All packed and heading to town

May 14, 2018

I hope all the Mum’s out there had a fabulous day yesterday.  Clancy cooked pikelets for me.  He made the batter all by himself and did such a great job.  Turns out that time he spent in the kitchen with me when he was 4 has paid off.  My Mum and Sister got to spend the day together in cold Orange watching my nephew’s play footy.  It is times like that when I wish I could just pop down and be with them all.   Look at them, aren’t they gorgeous…

When I broke my neck in 2000 Mum was there at the hospital in Sydney with me day in and day out for 4 weeks, feeding me, massaging my feet, rubbing cream into my hands, bringing me sausage rolls and Nippy’s Iced Coffee.  And in 2015 after a really sad time my sister surprised me and met me at the airport in Brisbane and came up to spend time with me here on the station.  Aren’t I lucky to have such great women in my life.  Mum and Dad will come up to visit in June but I am not sure when I will see my sister again.

Oh and for the new folks around here that is Toni (my sister) and DD (my Mum).  DD enjoys cleaning, loves Gumption and can push a vacuum cleaner like it is nobodies business, she also enjoys caravanning.

Toni is a wife, farmer and also works in town a few days a week, she is a busy high achieving Mum who takes her kids to EVERYTHING!!!!  Makes me puffed just thinking about it all.  And like me she loves to organise events and bring people together.  She drinks Savvy B but I will forgive her for that.

Now, on with the story…

Today the kids, Miss Ruby and I all head into Mt Isa.  It is that time of year again – Home Tutor Seminar and Sports Day.  But there is also something else exciting happening.  In case you didn’t know… I am going to New York!

So we are heading into town today to get sorted, get hair cuts (and my skunk stripe root situation sorted), Harry has to have his fibreglass cast put on tomorrow and just generally settle everyone in before I love them and leave them on Wednesday.

The kids have 2 days at school on Wednesday and Thursday while Miss Ruby is at the Home Tutor Seminar with the Mum’s and Govies.  Then on Friday it is Sports Day.  It is always a great week in town to catch up with all of our friends.   At least I will have tonight and tomorrow night for a catch up before leaving.

I think I am all set.  I have left the lawns mowed, beds with fresh sheets, house is clean, guest bed is made, food has been ordered and I know everyone will be in great hands with Barb – our new cook and Miss Ruby – our Govie.  It is so nice to be able to go away and know that everything and everyone will be taken care of.

Oh and you should see my packing situation.  I bought these packing cube pod thingys and I tell you what – I am not sorry.  Total game changer.  They are unreal.

They make packing so easy.  I have rolled all of my clothes and all my jeans/pants are together in one cube, all of my tops are in another cube, all of my scarves are together and my sleepwear are in a separate cube.  So instead of rummaging through my suitcase to try and find one item I can just pull out each cube.  When I get to NYC I can just pop the cubes in a drawer and not have to live out of a bag.  They fit so well in my suitcase too.  I also bought a new little toieltry bag and it fits in perfectly. My suitcase has special little compartments under the lid for underwear, socks and chargers – which is pretty cool.  I will even be able to fit my pillow in.  I am pretty sure I have packed too many clothes but best to be safe than sorry.  I will just buy a new suitcase over there I think to bring back any extras.

I found these packing cubes at Zoomlite and bought a bundle of 10 for $75.00.  I am very happy with my purchase.

Right, I had best be off to do some last minute jobs before we jump in the car for our drive to town.

Have you used these packing cubes?
Have you been to NYC?
Any tips for the long haul flight, apart from sleeping tablets, copious amounts of chardy and an upgrade to first class?



  1. Kerry

    Have a great time away Miss Chardy. Hope you get time to post some pics. I’ve never travelled so would love to see everything. Sounds like everyone back home will be in good hands😀👍

  2. Cooker and a Looker

    So exciting Chards! Given the likelihood that I will ever make it to NYC, will you *please* pop over to Magnolia Bakery and have some banana pudding for me? I’ll just sit here in my office and live vicariously through you!
    Bon Voyage!
    A xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh no worries, will live stream from Magnolia Bakery eating said pudding for you, ha ha ha – not kidding!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hopefully there will be loads of pics

  3. Chookyblue

    Have a fabulous trip………….

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks, we sure will.

  4. Michele

    Have a brilliant time! Your packing cells look great, hope you can tell which is which! Just bought a set of 3 in different sizes, love them.
    I’ve been listening to a new ( to me ) podcast, Don’t shoot the Messenger : Corrie Perkin and Caroline Wilson, both journo’s, Corrie now has a bookshop, Caro was The Age’s Football writer. A great mix of current affairs, books, screen , food, recipes. Royal wedding talk. Feels like you’re having a coffee with your girlfriends. I’m planning to download back episodes to listen to on a plane trip.
    Looking forward to your post from NYC!

    • Miss Chardy

      Gosh, you know I am always on the look out for a new Podcast!!! Thanks a million. The packing cells are a total game changer, day one in town and I am loving them sick. Keeps things so tidy and organised and makes finding the clothes you want so easy.

  5. Em Toxward

    Oh I’m so jealous and can’t wait to head back to NYC, if you have the chance please have an everything bagel toasted with scallion for me please! Bon voyage and soak up the amazing atmosphere in the city that never sleeps! Em xxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Will be sure to have something for you Em, maybe a cocktail, ha ha ha. Will be sure to photograph me downing a bagel for you, ha ha ha.

  6. Lynne

    Have a fantastic time. Haven’t been to NY or used those cubes. I like to have a window seat and use one of those neck things to prop against the window or sometimes move it to under one leg if I get uncomfortable.
    I have seen advertised somewhere, possibly on Facebook, a scarf with a stiff piece in it that supports the head when wrapped around the neck. Maybe ask if anyone else has tried this?
    Please send lots of photos.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Lynne. The cubes are so great, I am loving them, making life much easier. Thanks for the heads up on the scarf thingy.

  7. Phoebe

    Don’t you just LOVE the packing cells! I first used them when I went to NY in 2016 and they were fabulous. OMG you will just love NY – it’s everything you imagine and more. If you’re planning a quick trip to Wall Street and the iconic charging bull, be sure to go and visit the Trinity Church Cemetery which is just around the corner near Wall Street and Broadway. It’s a beautiful little green park in a sea of concrete and skyscrapers and the final resting place of many historical figures. Well worth a visit. If you’re looking to load some audio books onto your device for the plane trip a couple of recommendations are “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine” by Gail Honeyman and “The Ruin” by Dervla McTiernan. Looking forward to hearing all about your fantastic trip.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh my god Phoebe, day one in town and I am loving them, so fantastic. My gear usually ends up in such a mess, they are making life so easy. Oh wow, that cemetery sounds interesting, will check it out. Thanks for the suggestion. And thanks for the book suggestions, I have seen that Eleanor Oliphant book quite a bit and wondered if it was good. Think i will get it. Thanks!!!

  8. Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid

    Oh packing cubes are the bomb diggity! I am so excited for you. Haven’t been to NY since our honeymoon 11 years ago! Long haul flight tips – definitely take an eye mask or request one if they don’t give them to you, stay hydrated (water not wine!) and if you can, take some noise cancelling headphones – they’re a game changer! Can’t wait to travel vicariously with you while you take your bite of the big apple!

    • Miss Chardy

      Bec got some of the noise cancelling headphones and I was wishing I did after giving hers a go. They really are a game changer. I survived though.


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