Cooking with Chard: Weekly Meal Plan

April 8, 2019

Yep, it is definitely groundhog day here. I haven’t left the station in a month and I am starting to go banana’s. It is not healthy for me. So it seems the only interesting thing I have to blog about is my weekly meal plan. GIVE ME STRENGTH. This is what it has come down to my friends. I get up, I go to the kitchen, I cook, I come home, I go to bed, I get up, I go to the kitchen, I cook, I come home, I go to bed…. repeat day in, day out. All I can say is thank god for Podcasts and Audiobooks.

Now don’t get me wrong, I am actually really enjoying the cooking but get me off this station for 5 minutes… please!!! I think it is time to pop over and have a night with Mrs Savvy B.

I think it is time to start working on our next Wild Spark adventure to keep me sane! But until then here is yet another meal plan. I honestly cook the same shit week in and week out, but they seem to like it. I do try to mix it up a little but after a month of not going anywhere even I am bored with it all.

So here is the same old food on the meal plan…



Geez, things have hit an all time low – 2 recipes. Far out. My Devilled Sausages would have to be one of the easiest meals you could possibly make, great with veg or just pasta. I literally throw everything into the slow cooker (no pre cooking anything). I chop the sausages up, throw them in. Slice a heap of onions, throw them in. Some cans of tinned tomatoes. Then a really good sprinkle (or more like a heap) of gravy mix (I use the Maggie Gravy). That is all there is too it. Mix it around, might need some water, who knows. Turn the thing on and cook for about 6-8 hours.

For my Chicken Curry well I really do seem to love experimenting with curry at the moment. I even made beef curry meat pies on the weekend, they were good to. For my chicken curry of late I use a jar of Panang thai curry paste. It is so good. The trick to getting the flavour spot on is some kaffir lime leaves!

I ordered some of these on our last fruit and veg order from the Tennant Creek Foodbarn, I didn’t hold high hopes that they would actually have them. Anyway, turns out they didn’t have them but some did turn up in a plastic bag that said “these are from Gail”. Gail runs the Foodbarn and had obviously brought some in from her garden for me. What a bloody legend. I was so excited. They really do make the curry perfect. I need to get myself a kaffir lime tree STAT! Thanks so much Gail, you rock.

So please tell me, what has been happening in your world. I need to live vicariously through someone who has a life. Please tell me all the things.

I would love to know what is cooking at your place.


  1. Mandy

    We live in suburban Perth, I’m a part time lawyer and full time Mum. This week the menu here is chicken paprika, bolognese, lentil vegie and smoked ham soup, and whatever my lovely MIL brings us the day she does school pick up. We all love your hot steak and crunchy potato salad, will have to factor that in sometime soon!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Mandy, you sure sound busy! I am so happy that you love the hot steak and crunchy potato salad dish – it is my favourite. God I love it.

  2. minnieandmav

    I used to work at the Foodbarn many moons ago! I know Gail! Cannot believe she runs it now…

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there. Oh I was just so grateful for those Kaffir Lime Leaves! God love Gail.


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