Brisbane {Part 2}

August 21, 2014

If you missed my first installment about our trip to Brisbane you can read all about it here.  Otherwise kick back and keep reading.

Wednesday night rolled around.  Our 6th night in a row of dining out (and 4 of those nights at the Breakfast Creek Hotel…. I think they were getting a little sick of us) and socializing.  I was just about spent.  I even said to Mr Chardy “this being an extrovert business is near killing me, why do we HAVE to stay out every single night until stumps?  Sometimes I wish I was an introvert”.  So with that I had dinner and a couple of glasses of wine and trotted myself home.  I actually snuck off without even saying goodbye.  I even managed to make it home in time to shower and settle down in bed to watch Wonderland.  Impressive.  I was quite proud of myself and needed that time alone I think.

On Thursday we took a drive to the country, because we obviously can’t get enough of it.  Out to Allora to visit some friends who have retired down there.  It was so great to catch up with them.  What a gorgeous part of Queensland.  We did a little bit of tripping around, enjoyed a lovely dinner, drank more wine and lots of coffee before heading off on Friday morning so I could make it back to the City for a dentist appointment.  While we were driving back to Brisbane I was thinking that many people who actually live in Brisbane and so close to this wonderful area have probably never ventured that far from the City.  It is such a gorgeous drive.  And especially gorgeous for us because all of our roads are pretty straight and boring.

This time round in Brisbane we were flying solo.  We booked into the Stamford Plaza in the City.  We have stayed there before but it was about 12 years ago.  We loved it then and it certainly didn’t disappoint this time round.

Stamford Front


Stamford Foyer

Is there anything better than a 5 star hotel, concierge and valet parking? We felt right at home, well actually it was as far from “home” and our usual day to day lives it wasn’t funny, but we slotted right in.  Especially when we arrived on level 20 and opened the curtains to a spectacular river view.  O hello again Brisbane.  Hello.



Stamford RoomEverything was just perfect at the Stamford.  The huge bathroom complete with L’Occitane products with cute little flip top lids and even a tv to watch while soaking in the bath.



They even had a Pillow Menu for goodness sake.  These people have thought of everything.

Pillow Menu

Then there was the mini bar.  Well stocked with something for everyone, I was quite taken with the baby bottle of Moet.  I really need to get out more.  We are used to staying in average hotels in Mt Isa where they don’t even have a mini bar!

Mini Bar

Our last night in Brisbane, we had to make the most of it.  We dressed ourselves up for the last time and trotted ourselves down to the Eagle Street Pier.  I do love it there.  It was Friday night and we had not made a booking anywhere so we just wandered around for a while, but I knew Mr Chardy really wanted to go to the Cha Cha Cha.  I have never been there so off we went, booked a table for a bit later and went to find ourselves a drink at the Pony Bar.  It was just so lovely not to have to worry about time or where we were.  Back at the Cha Cha Cha and we were not disappointed.  Wow.  We had the best night and the best waiter.  I ordered: “ocean trout. butter poached lobster. melted leeks. roast potato gnocci. safron veloute.”  And hell was it good.  I have never had ocean trout or lobster.  It was absolutely divine and there wasn’t a single thing left on my plate by the end.  Of course Mr Chardy had steak.  I think he was wishing he had ordered the Trout.  We had such a great night.  Turns out after 10 years of marriage we can still talk to each other when dining alone in a restaurant.  Thank you Cha Cha Cha, we will definitely be back one day.

Cha Cha Cha

On Saturday morning it was time to face reality.  We had to head home sooner or later but not before a quick buffet breakfast.  Then off to the Airport.

Buffet 3Well from the Stamford that morning to Macca’s for lunch in Mt Isa and then the long drive home to the NT.  As Mr Chardy said “Oh how the might have fallen”.  ha ha ha.  The thud back down to reality has been a hard one.  But on the bright side Mrs K had spent all week cleaning my house.  I mean I was just happy for her to look after my children so this was a bonus.  Everywhere I look I find something she has cleaned, the walls and roof in my bathroom, the main bathroom, the oven and that doesn’t even scratch the surface.  So thank you Mrs K & Miss G – I was able to have a brilliant week in Brisbane and come home to a spotless house.  It doesn’t get much better than that.

All is not lost because this time next week I will be back down in Brisbane.  Perhaps I will check into the Stamford again.  I will be attending the ProBloggers Conference on the Gold Coast and can’t wait.

Well I hope I haven’t bored you to tears.  What is your favourite restaurant in Brisbane?


  1. KezUnprepared

    Go you guys! Living it up in style! I am so jealous haha. I totally get what you said about both wanting to be an introvert and about the luxury of not worrying about what time it was etc. I think being a parent is all about worrying about the time and where you are or will be (no matter how hard you try not to)!
    I have just come out of a big ‘extrovert’ streak of socialising and I am SO OVER IT, despite being a very social creature. I think there can be too much of a good thing! Just have to recharge those batteries. Sounds like you did it well 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Absolutely Kez….the comes a time when enough is enough and we do eventually need to sneak off and recharge (as much as it kills me to say that out loud) ha ha ha. Had the best time ever! And to think I am lucky enough to be heading off again next week for another 4 night child free (and husband free) – all by myself!!!!! I will probably be craving some conversation by the time I get to the Gold Coast.

  2. ffhousemouse

    Love the pillow and mini bar! Think the recharge was a good idea! Besides being wonderful, is Mrs K a Virgo?

    • Miss Chardy

      Not sure if Mrs K is a Virgo but she definitely gives DD a run for her money. Beats you all I reckon! She is an absolute champ. Wish she was here now!

  3. caitlinshappyheart

    Mrs. K is the perfect babysitter! Happy kids and spotless house, you can’t get better then that! Alex and I went to the Stamford in January for our anniversary. Love it there. Cha Cha Cha is on my to do list! Even more so now!

    • Miss Chardy

      I need Mrs K back, things are not going well on the home front. You definitely have to get yourself to the Cha Cha Cha! Unreal! See you in a few days.


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