Brookfield Show 2019

May 27, 2019

Well here we are again, approaching another month gone. 27th May, what the heck? It feels like this is how I start all of my blog posts lately… another month gone by, just like that. May has been a busy month.

A couple of weeks ago Miss Chloe, Clancy and I headed into town for the annual School of the Air Home Tutor Seminar, Activity Days and Sports Day. It is always a fun week to catch up with friends – both for the adults and kids. Poor little Clancy hasn’t been anywhere all year really so it was good to get him in there and amongst some kids.

On the Friday after sports day Clancy and I headed down to Brisbane to visit his brothers who are at boarding school down there. I thought I would treat Clancy to a little trip away. We stayed with my friend Ed (you know Ed – my Wild Spark partner) at Brookfield. Oh it is always so great to get back there. We just love Brookfield. We chose this weekend not only because it fitted in really well with the end of Home Tutor week but also because it was the Brookfield Show weekend.

Ed went and collected Tom and Harry after school on Friday, so they could watch the Rodeo at the show and Clancy and I arrived down around 9:30pm, collected our hire car and headed to Ed & Robs.

Clancy has never been to a show before and Harry was almost the same. In fact my kids have only ever been to the Brookfield Show. We took Harry and Tom years ago when they were probably only about 4 & 3, we just happened to be in Brisbane when it was on so headed on there. You see my husband used to live there when he was in high school, went to pony club there blah blah blah – so he was always banging on about it. So when he heard the show was on we just had to go. It was such fun to, the most gorgeous show you will ever see. That was way before we ever knew Ed & Rob or anyone else down there. Isn’t it funny how things work out.

So yes – Clancy’s very first show. I don’t think he had any idea what he had been missing. I told him about the show bags and ride and yummy food. They sure gave it all a good nudge too. Lots of show bags (I may have to sell a kidney) and he at his body weight in dagwood dogs.

Seriously you guys, I have never seen a show like it, such a beautiful spot and even the show food was second to none. I didn’t know what to eat next, so many yummy options. Ed and I may well have eaten our body weight in dumplings. Oh so good and don’t even get me started on this curly potato on a stick contraption, I may have had 2 of those in one day. And what about the Churros. Even the bar was amazing. On Sunday afternoon they had Pimms Cocktails…. um excuse me but yes, I will take one thanks.

Such a beautiful spot and even the show food was second to none. I didn’t know what to eat next, so many yummy options. Ed and I may well have eaten our body weight in dumplings. Oh so good and don’t even get me started on this curly potato on a stick contraption, I may have had 2 of those in one day. And what about the Churros. Even the bar was amazing. On Sunday afternoon they had Pimms Cocktails…. um excuse me but yes, I will take one thanks.

Harry was so great with Clancy. Tom had gone off and found his own gang to hang with so Harry went on all the little rides with Clancy. Clancy was beside himself to see some dodgem cars.

And went down this slide about 7,326 times…

It was so great to watch the boys have fun on the rides. Clancy just kept asking for more dagwood dogs, slushies and show bags and who was I to say no.

Oh and funny story… we had not long arrived at the show on Saturday morning when this lovely young lady said hello and told me her Sister was a Miss Chardy reader, so we whipped that camera out faster than you can say #smile and got a quick pic for her.

Thanks so much for saying hi Georgie, it was so lovely to meet you and your Dad. Hope you had a great time at the show!

Clancy and I headed back last Tuesday. Gosh it was a long day. We were up and at it at around 4:30 (well I was anyway to put my “face” on), we had to drop the boys back at school and be at the airport by around 7:30am. We totally nailed it arrived at the terminal by around 7. Pretty tired though and it was only the start. We flew back to Mt Isa, did a few quick jobs in town, grabbed some Macca’s drive through (Clancy will roll the 24 Nug pack like it is nobodies business) and then hit the road for the 5 hour drive home. We got home around 6:30pm and I was absolutely busted.

We arrived home to a lovely clean house but then all the crap from my car was dumped down and it was a disaster zone. From clean to bitch in 7 seconds. I honestly can never seem to get that unpacking shit sorted. How do you guys do it? I seem to end up in the biggest mess. Then it all gets overwhelming and too much and just thinking about it makes me itchy. But on the weekend I finished listening to an audiobook I started ages ago: The Girl who Climbed Everest. After listening to all she had achieved since age 8 (when she trekked Kokoda for the first time) I though it was time I put my big girl pants on and get my shit sorted. I figured if she could train, do Kokoda, climb Kilimanjaro, learn mountaineering, attempt Everest 2 times and then finally reach the summit on the 3rd go by the age of 19 then surely I could clean my house in 3 hours on a Saturday afternoon. Surely! So I did. I put her in my ears and off I went. I thought, seriously Dan – this girl had a 24 hour window to reach the summit – she sure as hell didn’t stop moving and just did it – one foot in front of the other, literally, so move your ass girlfriend and get this house sorted, don’t stop moving, just keep cleaning. Summit of Everest / cleaning my house – basically the same thing right? Feels so much better. I think I need to keep listening to these type of audiobooks because here I am up at 4:30am to do a blog post and then go for a walk before I start my day. JUST DO IT.

Wow, ok I think I need to stop blabbing no now and leave you in peace. Once again if you have made it down here well done to you and thanks for being such a legend.

What have you guys been up to? I feel like I have been missing in action. I really do neglect you all when I am with real people don’t I. Turns out maybe I couldn’t do this blogging business if I lived in town amongst people. Thank god I have you guys to keep me sane – virtually.

Tell me everything… been to any shows lately? Am I the only one with a 7 year old who has never been to a show and didn’t know what a show bag was. Am I the only nut job who compares summiting Everest to cleaning my house?

Over and out my friends.


  1. Joanne Williams

    Having been raised in the country, I love a country show Dan! It was the major event of the year during my childhood. I’m back living in the country now, and last year went to our local show, entering some cooking and craft into the exhibits. How funny that Brookfield has its own show, given it’s proximity to Brisbane! it probably originated when it was an outlying rural area. It’s wonderful to read that they have kept it going.

    • Miss Chardy

      Yes, I used to love the Mudgee Show. My friend Ed won many ribbons with her flowers and chutney at the Brookie show. It is just such a great show.

  2. Mary J

    Being city cousins we took our two on the bus out to the Royal at Easter. We had a blast. I kept rabbiting on about how it was walking distance from home when I was a kid and it was at Moore Park. We parked ourselves in for the ring events at about 4 and stayed til
    the end! So good! No show bags this year, I didn’t want to go into that Pavilion! We need to take them to a country show again – Narromine is our one!

  3. Poppy Rex

    I thought those boys would have smiles from ear to ear, but no, not a one!!!

    • Miss Chardy

      I know, gosh you would think I had taken them to the dentist wouldn’t you, ha ha ha ha

  4. Mish

    Getting any major household chores is akin to climbing Mt Everest at the moment in my house. I’ve got one housemate getting ready to leave, another getting ready to move in and I’m in the midst of a busy month and lots of projects!

    Hang in there Chards! I promise to have a cheeky glass of Italian red wine for you tonight 🙂


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