Playgroup Outback Style

April 2, 2014


This one is a quick trip,
only an 80km 3 gate job

Clancy and I had a little outing this morning.  We headed to our southern neighbours house for a playgroup.   The girls from Remote Area Family Services (RAFS) travel around the vast country side visiting isolated families with children aged 5 and under.  Based in Mt Isa, they cover a huge area including the Gulf & Channel Country areas in QLD all the way across to the Barkly Tableland in the NT.  My friend invited us down for a small playgroup, it was just her little boy and mine.  A great chance to catch up for children and Mums.  

clancy car

We had a lovely drive together,
the other 2 boys had to stay home and do school

rafs car

The RAFS car is always jam packed
full of toys and craft

Clancy & Will enjoyed playing with all sorts of goodies and even a doll house.  Clancy doesn’t see much pink so he was quite excited to play with this one.  They went outside and played games and also had story time.

clancy story

Clancy loved listening to a story

dolls house

He doesn’t see many doll houses
and loved playing with this one

By the time it was all finished and we had enjoyed a lovely lunch he was plum tuckered out and ready to sleep the whole way home. We arrived home just as the older two boys finished school.

clancy busted

Plum tuckered out….
it was a quiet trip home


  1. Kezunprepared

    Such a cool insight into life for little ones in the outback! So great that such a service is available 🙂

  2. ffhousemouse

    Oh look at His Royal Cuteness! Such fun. LOVE the dolls house.


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