Cooking with Chards: Weekly Meal Plan

May 6, 2019

Oh yep, there we go, another week has passed us by and we are at Monday again already. Perhaps you are still snug as a bug tucked up in bed because it is a public holiday where you are. That sounds like heaven!

The weather has FINALLY cooled down up here, touch wood. I just don’t want to jinx it… I love a spot of cooler weather. I actually have a jumper on!

Ok, enough about the weather and how fast the weeks go by, and onto our meal plan…

Same old same old on the menu here. How about you? Are you totally bored with your menu?

Now if you need some recipes…

Crumbed Steak
Potato Bake
Cruella deVilled Sausages

I really do need to mix things up a bit don’t I. Gosh, it is literally the same thing week in and week out. Please tell me it is like this at your place too. I guess these meals just work and they like them.

Have a great week my friends.


  1. Dave

    Why don’t you get a full time cook on the station

    • Miss Chardy

      Sorry I haven’t replied to this Dave. In the past we have had full time cooks, now I have decided to do it, with 2 kids away at school and Clancy in school here it is much easier. I have a backpacker instead of a full time cook to help with the other jobs that I don’t get around to know, so it works out really well.


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