No Dummy = No Sleep

October 14, 2014

Sleep Deprived

O my god people…… I have lost my shit, big time.  I feel more tired now than I did with a new born.  I am not sure what is wrong with me, surely I can’t be pregnant….. someone will be getting sued if I am….but I am not, so back to my point – I am tired.

Last week I thought it would be a good idea to get rid of Clancy’s dummies.  He was hooked on them, carted them around everywhere and I was just about sick of those dirty little things.  We were constantly looking for lost dummies, he only had 2 left – a green one and a blue one.  If he didn’t have both to go to bed with it was on for young and old: “I want my green dummy” or “I want my blue dummy”.  I thought it was time we got rid of them.  So do you know what I did?  I cut a hole in the blue dummy and gave it to him.  I said “O no, look your dummy has worn out, it has a hole in it, we better throw it out”.  And he did, I was gobsmacked.  I couldn’t believe it.  He didn’t even get upset, he just threw it in the bin and said a little goodbye.

Great, I thought.  That is it then.  But no, the next day he knew that his green dummy was still in existence somewhere.  I spotted it, pocketed it and cut a hole in that one too.  Then I let him find it (Ooooooo, aren’t I just so mean).  And so that dummy went into the bin too.  Gone, great.  Lets get on with things.

Or lets not….. this great dummy ditching exercise has now left me with a 3 year old who has not only given up his dummies, but has also ditched his daytime sleep.

Oh give me strength.  I am not ready for this.  That daytime sleep was my “lets get in and get things done” time.  And now it has gone.  Although as I type this I have actually managed to get him to sleep today.  It involved tantrums, crying and me lying down and having a little sleep with him.  It involved 27 hush-a-bye’s and I can’t even tell you how many times he asked for a glass of milk.

And look at him, so darned cute.  Butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth


So there you have it.  I am in the deep dark depths of toddler hell with no daytime sleep.  I know – first world problem, right?  But it is my first world problem, and I am just not ready to part with that sleep yet.  And it gets worse when I remind myself that he doesn’t start school until 2017 – that is over 2 years away….how the hell do I do another 2 years????  I am telling you, it is lucky he is so bloody cute (and despite how tired and cranky I may appear, he really isn’t that much trouble – I just needed a rant).

I know in the scheme of things this isn’t a huge problem, but when you are tired and have that constant nagging from a 3 year old you really do look forward to that daytime sleep.  Am I right?  I just can’t seem to be able to motivate myself at the moment.  Is it because the year has just flown by so fast?  Is it because it is nearly the end of the year?  I am done.

Remind me of this during the wet season when I am trapped here on the station with no friends and it may be a different story, but right now I don’t have much more in me.  This little extrovert is very quickly becoming an introvert.

How are you fairing at this time of the year?  Are you spent?  Are you feeling a lack of motivation also?  What on earth can we do to pep ourselves up?  Shall I go and crack open a can of coke?  Please tell me I am not the only tired and un-motivated lazy Mum getting around at the moment.




  1. Tracey

    Hi Dan,
    No you are not the only tired & unmotivated Mum out there. That’s me too & I don’t have a 3 year old. I’m having trouble keeping up with the changes in my 2 girls lives & they are 22 & 18. I feel that at the moment I am travelling like a duck swimming, all graceful & calm on top of the water & paddling like buggery underneath.

    • Miss Chardy

      I always love to hear that I am not alone. Love your analogy – graceful on top and paddling liker buggery underneath….. well I don’t even think I am calm on top, I am just cranky and mean. I even just went and cracked open a can of coke….I never drink coke. It has pepped me up somewhat though. So basically you are telling me I should probably make the most of them being young… doesn’t get easier – only harder.

      • Tracey

        No I wouldn’t say harder, just a new series of issues to deal with ( boyfriends, licences, cars, jobs etc ). I am still learning that they are old enough now for me not to micro manage everything for them.

