Christmas 2018

December 31, 2018

Can you believe Christmas 2018 is done and dusted? I know – it is crazy isn’t it!!! I am not really sure where the years are going but it is freaking me out. Another year done, literally, as I type this it is the last day of the year. How can that be?

But lets talk about Christmas? How was yours? I hope it was fabulous. Ours was very quiet indeed. It was just us – as in my husband and 3 boys plus our German Backpacker Lisa. Thank god she stuck around so I had another girl here.

Now look, I am no going to lie, I always tend to get a little bit sad on Christmas day when we don’t have any of our extended family around. I grew up in a close family where we did everything together – Christmas, Easter, Birthdays, Mothers Day, Fathers Day – all with our cousins and Aunty’s and Uncles down in Mudgee, NSW. Oh it was wonderful. Christmas Day was often spent out at Aunty Theresies & Uncle Jims farm, it was unreal because they had an in ground pool and come on, lets face it – circa 1989 that was a big deal – an in ground pool. The kids would swim all day, eat, play monopoly and then murder in the dark, no family get together was right without a good old game of murder in the dark.

So I guess I get a little sad when we are here on the station without anyone. My kids don’t have their cousins to play with and I don’t have my sister or Mum and Dad or Aunty’s and Uncles. It has been quite a few years since we all had Christmas together.

I don’t think it really bothered my kids though, they survived and there was of course wrapping paper everywhere. So many presents.

Tom wanted an Ariat bag to take back to boarding school, so I got him and Harry one for Christmas. Then I went back to Worn Out West and got everyone in the family a bag. I figured they might fit a little better in the car when we go on holidays and for school drop off. Clancy got a small one – too cute, and of course I got myself a pink one. Aren’t they great, so big with a fantastic big zip opening and the pockets on either end will be great for shoes!

I was feeling a little sad on Christmas morning. The fact that there were 2 bores broken down that needed fixing didn’t help things. Mr Chardy and I had to go out and start a bore up on Christmas morning – hello station life. It is so dry and depressing out on the run, gosh it is awful. So hot and that blue sky doesn’t give much hope. We shouldn’t be able to drive around the place at this time of the year. It should be so wet that it doesn’t matter if a bore has broken down. There should be water everywhere.

I did a video call with my Sister, her family and Mum and Dad – they were all down in Mudgee. It made me a little sad but I managed to hold the tears in. I mean come on – first world problems girlfriend! Wake up to yourself. So I gave myself a stiff upper cut, poured an Espresso Martini and got on with it. Yes… this is my breakfast – Martini and Christmas Cake – breakfast of champions!

The boys were playing a board game that Harry got – Risk. Have you heard of it. Oh boy did it cause some fights – they tell me it was ok and they weren’t really fighting but the noise. They really did love it though.

We had a late (very late – like 4pm) lunch of baked glazed ham & roast veg & salad then we all had a game of risk. I eventually got into it and became quite competitive. In the end I had to tell them all I was pulling up at 10pm – that game goes on forever, but it was fun.

On Boxing day we had to go and pull a bore in the 40 degree plus heat, and 80km from the house, but there were thirsty cattle who needed water so it was worth it. I tell you – that 14 year old son of ours can and will work!

You know the flies are really bad when Mr Chardy takes up the offer of a fly vale. He would surely have gone insane without it.

Pulling a bore really is a shit job!

Next year we are hopefully having a family Christmas with my Mum, Dad, Sister and her family down at Noosa. We are going to get a big house and have Christmas together. Won’t that be a contrast to Christmas 2018! I can’t wait!!!

Now wasn’t that a Debbie Downer of a post – sorry about that my friends, gosh – I really did give myself a slap and wake up to myself. The Espresso Martini helped too. ha ha ha. We are so grateful to have such a healthy happy little family and surely it will rain one day – right?

Hopefully your Christmas was a little more glamorous than ours!

Here’s to a wonderful 2019. Have a great night whatever it is you are doing… I might be on the lounge in my PJ’s. Or maybe a game of Risk is on the cards.


  1. Mish

    It’s okay to be a little sad on Christmas Day Chards, especially as you were missing family. My day was also quiet with just my parents, my son and his girl, my brother and his partner and me as a newly single gal. Thank goodness for wine!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh hi Mish… thanks for your message. Yes, thank goodness for wine!!!

  2. Sandra Scott

    Totally a realistic post instead of ‘pretending’, I hope you’ll have staff on the property next Christmas in case any bores fail OR it’ll be wet again for all the areas that are in desperate need. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Sandra… I didn’t want to pretend it was all roses but really didn’t want to be ungrateful for all we do have. I guess it is ok to feel sad sometimes. Yes, it is definitely supposed to be wet and definitely not bore pulling time of year. All the boys have been doing is pulling bores and bore runs keeping water up to cattle. Not sure what they are eating though.

