Miss Chardy & Wild Spark Update

March 4, 2019

Why hello there and hello March. What??? How in the hell is it March already. Seriously. I feel like I was only just muttering those very words in 2018! I really don’t know where time has gone but with it flying by faster and faster each year it is no wonder it has taken me 4 years to get this Wild Spark event happening in Mt Isa.

What is Wild Spark I hear you ask… it is a rural & remote business network my friend – Ed – and I have created. You can read all about it HERE. We are holding our very first event this week. Eeeeeeeek. I am beyond excited. This time tomorrow I will be driving to town to get ready for it. Like I said this event has been 4 years in the making. It is a 1 day conference type affair with 6 guest speakers, ending with networking drinks and canapรฉs afterwards.

Now, it has been brought to my attention that some people may be under the impression that there is an actual separate Cocktail Party afterwards, the type where you go get frocked up and come back. I am so sorry that it may have been a bit unclear but that is not the case. Our speakers/conference will finish around 5:30pm, we then pop some bubbly, everyone gets a complimentary glass of bubbly – sponsored by Cattlesales.com.au – and the chance to mingle, network and browse the trade stalls until 8:30pm. There will be canapรฉs to nibble on and friends to meet. This all happens in the same area where the conference is being held, think of it as after work drinks. We wanted to keep everyone together and just let it flow on. I hope that has cleared things up.

There are still a few tickets available if you want to get your little paws on one. You can get yours HERE.

Things have been a little quiet here on Miss Chardy. I guess they are right when they say you can do it all, but you can do it all at the same time. All of my spare time of late has been taken up with Wild Spark and I have loved every single second of it. It puts a real spring in my step and floats my boat. Ed and I are both so passionate about bringing women together and our Wild Spark event in Mt Isa has come together so well. We have over 100 ladies attending and what a fabulous bunch they are. I just can’t wait for the day, it is going to be such fun and our speaker line up is second to none. Such a great bunch of inspirational women.

Things have also been busy on the station. Normally at this time of the year it is still quite wet and we don’t have many staff back but it is the opposite – super dry and we nearly have a full crew. We have had around 12 – 16 around the dinner table each night which has been great, such a fun bunch too.

I am still loving myself sick in the new station kitchen and still madly in love with the dishwasher! I loving cooking up a storm in there. You can read all about our new kitchen and the love of my life HERE.

I would love to say that I have been back in the swing on things on the exercise front but that would be a big fat lie. I haven’t. I did try for about 2 days. I tried to get back out on the jogging track but the flies up here are next level. I have never seen them so bad. It is revolting. This was the situation when I did attempt to go for a walk one morning….

So between cooking, mowing, office work and Wild Spark I haven’t really done anything else. Actually it seems a whole month has slipped by and I haven’t left the station, surely that can’t be right. Nope that is right – I haven’t. No wonder I am busting to head off at 4am tomorrow. I have a 10am hair appointment I need to make it to and let me tell you I am so overdue for a hair cut and colour it isn’t funny.

What’s been happening in your part of the world. What have you been up to? I want to hear it all.

Are you coming to our event in Mt Isa on Friday? If you are I can’t wait to see you there. Over and out.


  1. Robbsie

    One hundred or more Wild Spark Women ! That old Civic Centre is likely to explode with all that exuberance and the champagne corks popping. What a amazing line up of speakers you have gathered Miss Chardy, it makes me excited just thinking about all the energy, learning, motivation and fun you are going to have together. You have created something wonderful ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿพ Robbsie

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Robbsie, you would have LOVED IT!!! Seriously, was is just a dream? This time last week we were blowing up balloons getting ready. It was such an amazing day with the best bunch of women ever! I am just in the process of getting a blog post written to share with you all. There sure were champagne corks flying and so much fun was had. The speakers were just so inspirational and if people left that room feeling only half as inspired as I did then they would be feeling pretty bloody good. The old Isa Hotel and Red Earth Cocktail Bar also got a fair workout! Can’t wait to share this with you. We might need to come to Allora!

  2. Nikki @ Styling You

    Go Dan and Ed – what an achievement! I can’t wait to be there for the first of many Wild Spark events. x


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