School Holidays

January 15, 2019

How are the school holidays going at your place? Dragging on? We are heading off on holidays this Friday and I cannot wait. Get those kids off the lounge and out doing something.

I have basically given up when it comes to games and screens at this late stage of the holidays. We have had a rule all year that the kids are NOT allowed to play the X-Box or Wii … ever… and it has been great. That rule seems to have gone out the window and it is just open slather.

And guess what – it seems the X-box even provides meals. They don’t seem to need feeding while they are playing so i figure there must be some sort of virtual cafeteria that they are going to. Why do I think this? Simple – the other day I told them to get off and go and do something (I do this sometimes so don’t worry – be alert but not alarmed).

I was busy working and boy did they give me a run for my money. Why did I choose that busy moment to ban it? Rookie error. Now because they didn’t have access to the X-Box cafeteria all they wanted to do was eat.

“I’m hungry…. what is there to eat” – um not much sorry buddy, what does the X-Box have on offer? It also seems that a child can, in fact, survive on vegemite toast alone. That has been Harry and Clancy’s staple diet the whole holidays, I kid you not. Thank goodness Tom eats like an actual human being. They must have vegemite on toast in the X-Box cafeteria.

It is just so hot outside so I have just let them go with TV and games, with some jobs, a swim in the pool and some lego on the side. It is way too hot outside to do anything.

Please tell me I am not alone? My house is an absolute mess… well it was until I got stuck into the boys rooms on the weekend. I figured it was time to sort Harry out for boarding school. His uniform was all still in plastic, not a name tag to be seen. So I pulled it all out, washed it and it is all packed ready to go. I have ditched the stitch on tags and ordered some iron on labels, I will put them on while we are at the coast. #organisedmum

This was the situation in Clancy’s room… the lego just keeps on accumulating – this is about 10 years worth of lego collection…

And the after shot – I have even packed his bag for holidays – turns out maybe I am a little bit organised…

We head off on Friday for the 3 day drive to the coast. I can’t wait. I am even looking forward to the road trip – I must be desperate! I am really looking forward to some cooler weather where we can get outside and do stuff. Beach, walks, exercise outdoors – imagine that!

We are just having 7 nights at the coast and will then head to Brisbane to drop the boys at boarding school. Gosh it will be a sad and sorry state of affairs in the car driving home, Clancy will be so lonely. Imagine how much room we will have!

How are things going at your place? Am I the only bad parent who has just given in to the games?

Hang in there, it is nearly time to go back to school. Now, I need to get a heap of jobs done here so we are ready to leave on Friday. Over and out. Oh and I also need to find that X-Box cafeteria so we can all eat there tonight.


Would you like a day out? We are holding our very first Wild Spark Rural Women’s Network event in Mt Isa on Friday 8th March 2019 – International Women’s Day. You can purchase your tickets HERE.


  1. The Shady Baker

    Oh this is my life too..almost! Too hot to be outside after about 9am so its DVDs with a side of Lego and a few dam swims much later in the evening. I have had to outsource my label sewing to an efficient aunt after receiving several lectures from our boarding school about iron labels coming off in their commercial machines. The struggle is actually real. Good luck and happy holidays.

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh no, I might have to sew the iron ons on, ha ha ha ha ha. The good old laundry marker might be the best option!

  2. Anne Davis

    Consecutive 46deg days here in SA 🥵🥵🥵
    Jobs done first thing each day then inside with the aircon for the rest of the day/night!

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Anne, how revolting. Thank goodness for air con!!!

  3. Veggie Mama

    I’ve never been one for structured holiday activities, go nuts on whatever you want, I say! Have fun on your holidays <3

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Stace.


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