have actually found a full time cook.  Yes you heard right my friends – we have a cook!!!  Barb started after Easter and boy were we glad to see her.  I have been trying not to get my hopes up or get too excited but hell – that just wouldn’t be me.  So bugger it, I am just going to get excited and say Barb is going well and will hopefully stick around.  She keeps a clean kitchen and can cook too – bonus.  But beside that she brought this big coffee machine with her and is now my personal barista.  So lets all give Barb a warm Chardy welcome!!! Thank god your here!

In other news Mr Chardy and I have decided it is time to crack down on the boys and their indoor habits.  If Harry was allowed to I swear to god he would just sit on that lounge all day long watching tv and playing the X-Box.  Clancy too.  But geez, we live on 1.7 million acres – they need to get outside.  Tom was never like that, he was always trailing along behind Mr Chardy, ready to work and asking 10 million questions per minute.  Did you know that my kids are “the only kids that don’t have motorbikes?”… oh it is a sad state of affairs my friends.  They only have a massive back yard, bikes, a pool and that much lego that they could probably build themselves their very own life size motorbike.

Anyway, my point is this.  We have decided that we will get them motorbikes.  Aside from the fact that Mr Chardy is quite shorthanded in the stock camp and may well need some slave labour we thought it is high time we got them some.  So we are throwing caution to the wind and buying them all their very own bike.

Yes this means Clancy – the baby is getting what the other boys have longed for at age 6 but we won’t even go there.  I think having that 5 year gap between Harry and Clancy has made things a little tricky.  He was always too little but now he is at a really good age and ready to get out there and give things a go.  We will get him a little bike so he can get used to it, then at least the other bikes can just all get handed down along the chain.  Hell, I will even be able to ride them – look out!

I always beat myself up about being a bad Mum who can’t even teach her own kids how to horse ride because… well – I don’t ride horses.  So at least this will get them off those bloody games and outside.

The kids are that beside themselves it isn’t even funny.  We have told them if they are getting bikes the games are GOING!  No more screens.  Look, I am as guilty as charged when it comes to those bloody games and TV.  Sometimes it is just easier to say yes and let them go but my goodness, enough is enough.  We have taken back control and things are looking up my friends.

On the weekend I was totally gobsmacked.  When I woke up on Saturday Clancy & Harry were actually outside playing – being kids.  Who’d have thought.

By just telling them NO MORE GAMES – they are gone if you want motorbikes – it has changed everything.  We read this article the other day that said kids need to learn how to be bored.  These days there are too many options for them – so many games & screens – it is out of control.  They need to use their imagination and just be kids – why is this such startling news to us.    Here is an article on this very subject.  This isn’t the exact article we read but you get the gist.

So on Saturday they played outside, did some jobs for me, cleaned their rooms, had 2 swims (shock horror) and watched very little TV.  Having those games out of the equation is a massive game changer (pardon the pun).  Now yesterday was even better still – they went up and worked at the cattle yards!!!  Get out of town.  Clancy loaded the NLIS tags onto the gun and had his very own little office…

And Harry pushed cattle up to be preg tested.  We still have a little way to go to get him in jeans and boots but baby steps.

Clancy on the other hand was dressed in all the ringer gear and ready to rock and roll.  They worked hard and had a great day. So instead of feeling guilty about being a bad Mum all the time I am just going to get on with things.  Hopefully I haven’t ruined them for life.

Now what about this health situation of mine… it is time to get back on that jogging track and get into some sort of routine before I go to NYC.  You know how you always see those funny quotes on Facebook that are along the lines of this: I started dieting this morning, why haven’t I lost 5kg already?  Well that is me at the moment.  I just can’t seem to get on track, I feel like I have been trying to for 4 weeks now.   You know the old – “I will start on Monday” routine?  Well that has been me.  And today is about the 4th Monday so it is time to get my shit together and just do it.  I need to drop a few kg’s in 3 weeks so I can then eat and drink my way around New York, ha ha ha.  Surely all the walking we will be doing in NYC will help off set all the food and cosmo’s!

But guys, seriously – New York City.  I can’t even believe it.  I finally got my passport – nothing like leaving it till the last minute. We have booked our accommodation thanks to the wonderful suggestions of you – my fabulous readers.  I have worn in my Frankie4 Nat Sneakers which were, again, the shoe of choice that most of you suggested for NYC.  Frankie4 kindly gifted me these shoes and I tell you my friends – I haven’t looked back.  I have worn them to town the past 2 trips and I can motor around like it is nobodies business.  Gosh they are comfy.  Thanks so much for suggesting them – I can see why you all love them so much.

So now, if you will excuse me… I am off for that morning jog.  Barb looked at me last night with doubting eyes – so I just knew I had to prove her wrong.  Here I go.

Lets do this.  Are you trying to get back on track too?  Off to NYC?  Any hot tips on NYC?

What have you been up to?  Tell me everything.

(please excuse any spelling or grammar errors… I have to run – literally have to go jogging and don’t have time to check it properly).  See ya!


