Wild Spark – Mt Isa Event – Tickets ON SALE NOW

January 8, 2019

Many of you will already know what Wild Spark is. It is something I have been working on for many years. You see I have wanted to hold an event in Mt Isa for 3 or 4 years now, I can scroll back in my Facebook messages and see conversations from 2015 and 2016 with my friend Hannah where I am talking about this.

So I have banged on about it for years and this year it is actually happening. Last year I decided to stop talking about it and make it happen.

I wanted to bring the kind of event to Mt Isa that you would usually have to drive to town, get on a plane, and fly to a major city to attend. You see I am a bit of a conference junkie and love networking and meeting new people, so I wanted to bring this to rural, regional and remote ladies.

I kept putting it off because I didn’t think I could organise it until I had a heap of sponsorship. Wrong, boy was I wrong, I just had to do it. I needed the sponsorship to keep the ticket prices down, however getting sponsorship for an event that has never actually happened is not that easy, actually it is pretty darned impossible.

One company who has been so supportive since I approached them early in 2018 is Birdsnest. I sent them an email asking if they would be the major sponsor. They got straight back to me telling me they couldn’t help out with cash sponsorship but they could send up their PR/Marketing Bird and a Videographer at their own expense.

OMG…. I was so excited because, to tell you the truth, the reason I wanted them on board is because they really do nail marketing and emails. Even their website, everything they do online is just spot on. Oh and did I mention Jane – the founder of Birdsnest – lives on a farm so she understands where we are coming from. They are all about helping women be the best they can be and that is what Wild Spark is all about too.

So there I was, I had Birdsnest willing to support and help me which I was so grateful for. Tahlia has been such a massive help and guided me along the way and I can’t thank her enough.

I also completed a 12 week WiRE program at the end of last year. You can read all about it HERE. That really gave me the kick in the backside that I needed to believe in myself. It was through that program that I decided to turn this one event into an actual business. It would be more than just one day.

I also had to think of a business name. So, while sitting around a table with all of my school of the air Mum friends one day, we started brainstorming names. I wanted it to be something fun that encompassed who we are and where we live. So, may I present to you, drum roll please… Wild Spark.

Rural Women’s Network. Wild – because we live in the wild and spark – well it means “ignite/explosion, sense of liveliness and excitement” – I mean – hello – that is definitely us and that is what I want this network to be all about – excitement. Trying new things, stepping out of your comfort zone. Connecting rural, regional and remote women. Being the best you can be no matter where you live.

My next step was figuring out a logo. It was while I was down in Brisbane sitting down with my good friend Ed and trying to design the logo that it came to me – I want Ed on board. I knew I wanted to partner with someone to do this but finding the perfect person is tricky, you don’t want to stuff that up. But I knew Ed would be a perfect fit, I was just worried she wouldn’t be keen. So I asked her and guess what – she said yes. Yes, yes, yes 100% yes.

I was so excited. That night we celebrated over a glass or three of wine at the Brookie Store and so began our new adventure together.

We are such a great match because we really think alike but we bring different skills to the table. Ed is fabulous with the business side of things, which in hindsight I now realise this is why I didn’t ever get around to doing it – because of the business roadblock. But Ed has had her own businesses, she knows what to do and has the right contacts, so it was perfect. I love to faff around with graphics, and invites and the pretty stuff so we work really well together. I even introduced Ed to Facebook Live last week and she is hooked. You can read all about how I met Ed HERE.

We will be doing a Facebook live happy hour each week from now on – every Friday!

So through this all we have been organising our launch event in Mt Isa and we are so excited to be able to finally release the tickets. Yes that is right – THEY ARE ON SALE NOW!!! Woo hoo! We have six fabulous guest speakers. Kirsten Smith from Skin Boss and Kirsten & Co, Kristy Withers from Incy Interiors, Tahlia Nicholson from Birdsnest, Fiona Mitchell from Cloud Bookkeeping NT, Nikki Parkinson from Styling You and Shelly Hawkins from Trek West Tailored Hiking Tours.

Click HERE to purchase tickets.

So there you have it… our very first Wild Spark Event. This is just the start my friends. We are working on a website and this will become our hub. Baby steps! If you haven’t already please find us over on Facebook and like our page, that way you can stay up to date with all of the happenings.

We hope to see you at our event in Mt Isa on Friday 8th March 2019. It is going to be such fun. I mean just look at that speaker line up – how fabulous! Oh and did we mention that the 8th March just also happens to be International Women’s Day? What better reason to round up your friends and have a road trip!! Nothing beats a girls road trip does it?

Now, strap yourself in for a fun ride. We are so excited to have you along.

If you would like to contact us regarding this event just shoot us an email at hello@misschardy.com

Who’s in? Are you coming? We would love to hear from you in the comments below. Lets start this Wild Spark community right here – please introduce yourself. Tell us where you live and a little something about you.


  1. Nicole

    Wow! I remember when you were first mentioning it on you blog! Good on you and the team!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Nicole, it’s been a long haul, but it is really happening. So excited!!!

  2. Sally

    Oh I wish! Timing just isn’t right for me to even try this year. I hope it’s not the only one you ever do 😉💗

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sal, it is just the beginning!!!



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