Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

April 20, 2020

Is it really that time of the week again? Seriously you guys it is beginning to feel like groundhog day here. Same thing different day.

In a normal world I would have been in the car at 4:30 this morning with Tom and Harry to take them into Mt Isa to put them on the plane back to boarding school, then I would have had a night in town – a little get away. But no – we are entering into our 6th week on the station without going anywhere. My whole year has really been the same, basically I have had 2 weeks off the station all year. Jan and Feb were my training months for Corona, but we were stuck here due to wet roads. Then I had just under 2 weeks off the station, then back here to stay for god knows how long. Give me strength. I usually have something to look forward to that keeps me going.

Look, it is lovely to have the boys here at home with us but I am feeling very anxious about the whole homeschooling of a year 8 and a year 10 – I can almost hear the screaming between Tom and I, it isn’t going to be pretty my friends. But I need to change my attitude (as Ed would tell me) and get on with things. In the whole scheme of things it is only 5 weeks (well it is supposed to be only 5 weeks, who really knows) and I am really going to try and roll with the punches and not get worked up. The whole world is in the same situation, I am just pleased it isn’t my year 3 child I have to teach, at least Tom and Harry will be able to work alone. I really feel for people with younger children – I am sending positive vibes to you people!

It is business as usual for Clancy, thank goodness. School of the Air is going ahead as per usual, so he will continue to trot across the lawn to his schoolroom and do school with his Govie – Miss Cass.

Ok, enough about me and let’s chat food – because, well, that’s all my life really consists of – cooking food, cleaning, mowing, moving sprinklers + repeat. Gosh, listen to me, I really need to give myself a stiff upper cut and get another coffee.

This is how my week is going to look…

Quite a few of them will apparently be in for most of the week, but plans can change at anytime so I have catered for smoko & lunch. I will have to get busy today and do some baking as well, to fill the cake, biscuit and slice containers. No rest for the wicked!



Gosh, I am feeling full and I haven’t even started cooking for the week. Of course you can find all of these recipes and more in Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking. The second edition is available now to pre-order for delivery in early May. Hopefully with less mistakes!!

So please, do tell, what’s cooking at your place this week? I would love to know anything – tell me what has been happening in your world – where do you live, what have you been doing? I need to know all of the things! I’m starting to go a little crazy. Ok – we’ve got this (I just slapped myself).


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