Brisbane {Part 1}

August 20, 2014

Wow – what a trip.  We just had the most amazing week ever in BrisVegas.  I think I am currently suffering from Brisbane withdrawals and slight depression.

8 nights child free.  Does it get any better?  Mr Chardy and I hit the road out of here for 8 nights of bliss.  We felt bad, but don’t worry that passed by the first grid….50 meters from the house.  The children were in great hands and we did not have to worry about them once.  We knew they would be having a ball.  That was all thanks to Miss G (our Jillaroo) and her Mum – Mrs K.   Mrs K flew all the way up from Dunedoo, a long day and 3 flights later she was in Mt Isa.  What a legend, we are so grateful that she was able to come up and help us out.  We had a conference to attend, great excuse for a trip to the City!

I was excited just to get on that Qantas flight.  Just me and Mr Chardy, just us, just our bags.  Can you imagine?  No one to worry about.  I could read a book while sipping on Chardonnay.  Yes that’s right folks, they even had Chardonnay on board.  The stars were aligning.  It was all falling into place.


We collected our hire car and hot footed it to the Quest Apartments, Albion.  Right across the road from the Breakfast Creek Hotel.  Our Mother Ship.  We spent a lot of time at this Hotel, and grew quite fond of it.  This was where we had happy hour each afternoon and dinner.

Mother Ship

A couple of cheeky Chardy’s at the Breakky Creek Hotel before cabbing it into the City to meet the girls, Mrs Sav, Miss Plonk and Mrs B for dinner at Kingsleys.   Oh and Mr Chardy joined us too.  Ahhhhhh, wow.  I was in awe.  It was a long way from the NT.  Dinner right on the river.  Dining alfresco while admiring the lights on the Story Bridge.  I was officially in heaven.   I ordered a Cosmopolitan because, after watching way too many episodes of Sex and the City, I am quite convinced I am Carrie.  And I really did feel like Carrie that night sipping on my Cosmo.  We had such a great night, finishing up with a little drink at the Stamford.

Miss Plonk



On Sunday I put in a solid day of shopping at Queen Street Mall.  Wow!  Hello Brisbane.  I have arrived.  I made a rookie error and nearly got myself into a lot of strife though.  The first shop I spotted and entered was Louis Vuitton.  Ohhh hello salesman with french accent who has a story to go with each bag…..of course you do!  He probably saw me coming a mile away.  I was in over my head.  After being told “not everything is on display” I had him rummaging through drawers and pulling bags out of nooks and unexplored crannies.  I truly nearly bought one.  Holy hell.  Get a hold of yourself Chards, pull yourself together and get the hell out of there.  I made a run for it.  My heart was beating so fast and I had the shakes.  Come on girlfriend, don’t spend all of your money at once, you can get yourself a Mac Laptop for that price, get moving!

Louis Vuitton

I really do want this bag…..

And so I did.  Buy a Mac Book Air that is.  How could I not?  Everyone is so helpful and friendly in that City.  Of course they are!  Ian from the Mac department in DJ’s was one of those friendly characters.  So I am now the proud owner of a Mac!  I have decided to streamline my Apple products!  I probably have a little bit to learn so any advice you are able to offer up would be very much appreciated.  I just love how user friendly Apple’s are.  So come on, hit me with your favourite features of the MacBook Air.


It was so lovely to just cruise the shops without a care in the world.  I didn’t have to feel guilty,  I didn’t feel like I was under pressure or had to get home to the children.  After each shop I took and deep breath and let the universe guide me.  It guided me to have a gorgeous lunch with a friend at Jimmy’s on the Mall.  Full tummy and a large glass of Chardy and I was off again.  Yes, a large glass… you could choose from med or large for your wine.  How fantastic is that?

After lunch I made my way further up the Mall to Myer.  First stop – Benefit Brow Bar.  Wow.  That place is unreal.  It is in the cosmetics department and I spent quite a bit of time there.  I won’t go into too much detail, I will tell you more about the brow bar and the products I purchased another day. Stay tuned.  I am sure you will be as impressed as me.

I won’t bore you too much in one sitting.  Stay tuned for Brisbane Part 2 tomorrow.

Lets just say I have fallen in love with Brisbane.  What a wonderful City.

What is your favourite shop in the Queen Street Mall?  Do you have any MacBook Air advice for me?  I really do need to get better at this blogging business don’t I…. perhaps with my MacBook Air I will be better at blogging on the go.  Thanks for reading!




  1. Sal

    Sounds awesome Miss Chardy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Best time Sal!

  2. KezUnprepared

    Sounds heavenly!! I love my Macbook Air 🙂 Like truly love it. I don’t have much advice other than to ENJOY! I do love the Fotor app though. So great for editing pics and making collages for the blog 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Kez, I will have to check out Fotor.

  3. ffhousemouse

    Love it ALL! Would love a Mac Air – would be wasted on me though! No doubt you have all of your apple products sorted…mine are more of a ‘fruit salad’!

    • Miss Chardy

      I love my Apples. I think the MacBook Air and I are going to get along smashingly.


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