  3. Tanya Pollard

    Wow, what a realistic and honest post Miss Chardy. I loved it and it made me so proud of those boys of yours. What an amazing family you have and how lucky I am to be part of their educational journey. Hope those bores behave themselves and yep, it’s got to rain sometime. Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family Miss Chardy. xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mrs Pollard! Thanks for your message. Happy New Year to you too, Clancy is looking forward to year 2 with you x

  4. Michele Davis

    A very honest post, good on you. Imagine how sad Lisa must have been feeling too! 😭 looks like the kids had a great Christmas. Butter on your Christmas cake? Must try that too! Happy New Year 🍾

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh exactly and that is what I kept thinking – snap out of it Chards, poor Lisa is a gazillion miles from her family and she still has a smile on her face. Oh yes, you must have copious amounts of butter on fruit cake!!!! Yes yes yes. Served best with espresso martini, ha ha ha. Happy New Year to you.

  5. Margaret

    Hi. I’m new to your “blog” but immensely enjoying it. Christmas can be such a happy and sad time all at the same time. Keep up the good work.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello and welcome Margaret. Yes I guess it is ok to feel sad – I always feel like that – it is just that one day of the year when I get really homesick for my family. But I am lucky to have my own healthy happy family. Happy new year to you!

  6. Stretch

    Yes I have to agree with you about pulling bores ( I did a few in my time up there ) it would be extra special!! at this time of year too! Good to hear your news every now and again, it brings back some good memories. Wishing you all a happy 2019, and hoping that you get some rain.
    Cheers Stretch

    • Miss Chardy

      Such a lovely time of year to be pulling bores isn’t it. Oh the lovely heat. Happy new year to you.

  7. Kerry

    Sounds like a great day with your family. Mine also quiet son and his wife, grand daughter and my daughter. At least we could have a swim. So thinking of you guys out there and pray for rain for everyone. Your sons seem amazing young boys. You should be so proud of them. Hang in there and yes it must rain soon

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I must say Kerry, after I gave myself a stern talking to I did pour myself a glass of bubbles and take myself for a float around the pool, while all the boys were screaming at each other over Risk. That was lovely. Yes I am very proud of the boys. Tom is just so handy and such a hard worker and Harry is getting the hang of it too.

  8. Sue Wheaton

    Hi Everyone,
    I still have the Game Risk.
    When we go to Grafton to stay by that mighty Clarence River over new year it is the perfect game to play when you have had a day on the river after dinner and drinks.
    Andrew who will be 45 yrs old next Birthday got it for his 8 th Birthday.
    I didn’t think you could still buy it.
    People who play it always try and buy a copy.
    Can you post where you purchased the game.
    Love your posts.
    Sue 💝

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Sue, oh that is too funny that you still play the game your son got when he was 8, that is GOLD. I am not sure it was the exact version Harry was expecting but they got the hang of it and it was great. I purchased it from Wizzamakidz Toy Shop in Mount Isa. Happy New Year Sue.

  9. Judy

    Hello Miss Chardy and compliments of the season to you!

    I laughed at the Christmas day bore issues, only because I know exactly how you feel. Water points don’t seem to consider the days when they break down……

    We had 13 for Christmas Day (& prior & beyond) at Mt Buller and it was noisy, fun, exhausting but worth it. And the weather was good, 25° and sunny. Which for up here is darned hot but nothing like your summers.

    Hope it rains for you soon.

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Judy, Oh I know – those bores are just so inconsiderate aren’t they. Your Christmas sounded like it was perfect and what lovely weather! Happy new year to you!

  10. KezUnprepared

    Aw it’s OK to feel whatever you feel at Christmas time! I think there’s so much pressure to feel completely festive and I admit that despite having my shopping done early and minimal drama this year and all the blessings in the world I felt a bit flat and down! It is what it is and I hope there were many good moments and I love your positivity through it all xo

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Kez, you are so right. I always feel like there is something wrong with me, you see all these perfect images on instagram and Facebook and it is just bullshit isn’t it. It is ok to feel sad an miss your family on Christmas. Hope you had a great one, Happy new year to you xxx

  11. Rob

    I can so relate to your post….I was also a bit flat…. even though I was surrounded by loving family and spending Christmas by the sea for the first time ever ….but it was also the first Christmas since my Mum passed, I wasn’t in my beloved (albeit very dry) outback with my sisters & brother & families…. and my youngest son was in Ireland with his new wife and her family. I was with my gorgeous husband & grandkids & their lovely parents (& in a spectacular oceanfront home) but strangely I was still struggling. I gave myself a lecture and worked through the sadness as you do and soon bounced back to form!!!!
    Hope it rains soon for us all and 2019 is amazing xxxxx

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes Rob, I am hearing you. So sorry about your Mum passing. That would have been a tough Christmas and it is ok for us to feel down. I am glad I was not the only one giving myself a talking to, ha ha ha. Fingers crossed for some rain. Happy New year to you. xxx

  12. Duane Wellard

    Wishing you a very great New Year. It was lovely to catch up with Mum and Dad for a few days prior to Christmas. Wishing you are all together next Xmas worth dams full beautiful weather for the beach and the live that will be shared between you all. And of course plenty of Espresso Martini’s and champagne. Denise they really are the best thing yet. All our love to you all and a Happy New Year ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Diane, thanks so much. I can’t wait for this Christmas already! Only 350 odd days to go, ha ha ha. Yes to Espresso Martini’s. Happy new year to you.


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