Wild Spark Podcast Trailer

April 14, 2020

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Just 2 crazy ladies who love life and love a chat over a glass of wine.  Here is a quick intro.  We can’t wait to share this podcasting journey with you.  

Check out this episode!


Oh my god, somebody stop me. Because I love to overcommit my good friend Ed and I have decided it would be a good idea to start a podcast. Now in my head this involves a fun chat that we record in the comfort of my podcasting studio (aka: my wardrobe) and then a quick edit and upload to the various podcast streaming thingy’s – see, so technical.

In reality it is A LOT of work and I am so pleased I didn’t realised what an undertaking it would be because I would never do it. As Ed always says “If it were easy everyone would do it”. But it seems like EVERYONE is doing it so I thought it really would be easy.

The lovely Nikki Moffitt from one of my favourite podcasts – Two Fat Expats – has offered me so much advice. Our chats on facebook messenger date back to 2016 – that is how long I have been wanting to do a podcast for. I have had a microphone sitting here for about 3 years.

So we have finally decided to throw caution to the wind and really did press record. So yes – we are basically professional podcasters now. Ha ha ha ha, oh dear lord, just thinking about it makes me laugh.

I am not sure I could overcommit anymore if I tried right now. I was up at 4:30am yesterday and 4:00am this morning. I mean being trapped on the stations makes me crazy at the best of times but in this current Covod-19 climate I am going bonkers… I have become an author, hairdresser, kickboxer, YouTube vlogger (well that is actually a work in progress if I can ever upload my video from my phone to YouTube) and now a podcaster – oh and don’t forget blogger and station cook. Who in the hell do I think I am??? Jack of all trades and MASTER OF NONE.

So there you have it my friends… the trailer to our Podcast… which apparently you can’t just record and upload as apparently it can take days to be accepted by Apple Podcasts – who’d have thought??? So this is the tester, we will then have the first episode ready to drop once we have the all clear from iTunes. Seriously guys, this is too funny, if I don’t laugh I will definitely cry. Thank god for Nikki Moffitt is all I can say – she has been a lifesaver. I also found the best YouTube tutorial that walked me through every single little step – held my hand. So let’s see how we go.

Geez, I honestly have no clue what I am doing – none!!!!! But I will never learn if I don’t try as I go, so lets do this my friends. Who knows if anyone will even be able to hear it.

It is definitely time to get back into the wardrobe and have a chat to Ed about the process so far. I need a laugh that is for sure.

Wish us luck my friends.


  1. Sooze

    OMG you guys rock. I am amazed by both your tenacity and determination and your love of life.
    Sooze the Blanket Queen

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh thanks Sooze! We are so excited about the Podcast!!!

  2. Nikki

    It’s been so fun, love a good podcast. Can’t wait to hear your first episode.

    • Miss Chardy

      Can’t thank you enough for all of your help… me messaging you in the middle of the night your time and you actually answering me! Thanks so much, we wouldn’t be where we are without your help. I am about to drop the first episode… just sitting here trying to figure out a few things but hopefully it is all good. You are a legend.


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