  1. Kerry

    Hi Miss Chardy love reading your posts. Once you get started on your fitness routine it’s easy. Just making that first move is the hard part. Looks like you are doing a great job with your boys. I am sure they will be streets ahead of those city boys. I’m off to mind my grand daughter for the morning which is so much fun. Enjoy your boys time flies so quick xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Aint that the truth Kerry – so so so true… just need to make that first move and stop putting it off. Tick – done and I am feeling so good for getting up and at it and going for a jog. Feeling very motivated and I know I eat much better when I exercise. Fingers crossed my boys won’t be too scarred, ha ha ha. The time just seems to go faster and faster each year.

  2. Mish

    Woah Chards you have been busy!
    Life in Brisbane has been interesting these past eight weeks; I handed in my dissertation and finished the MBA – WOO HOO!
    I received my final result and confirmation that I can graduate in mid June in Adelaide 🙂
    YES there will be an alumni winery tour over that weekend!
    I did spend a few weekends feeling out of sorts but apparently that happens when you put your body under so much stress … who knew!
    We then spent 10 days in NZ on the north island to celebrate the finish of my studies and the one year anniversary of the Mr being cancer free – which is definitely worth celebrating!
    I even joined a gym … I know who am I but I am loving being able to attend a Pilates class after work most nights of the week. The proximity to a gym with such knowledgeable instructors is one big advantage of the city.
    Now I am currently working with my dressmaker girlfriend on my suit for the graduation ceremony, as I already have several dresses to choose from for the celebration dinner because a girl needs options 🙂
    I have never been to NYC or America for that matter, so I will be living vicariously through your photos, so please post lots and lots and lots of them 🙂

  3. Lynne

    Phew! What full, busy post! I’ve finally knuckled down and lost 10kg. Hard work!. Mainly very few carbs. Vegetables, vegetables and more vegetables, 200 grams of protein a day (either fish, chicken or tofu) and 2-3litres of water. All this water does help to fill me up, but if I’m going out, can’t have so much or I have to find too many loos.
    I allow myself 1 latte with skinny milk and 1 teaspoon sugar (can’t stand it with artificial sweetener) per day,
    have this instead of a snack (eg. an apple) When we go to restaurants I have a chicken salad without dressing or salt and pepper calamari (entree size) with salad. I have a large sparkling mineral water or two and then I have one glass of bubbly to look forward to. Ok, sometimes I have two glasses of bubbly, but I try not to!!
    Can’t say its easy. I was starving for the first two weeks but am adjusting more now (still want to loose a few more kilos. I usually try and manage to walk 5kms a day, sometimes more. Some days don’t have time for any walking so try and make it up next day.
    Have a fantastic time in New York.

    • Miss Chardy

      Wow Lynne – well done to you – 10kg! That is amazing. You have totally motivated me. I am feeling so good after getting up early and stuck into things. Such a lovely walk/jog too.

  4. Karen

    Hey Miss Chardy….I am a chick from the sticks who dropped her kids back to boarding school last week and took off for my annual adventure, which is New York this year. Tips.

    1. When you arrive, catch the NYC Airporter bus one way. Collect your luggage and follow the signs to the Ground Transportation area. First ticket booth is NYC Airporter. Much easier to do this than trying to learn subway system when tired from long haul flight.

    2. If you plan on doing the sights, buy the New York pass online before you leave. You then collect the card and pass from Times Square when you get to NYC and you are good to go. Do a big bus tour to orientate yourself. I recommend doing two- uptown and downtown. Time well spent.

    3. On day 1, also buy a metro pass. The subway is easy to use, safe and efficient.

    4. If you are planning on doing special signature experiences e.g. high tea at the Plaza, do book in advance.

    5. You are good to go with your NYC pass and metro card. Enjoy free wheeling and exploring.

    Any questions…just messenger me on FB.

    You will love the Big Apple.



    • Miss Chardy

      OMG Karen… thank you sooooooo much for this information. So are you still in NYC? That is crazy. Way to go. Please… tell me more. Where did you stay? What about money – US Dollars – see: I am clueless. God help me.

      • Karen

        Yep, still here. Heading to Washington DC Friday. Money – here’s my thoughts.

        First, download a currency converter app. Unless you are a maths whizz, you will need it. Also, make sure you know where your calculator is on your phone. I need it to work out percentages when tipping all the time.

        Second. New York can be as cheap or as expensive as you wish. Cheap means eating and drinking takeaway. Expensive means eating or drinking in. Sitting anywhere is IN.

        Three. Remember, when eating in, it is not the price shown in the menu, as it is in Australia. That is the starting price. You will find all manner of taxes added to it. And then you need to add your 15-20% gratuity. It all adds up. Just expect the menu is a starting suggestion.

        Don’t forget to tip your room service each day too. Leave the money for them to find.

        Also, depending on where you are staying, you may find the room rate you pay is more than quoted. For example, my city taxes and service charges came to an additional $35 day US, and I am in a tourist standard hotel. Hotel Penn.

        So load up your currency card and come on over. There is fun to be had.



        • Miss Chardy

          Um….. currency card?????


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