My Surprise 40th Birthday Party

December 21, 2018

On Saturday I jumped in my car and headed over to my gorgeous neighbour’s house – Mrs Savvy B.  I thought I was just popping over for the afternoon.  She had told me that she needed me to come over as they were doing some promo video for Trek West and needed me in it.  So I cleared it with Mr Chardy, told him I was just popping over for the afternoon and would be home that night – because it was our oldest boys (Tom) birthday the next day.  

So off I went – left the boys here and headed off by myself.  Mr Chardy had kicked back for the day and jumped in the pool with the kids.  Clancy was whinging about something so I didn’t let the door hit me on the way out – see you later suckers.  Popped my podcast on and put my foot down.  As I headed off I looked over at the house and there was Mr Chardy, in his board shorts, on the verandah.  I though “gee he is really making sure I am going isn’t he”.  ha ha ha. 

Now for those who may be new around here Mrs Savvy B – or Shelly as we like to call her because, well that is her real name – lives about 110km to the east of us, through our paddocks and in a different state.  It is a 7 gate kind of drive.  

As I was heading into our last paddock she called me on the UHF to see how I was travelling and told me the camera men were nearly set up and ready to go.  It thought “oh how lovely of her to see how I am going”.  Then her husband – Clint – called me on the UHF.  I thought he must have been up in the chopper showing the crew around and again I thought “gee that is nice of him to see how I am travelling”.  

When I arrived at Shell’s there was a man with a camera, I said hello and chatted as we went inside. I wasn’t all that dressed up, I had done my makeup and just had some shorts and a nice shirt on – not a bit of pink in sight, which is very unusual for me.  I thought Shell would be wearing her Trek West shirt and some jeans so didn’t want to overdress.  When I walked in I did notice she had the table set but didn’t take too much notice, I thought: Wow she is really turning it on for them.  Then she walked out and said “Hiiiiii”.  She was very dressed up and I said “Why are you so dressed up” and with that a bunch of friends stepped out – all wearing pink – and said “Happy Birthday”.  

To say I was absolutely shocked would be the biggest understatement ever.  I couldn’t believe my eyes, there were a few swear words.  You see some of my gorgeous friends from Brisbane had flown all the way up to be there!  My beautiful friend Di had flown up and also Ed & Rob (you can read about how I met them HERE).  But the biggest shock was seeing my husband standing there.  WTF!!!!  Didn’t I just see him on my verandah as I drove out 1.5 hours ago???!!!  Yet there he was.  I was just dizzy with excitement. 

How amazing, the lengths these guys went to to pull off this surprise was something else my friends.  So apparently as I headed off Mr Chardy was there on the verandah to make sure I went.  He then called Shell & Clint and told them I had finally left.  Clint was up at his plane ready for the nod, he fired her up and flew over to collect Mr Chardy.  Mr Chardy jumped in and back they went.  When he called me on the UHF they were actually flying over me, ha ha ha.  They beat me by 10 minutes!!  What a legend, thanks Clinto!!!

Ed had arranged for everyone to wear pink.  Remember this was the only day I wasn’t wearing anything pink.  I couldn’t believe it.  I felt very special that they went to so much trouble just for me.  I really really really LOVE SURPRISES.  I had absolutely NO IDEA whatsoever that they were planning anything.

Shell had called me the morning before as she was heading to town.  Told me she was going to the doctors and that was when she asked if I could pop over the next day.  Turns out she was heading in to collect Ed, Rob and Di.  They all headed back out to Shell’s that night – just an 8 hour round trip.  Massive effort guys!!!  

They had lied through their teeth to me and I loved it.  Best surprise ever!!  

We had the best night, just an intimate little dinner party with some of my favourite people.  When I arrived I was handed a glass of bubbly (and a bag with some clothes and a pink dress in it) and the afternoon just got better and better.  Oh it was such fun.  Best day of my life.  

So I actually turn 40 tomorrow – 22nd December.  But who cares about that because I have had my big day now and I couldn’t be happier.  Thanks so much Shell, Clint, Mr Chardy, Ed, Rob and Dizee – you guys rock my world.  Have I mentioned it was the best day ever? I can’t believe it has been a whole week since you were lying through your teeth to me – the lot of you! I love it!!!

Oh and it doesn’t end there.  So my boys stayed here with our gorgeous German backpacker – Lisa.  As I said the next day was Tom’s 14th Birthday so we had to hot foot it home.  But that’s ok because everyone came over here.  It was like a progressive party that never ended – my favourite kind!!!   Everyone stayed the night and Ed & Rob stayed for 2 nights.  How fantastic, I was beside myself with excitement. It was the first time Ed and Rob had been to our place, it was so wonderful to pay back some hospitality finally.

Tom was happy because for once he had friends here to celebrate his birthday.  

There was swimming, maybe a sneaky espresso Martini or 2 and lots of fun and laughter.  We had a lovely dinner that night down on the lawn – Tom’s favourite (and mine too) – hot steak and crunchy potato salad and his birthday cake was a pavlova.  Perfect.  

I can’t thank you enough Shell, Clint, Di, Ed & Rob for all that you did to make my surprise happen. I feel very lucky indeed for all the effort you put in and especially for all of the pink and spots!!! Thanks so much – best friends ever! A massive thanks also to Lisa for looking after my boys at home.

Well my friends… where on earth has the year gone? Each month has just flown by. I hope you are all well. Have you finished all of your Christmas shopping? Our Christmas tree is looking very full underneath, the kids are beside themselves. It is going to be a very quiet affair here.

Happy 40th to all of you 1978 babies!!! Fabulous, foxy & forty I say!!!


  1. Sandra Scott

    Such a fabulous surprise, Happy Fortieth for the 22nd and happy, quite a few more years for me, birthday to me on your special day. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hope you had a wonderful day yesterday Sandra!!! I had a lovely relaxing day.

  2. meldiewreford

    Belated happy birthday Miss. Chardy. No doubt about that Shell, she’s full of surprises.

    • Miss Chardy

      Isn’t she amazing! Best day Melds. xxx

  3. Anne@gritandgiggles

    What a fabulous surprise. We did one for my Mum’s 40th as well. She thought she was just going out for a nice meal and we’d organised her friends and the family to be there including myself who was 14hrs + away and her parents who live in another state. I also rocked up one mother’s day, walking into the kitchen and asking what’s for breakfast 😂 She and my boss paid my back when I was leaving my Govie job with them by sneaking my mum onto the station for a farewell party. I didn’t have a clue 🤣🤣 surprises are so much fun.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh surprises really are the best aren’t they!!! Love it.

  4. Kerri

    PERFECTO!!! Happy Birthday 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      I’ll say kerri, so perfect!!!

  5. Samara

    Love a good surprise party! I organised one for my mum’s 60th last year! she had no idea. We had family and friends come from all over (my brother flew up from Tassie and other life long friends came from Adelaide, we are on the Granite Belt in QLD, yep wine country!!), I put a pig on the spit and had my dad take her out for the day so Icould set everything up at their house. My mum was in tears when she got home and all these people were there for her! It was fantastic!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh that is fantastic, what a surprise, well done. I just love a good surprise. Your Mum would have been beside herself, how amazing.

  6. Mrs T

    Congratulations Miss Chardy! Long time reader first time caller 😀

    Birthdays just Jeep getting better take it from me. Loved the pink theme, what wonderful friends you have. Have a great Christmas too !

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello long time reader first time caller, ha ha ha – love that you have said hello! Thanks for the birthday wishes Mrs T. They really are fabulous friends!!! Best day ever!!!


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