Made to Measure Dresses: eShakti Review

April 25, 2018

I am super fussy when it comes to clothes, shoes and accessories.  I have a certain style that I like and I will go to extreme lengths to find them.  The latest trends don’t really do much for me unless they are hot pink.  I am more of a classic girl.  I love those classic pieces that will go the distance and last forever.  So when I read THIS post over on Sublime Finds I was so there Jackie O.  Andrea, who is the gorgeous Editor in Chief over at Sublime Finds, has the same taste in clothing as me.  She loves her pink and loves her spots and is quite the classic dresser.  She also loves anything Kate Spade New York.  She just has shit hot taste really and is an all round top chick.

After reading her post, which was an eShakti Review, I was on that website ordering my own dresses faster than you can say spotted dress made to measure.  Andrea always looks good, she knows what suits her and totally rocks it.  It was great to be able to see the dresses on a real person, in real life and get an honest review.

I was so excited when I found eShakti.  There are that many clothing options it isn’t even funny so make sure you plonk the kids down in front of ABC Kids, make yourself a cuppa and be ready to scroll scroll scroll.  There is just so much to see.

So, what did I purchase?  Thanks for asking….

The Quincy Dress in Navy

I had mine made to measure.  I also chose the Wide V Neckline,  a Sleeveless arrangement and Below Knee Length.  Here it is on me…

It fits like a glove.  The bow thingy around the waist is pretty cool too – it has elastic in it so will fit no matter what and is really comfy.  Um excuse me but you had me at pink and navy!  Doesn’t get any better than this in my book.  The fabric is polydupioni which looks a bit raw silkish.   I wore this dress to a wedding down on the Sunshine Coast last month and boy it was a nice change to wear something that fits me properly, that I felt really good in and that was super comfy.  I didn’t feel like I had to suck my tummy in all night to the point of exploding.  So that was a bonus too.

Ok, the second dress I bought was this Polka Dot Print Dress

Here it is on me (side note: sorry about the picture – this is the only pic I got of me in this dress, forgot to do a photo shoot while I had it on, so the only one I have was in a group, hence the heavy cropping).  Again I had this one made to measure by entering all of my measurements in and the only adjustment made was the length, I ordered the Below Knee length, there wasn’t an option to choose the neckline.  As you can see the colour is a little different, more of an olive green than the bright green on the website, but I was still really happy with it.

And again, this dress fits me perfectly, so comfy and no need to feel like I had to suck things in or wear spanx.  Did make my boobs look a bit big but, hey, first world problems and my husband didn’t seem to mind.

The thing I loved about eShakti is that you can have the clothing custom made.  The beauty of this website is that it allows you to enter ALL of your measurements – so many measurements – so the dresses fit you like a glove.

It also allows you to choose the neckline, sleeve arrangement and length of the dress.

In some cases  you can choose a dress and also choose the fabric – this isn’t available for every single dress but it is pretty exciting all the same.  The dresses are super cheap too, hence the reason I ordered 2, I figured if I didn’t like them all that much after one wear I would have gotten my moneys worth anyway.

I was really happy with my dresses and will definitely be ordering more.  There is one more thing that I loved about the dresses – they have “inner shoulder bra strap keeps” – translation: they have these little clips that you put your bra strap in to stop the slut straps from happening.  So your bra never falls down.  How cool is that.

The only downfall with the dress was the cheap lining.  DD would be disgusted.  It was a little similar to a plastic bag, but I guess you get what you pay for don’t you and I was willing to take one for the team.  Thankfully the weather was kind and I wasn’t too hot.  I can’t imagine wearing them on a really hot and humid day – you would end up with a waterfall running down your leg and would slip over on it for sure.  But all in all I was really happy.

I washed my dresses in the washing machine and – great news – they haven’t fallen apart yet.

Here are some other fabulous dresses I have spotted over on Eshakti…



Andrea – this one would look great on you…


The dresses arrived quicker than I thought they would, even for our remote location.  I reckon they were here within 3 weeks (which is great for our postal service out here).  Oh and you can also return your order if you are not happy with it for a refund or gift card, just send it back using the prepaid label within 60 days, how good is that.

So, what do you think?  Pretty cool huh!  Make sure you head over to Sublime Finds to see what Andrea bought, her photo/modelling skills are much better than mine and her photos are also much better.  Read her verdict, she wasn’t as happy as me, so that is good because it gives you someone else’s opinion.  She also goes into detail about how the website works etc.  A great read.

Happy shopping my friends, and be sure to let me know how you go or maybe you are way ahead of us and already know about this website.  Share your purchases with us in the comments on Facebook – we would love to see a photo of you in your dress. Oh and by the way, they don’t just do dresses, they do pants, tops and skirts as well.



  1. Mish

    They’re great dresses on you Chards!
    I’ve known about eShakti for a while now from the Glambassador who I follow via Instagram.
    I haven’t ordered anything as I found the postage costs high but I guess it’s something you think about when you’re a city gal with access to more choices than a country gal like yourself.
    However it’s good to know what your experience was like and I’ll definitely have another browse, who knows what I’ll find 😊

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mish, gosh I don’t think I actually paid postage, maybe there was a special deal on.

  2. Andrea @ Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy you look fabulous and I am thrilled you had success! That pink frock with the polka dots you posted here… be still my heart! Great review!

    • Miss Chardy

      I would be nothing without you Editor in Chief!!!! Nothing I tell you. Oh yes – I thought the same thing about the pink and navy polka dot dress. I think I will have to order one.

  3. Kerry

    I saw these dresses on you Miss Chardy you looked lovely in them. No wonder you looked great as they were made for you😀

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kerry. I was so happy with how they fit.

  4. Cooker and a Looker

    Be right back, off to order one of everything!
    Fabulous choices Chards!
    A x

    • Miss Chardy

      They had me at spots Cooker. xx

  5. Liz

    They make PANTS! This could be the beginning of something special…
    Thanks for the detailed post. 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      No problem Liz!!! Hope you find something great. Happy shopping.

  6. Stefi

    Thank you for sharing your experience with eShakti Miss Chardy. I love the concept, soooo ordering this green dress right now. Love the way your “alter” the length. I would of pass on it because midi does not suit me but that length that you chose is perfect! BTW, I totally enjoy your page and blog. So interesting and inspiring to me who is coming from a country that is smaller then some of those stations over your way. Stefi

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Stefi, oh yes – eShakti, it is fantastic and the dresses that I ordered were a perfect fit, I just love them. I love that you can customize them. Let me know how you go. You can also email me at would love to hear more about where you live.

    • Miss Chardy

      PS: how on earth did you find my blog??


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