Cooking with Chards – Weekly Meal Plan

June 29, 2020

Well here we go into our 16th week of not really going anywhere (apart from that one time Tom broke his arm and we had a quick impromptu overnight (literally – arriving at 11pm) trip to Mt Isa. That was fun! I mean things are so desperate that I actually put on a backpack and went for a little walk in the wilderness yesterday. Up a dry arse bushy hill. Then I went down to an almost dried up muddy waterhole just in front of the house, lit a little campfire, boiled my quart pot and sat there and had a cup of coffee – it really was quite peaceful. Anyway, that is where we are at my friends.

But, things are looking up because I am actually hitting the road out of here on Friday for Barkly Women’s Day down at the Barkly Homestead Roadhouse on Saturday. I figured that since we can move freely within the NT I needed to organise a girls day out. I cannot wait. It isn’t going to be anything fancy – just a bunch of women getting together, I mean what else do you need. The day will sort itself out! ha ha ha ha. I think we will have around 40 – 50 women attending so that should be perfect. Everyone is welcome, so if you do live in the area in the NT please come along.

Ok, now to the weekly meal plan… here it is, same shit different week…

What’s happening at your place this week? Are you coming to Barkly Women’s Day? What is on your menu?

Guess what – we sold out of the second batch of cookbooks last week but a new batch arrived at the warehouse just in time. So my friends, if you haven’t already you can get your little paws on one of my cookbooks – Miss Chardy’s Guide to Station Cooking. I promise you won’t be sorry. I cook out of this little book multiple times a day. It has all of my favourite, go-to, recipes in the one spot. We would love to see your creations using the hashtag #cookingwithchards

Have a fabulous week!


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