The Family Photo: 2019

April 10, 2019

I need to ask you all a question. Do you have as much trouble as I do trying to get a family photo? It causes me so much stress and anxiety that it is no wonder we hardly have any family photos. Seriously – it isn’t that hard is it to stay still, look at the camera and pretend to be a wholesome happy family for 10 seconds? Am I asking too much? Put on the fake smile people and pretend you love me, that is all I am asking. I don’t think that is too much is it?

It seems the only kind of recent family photo I have had is now nearly 2 years old. So I thought it was time for an update. Thankfully we needed a half decent one to go in a book so my husband was at least on board, so that was a bonus.

I tried to flatten Clancy’s unruly hair that was sticking up all over the place and may not have been brushed for god only knows how long. Then there was Harry’s hair – sticking up like a bird at the back – tried to flatten that with water. Made Clancy put on a t-shirt that didn’t have a hole in it and Mr Chardy even had a shave. Things were looking promising. Clancy did keep messing with his hair but I was beyond caring by that stage.

Off we went outside to find an okay-ish spot. Tracked down Chris – our Bore Runner – to take the dreaded shot with Tom’s iPhone – so high tech around these parts, I tell you!

Ok, now pose people, come on work with me, it really isn’t that hard. The flies were next level, the sun was in our eyes and everyone was carrying on like an absolute pork chop. I just told Chris to take a billion pics and surely there would be one where everyone has their eyes open and doesn’t look drunk.

I thought I was quite calm but having said that there was one moment where I lost my shit, dropped about 5 F Bomb’s and then black-mailed the kids with soft drink and chips.

So in the end we managed to get about 2 half decent shots… not perfect but ok. Presenting you the Chardy Family Photo of 2019….

No one has sunglasses on their face or their hat – tick, and Mr Chardy only has one eye shut, bonus! Harry is even smiling – that is is miracle. You would never ever know that I had just sworn at the lot of them would you – we look so happy don’t we. ha ha ha ha ha.

What – does Mr Chardy actually have both of his eyes open in this one? Kind of. We look a bit awkward don’t we. Ha ha ha ha.

So there you have it… our family photo. Is this how photos roll in your family? A highly stressful event? Just thinking about it makes me anxious and itchy. But it is worth the swearing in the end when you get that picture that makes you look like a happy family, ha ha ha.

Tell me how you go. Would love to hear your funny stories. Surely I am not the only psycho out there when it comes to the dreaded family pic.


  1. Mish

    You made me laugh out loud because I have a similar problem with my family, well more specifically my 26 year old son. He hates having his photo taken, whereas the rest of the family will go along with my crazy idea to document a get together.

    Classic example was last Sunday, we all got together for lunch and my son flat out refused to take a photo. So I put him and everyone on notice that we Will be taking a family photo when we get together on Good Friday for lunch. Wish me luck!


    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Mish, I feel your pain, seriously!!!! Let me know how the Good Friday photo goes, I am feeling anxious for you!

  2. Karen Doyle

    You did well!! In our family, my Mother is the worst person – always talking, always eyes shut, always with peculiar look on her face, the worst posture, and then is the first to complain that we don’t have any good family photos. baaaa

    • Miss Chardy

      Ha ha ha ha ha, that is too funny!!!

  3. Barbie Walker

    Great photos well done it’s always hard to get fa good group photo

    • Miss Chardy

      So hard Barbie!!!

  4. Miss Chardy’s Bib Sis

    Sorry Chards I can’t relate to you at all…my family are PERFECT when it comes to family photos 😜

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh I KNOW!!!!! ha ha ha ha

  5. Bron

    Absolutely hilarious! Great photos by the way. 🙂


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