Adels Grove – The Whitsundays of the Outback

September 26, 2014

We took our visitors on a bit of a road trip to Adels Grove the other day.  Just popped interstate for a quick little day trip, which looked something like this: 200km, 4 hours, through the paddocks, into another state and time zone (and that was just one way).

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

It was all worth it though.  We headed off at 6am, out through our western paddocks and over through Mr & Mrs Sav’s station, where we stopped for a quick toilet break.  I also felt guilty, so collected her two boys and took them with us too – so that made 9 children in total (and 8 of them boys, god help us).  Mr Sav dropped out of the sky and landed his plane right in front of us as we arrived – of course he did!  Because that is how we roll out here.

Adels Grove The two little Sav’s were very excited to see us and raced out to greet our cars, just look at the little ferals, still in their pj’s – I told them to hot foot it back inside, grab a hat, shoes, jump in and they can come along with us.

Adels Grove

And we were off again, only another 90km’s to go and some beautiful scenery.  There may have been a slight spot of car sickness from one child, but we sorted it out and continued on our way.

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

After about 4 hours we finally arrived in paradise.  Adels Grove is truly The Whitsundays of the Outback.  You drive for hours and hours through scrubby country, over rough roads thinking “what the hell are we doing” and then BAM- this appears out of nowhere:

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

We changed into our cozzies and headed for the beautiful water.  They have tyre tubes everywhere and the children had great fun riding down the rapids on them.

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

After a bit of swimming we headed back up to the huge deck/bar/restaurant for some lunch.  All the children sat around a table and the adults + the only girl sat off by ourselves, ahhhhh peace and quite and a cheeky little wine.  This deck area is gorgeous, I could have settled in for the afternoon.

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Then it was back down to the water for one last swim before we had to turn around and face the 4 hour drive home.  This deep swimming spot is right near the camping area and is breathtaking.  The children had so much fun on the pontoon.  There was also a rope that they could swing off.  The water was perfect.

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

Adels Grove

 A great day was had by all.  Clancy was asleep nearly as soon as his head hit his car seat.  Off we went.  Arriving home about 8pm.

Adels Grove

Have you been to Lawn Hill National Park or Adels Grove?  I only discovered this spectacular spot last year.  Head on over to the Adels Grove website and check it out.  They have different types of accommodation available.  They also have a great Facebook page.


  1. Sarah

    I adore this on so many levels. I adore that you drive 4 hours for a swim in paradise then drive 4 hours home when I can’t even be arsed to take the 45 minute train trip to enjoy all that our wonderful Melbourne has to offer us. I adore that you have amazing space and scenery around you, take amazing pictures and then share it with those that long for the same thing, but are confined to the trappings of suburbia. I adore that your kindness took the children with you so that they could enjoy it too. So many lessons in a one day trip. Love it xx

    • Miss Chardy

      Oh Sarah, thanks so much for reading, you are too lovely!!! So glad you enjoy my pictures and stories, sometimes I think it is all a bit boring and that no one would possibly want to hear about it, but that is because it is just everyday stuff to me. xx

      • JP

        Couldn’t be less boring! Great to hear your tales.. I love that you drive interstate for a swim!

        • Miss Chardy

          Hello there, thanks so much for reading. The swim was definitely worth the trip!!!

  2. angela

    Fantastic , I find rural Australia lifestyle fascinating!! Im such a city girl and I love reading your stories as suburbia is so different!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Angela, great to hear from you, thanks so much for reading, I am so glad you enjoy it.

  3. Megan

    Wow! What a beautiful part of the world! And right on your doorstep….well outback doorstep! What a fabulous mum to take 8 kids on a day trip, you earned that chardy!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Megan, don’t worry I had 2 other adults with me (who owned 4 of the children). It is such a gorgeous part of the world and the water is absolutely stunning. Thanks so much for reading.

  4. Fashionista

    Thank you for sharing Miss Chardy. Lawn Hill Gorge is one of my favourite outback places (although it has been over 20 years since I’ve been there). The whole “drive for hours through inhospitable terrain and then happen upon this” never failed to blow me away. I think I have about 876 photos of the place, and this was when you had photos developed!

    • Miss Chardy

      I just love it over there Judy, feels like you are on holidays. The water was to die for. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  5. Liz

    I love Adels Grove too. We have camped there twice now, once in the national park part and also in Adels Grove. We hired canoes and paddled as far up as we could even though we had 3 small kiddies with us, so worth it! I love it that it’s difficult and quite a trek to get to, means it stays peaceful and not overcrowded.

    • Miss Chardy

      There are some gorgeous walks in the National Park aren’t there Liz, it is gorgeous up there. We canoed last time and it was just stunning, esp swimming under the waterfall. I also had a 2 year old in the canoe with me then and he loved it too.

  6. Vicki | Style On V

    Amazing that you drive so far and take all those kids to build special memories in such a beautiful place. A must see for me and my girls one day soon. V x

    • Miss Chardy

      You would love it Vicki, hope you get there one day.

  7. Cooker and a Looker

    Miss Chardy that looks DIVINE! We honeymooned in the top end and there were a few times we were surprised by an oasis in the middle of nowhere. I’m adding Adels Grove to my bucket list, with the proviso that we camp – that deck looks worthy of a proper session!

    • Miss Chardy

      Hi Amanda, that deck is DEFINITELY session material! And the camping area is right near that gorgeous waterhole with the pontoon, I would love to camp there. They also have permanent tents. It is amazing. You have to go.

  8. aileen

    Well I think you may have a new follower.. I found you via my friend Bettina, your visitor in this blog..I was reading her email and clicked the link she gave while laying in a hospital bed with a fractured pelvis. your wonderful “little” day trip took me along with you.. Thank you

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello there Aileen (which may I just say is our fabulous cooks name). So glad you dropped by and said hi, it was so great to meet Bettina. Sorry to hear you are in hospital, ouch!!!! Glad you enjoyed your trip with us to Adels Grove though!!! Get well soon!!!

  9. Sublime Finds

    Miss Chardy this looks like a fabulous spot and a super great day! That water! And time for a cheeky wine!? What more could you want? Love it! x

    • Miss Chardy

      It sure is a fabulous spot, the water was just perfect. Love it over there.

  10. Seana Smith

    Oh that looks abolutely marvellous… you’ve brought back lots of memories of trips to the NT… I must look at Google maps to see exactly where this is and then add it to my mental list for when I am a grey nomad.

    • Miss Chardy

      Seana you really must check it out, such a gorgeous part of the world. It is north of Camooweal QLD (north west of Mt Isa). A must see for when you are a Grey Nomad indeed!


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