Hello Manhattan

May 19, 2018

Dinner at Circular Quay before leaving Sydney

Breakfast of champions – Qantas Club Sydney

Wow, we are actually here.  I can’t believe it.  We don’t know who we are, what day it is or what time it is but we are really here!!!  At the last minute, before we left Sydney, I booked a driver to collect us from the airport.  Such a great decision too.  He was there waiting for us at the baggage collection, took our bags to the car and drove us to our hotel in style.  So easy.

After the long trip I am feeling pretty good to tell you the truth.  We left Sydney and travelled for around 24 hours in total but I have faired ok.

We had a stop over in LA to clear customs etc.  That was quite the experience, we had to rush through and go past about 200 security clearances but we got there and boarded our flight to JFK.  I thought the flight would be much worse but it seemed to go pretty quickly.  We did manage some sleep.  We arrived at our hotel at about 6:30pm NYC time so it worked out well.  We had a much needed shower and headed out to find some dinner and a cocktail.

We are staying at Hotel Elysee and we couldn’t be happier.  Finding accommodation is a sport I take very seriously and we have totally nailed it.  A blog reader suggested this hotel and, after a lot of hunting around, I decided she was right and locked it in.  It is a quaint boutique style hotel and we are loving ourselves sick here.  They had me at “complimentary wine and canapés each evening from 5”.  Yes please.

We have just purchased ourselves a New York Explorer Pass and will do the Hop On Hop Off Tour shortly to get our bearings.  According to all of your fabulous suggestions, this is what we need to do first.

So off we go.  Time to explore Manhattan.  We would love any suggestions on where to eat and drink.  We are staying Midtown, near the Rockafella Centre, not far from Central Park.  In between Park & Madison.  It is a fabulous spot too, not very noisy either.  As I sit here typing I can’t even hear any traffic or horns.

Bye for now.  We are so glad to have you along for the ride with us.


  1. Sarah

    So glad you arrived safely and like the Hotel Élysée. Can’t wait to stay there again myself! Enjoy the breakfast too! But most of all, enjoy NYC!

    • Miss Chardy

      Sarah – thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of our hearts for suggesting this place. We love it so much. After a busy day out and about it is so nice to come back to this quiet part of town and to this gorgeous hotel.

    • Miss Chardy

      Sarah…. Bec and I just had the best stay at Hotel Elysee. There were all these older ladies staying there – they have stayed there for years and years and years and they wanted to know how we found out about it. Too funny. I told them about you. That hotel was the absolute best. We so loved going back there after a full on day, it was in a nice quiet part of town, and the wine and cheese evenings were second to none, think we only missed one night there. The breakfast was so yummy too. I just loved the intimate, cosy, friendly vibe. Just gorgeous. Thanks so much for recommending it, it was the best recommendation we had that’s for sure!!!

  2. Michele

    So excited for you! One simple thing I loved in NYC was having a drink overlooking Times Square, right next to the Ticket box, at the Olive Garden. I just checked, it’s a bar/Italian restaurant . Go to the first floor. It overlooks the Police post, I was fascinated watching them come and go on foot, horseback, golf carts, police cars.
    Also FDNY Engine 23, the tiny station on 215 W 58th St that has the plaques to their members lost on 9/11.
    One of my favourite memories is the sound of the fire trucks and them trailing their huge USA flags on the back .

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh the sound of the fire engines is something else isn’t it and their horns are so loud – guess they have to be.

  3. Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid

    So good to see you arrived safe and sound are in the swing of things! In SF we stayed in a hotel with complimentary canapes and wine and it was so fun! Apart from the drinks and nibbles, we met some really interesting people from all over the world! It’s been a while since I was in NYC but we loved Katz’s Deli – it’s an amazing Jewish deli – and it’s where they had THAT scene in When Harry Met Sally!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sammy we are just loving ourselves sick at this hotel and the wine and cheese evenings is our favourite time of day. We have met some lovely people. Everyone is just so friendly.

  4. Heidi

    Chardy, had I been really thinking ahead, I could’ve jumped on a flight and met you in NYC for a drink!! I’m originally from New Jersey and still have friends there, but alas I wasn’t thinking. I am so happy for you. Your friend Bec seems lovely. Hope you ladies have a great time. Get some good NY pizza, hit up a good Irish pub and shop, shop, shop!! There is only a 1 hr time difference between us now…lol Wishing you lots of fun and great memories!

    • Miss Chardy

      Heidi from Missouri… how are you? Wow, from New Jersey. I still can’t believe we are here. The sleeping is still out of whack so here I am awake 1.5 hours before my alarm goes off, better than the past couple of nights where we have been awake in the middle of the night for a good while.



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