Wild Spark – the podcast, episode 2

April 24, 2020

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Check out this episode!

Well guys – here is is – Episode 2 of the Wild Spark podcast! It can surely only get better from here. This episode is totally up to shit in the sound quality department. We can’t apologise enough. If you can bring yourself to listen to it we would recommend earphones to help with the sound – although that may well cause hearing loss.

This week we chat all things corona and how our day to day lives are looking. We also tell the story of how we met, under very sad circumstances. You can also read the whole story HERE. We then talk about my cookbook, homeschooling and our weight loss journey (if your ears can make it that far with the terrible sound quality, ha ha ha).

Turns out doing a podcast isn’t all that easy – who’d have ever thought in a million years. It seems like every man and his dog are doing a podcast – “how hard can it be”, I said to myself! Well, the answer is pretty bloody hard! I always think I can do anything – if someone else is doing it then I can do it to and I will damn well show you! What I forget is that many of “those” people have a whole team of people around them, helping to publish the podcast. They have a studio for starters (not just a wardrobe – although that isn’t true at the moment, many people are recording from their bedrooms, so I can’t use that as an excuse), they probably have fabulous internet, they also have producers, editors and “people” who do all the tech work around publishing and sound! Who’d have ever thought!!! ha ha ha ha.

But no – I think I can do it by just watching You Tube videos and you know what – I can. This week I can only blame the poor sound quality on the internet – which has since died all together! Please hang in there – we have bought Ed and microphone and it should be landing at her house today (if not already). One podcast at a time we will get the hang of this. Why am I always so hard on myself to have everything perfect from day one (didn’t I learn anything from the Epic Cookbook Fail)? This is definitely a time when I should take my own advice: DONE IS BETTER THAN PERFECT…. and this podcast is done and definitely not perfect, but gee we have fun chatting with each other.

Please let us know if there is anything you would like us to discuss in the podcast or anything in particular you would like to know. I think a segment that would be great is if, each week, I give you 1 thing that is unique to our life up here that differs from Eds (or people living in urban areas) – like our power situation, or how we get our fuel, or how our stores are delivered – what do you think?

We would love to hear from you, so please shoot us a question. You can send us a facebook message or email us at hello@misschardy.com

Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Robbsie

    Keep at it Miss Chardy. You’re doing great.

    • Miss Chardy

      Thanks Robbsie xxx


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