  2. KezUnprepared

    You are not alone!! I know my world would come crumbling down if my (3 next month) Little Mister suddenly gave up his day time sleep! I am so so tired these days! This age is SO HARD! It has come as a shock to me too! I am nagged at, bossed about and jumped on all day and the chasing! The chasing! It’s exhausting. The Little Mister starts 4 year old kindy in 2016 but I’m hoping to get him into a 3 year old program a day a week next year and if I’m perfectly honest, while I know the benefits he’ll gain from it, it’s all really just for me hahaha.
    Hope you can find a little peace and some me-time! It just takes time to adapt, I guess! xo

  3. Betti

    I still remember giving our youngest’s dummies to the lambs… Then finding one of them months later in the paddock…. What we would have paid to have one back that first day and night!!!! Hang in there Miss Chardy, it will be worth it and it will get easier. Mind you losing his dummies and his “frullet” hairstyle in the same week is a huge adjustment for little Clancy! (Consula is concerned!).

    • Miss Chardy

      God I miss you and Consula….doing all the washing myself and sorting my kitchen out is no fun.

  4. Kylie Davies (Huckstepp)

    No you’re not the only one feeling weary don’t worry. I think it’s the onset of hotter weather. Today I actually sat and nodded off at about 10:40am!!! Only for a few seconds but seriously? It must be pretty warm in the territory by now, it’s certainly warming up on the Sunshine Coast. I have a 10yr old and a 15yr old so no excuses but I just could feel my eyelids burning and sat down for a tic and then was off – I woke up with a start and though how embarrassing! Re the dummy Clancy will probably daysleep again. Our last one for my oldest boy fell down the drain at daycare and I said “Oh well wave it goodbye” because like you I’d had it with it but it was a bit of a struggle for a couple of weeks after. Hang in there x

    • Miss Chardy

      Must be that time of the year where we are all a bit tired and over it all. Yes, getting very hot up here.

  5. Mrs T

    The loss of a day time sleep is hard. I hear you. My 4th child is in the transitition period towards non-day-sleeper for the last 3 months or so. And it’s not because he doesn’t need it, he needs it, just not every day any more. And he’s still only 2! I go with the flow. Tough times, (for us!) but just part of the process. And it’s always hardest with the youngest! It will get better, promise! X Mrs T

  6. ffhousemouse

    October is always a looong Month for me…Would young Clancy maybe nod off if you said he was having a ‘rest’ on the sofa with his pillow and quilt and favourite DVD and “YOU MUST NOT HOP UP UNTIL IT IS FINISHED!” Might buy you a tiny bit of peace? Even though it was a decade ago – I remember how frustrating it was! Have decided small children are very tiring and teenagers are very worrying! I think 5yrs to 11 yrs are the BEST years!

    • Miss Chardy

      Might try that. Yes, I agree about the 5-11. I can’t wait until Clancy is in school. Although i shouldn’t complain because he is pretty much an angel. I wouldn’t know what had hit me if he was a little monster. He makes me laugh.

      • ffhousemouse

        ps Sure is ‘pretty darned cute’. Also my heart stopped beating briefly when I saw the word pregnant!

        • Miss Chardy

          Ha ha ha, mine would stop beating altogether if I were pregnant!

  7. Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker

    It was a sad day in our house when the Little Sister gave up her day time sleep. That said, to this day she has a habit of falling asleep in the car at the most inconvenient times.
    Good on you for ditching the dummy though Chards. When I look back at our youngest, the dummy was wrecking her teeth – I just couldn’t see it at the time. They’ve sorted themselves out now though – phew!

    • Miss Chardy

      That is why I ditched it Amanda, I thought it was going to start and ruin his teeth. Now it is ruining my mind because I am going out of it now without that sleep. Throw in toilet training and you have one psycho Mumma.

  8. Mrs B

    Hi Miss Chardy, have stumbled across your blog lately and it’s a great read! And no, you are not alone. Two year old twins here and I. will. die. when they give up their day nap and believe me there have been time lately when I think one is going to! It’s my time to breathe, catch up on jobs, mow the lawn etc. It’s hard enough entertaining them during the day with a nap let alone without! Hope your little man gets back to his routine soon 🙂

    • Miss Chardy

      Hello and welcome to utter chaos Mrs B. Wow – ok so you have put thing into perspective for me – 2 year old twins. Shit. You win – how the hell do you do it? Are you a complete psycho crazy woman? Do you drink alot? Actually you probably don’t have time. I am trying to find a new routine with the day sleep gone. Lots of great suggestions on my facebook page from other Mum’s of toddlers. Thanks for ready and great to have you on board. Good luck with the twins and I hope that sleep continues for your sake!


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